1 2020 Budget 2020   New Gr. Step 1 (Entry) Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 (Maximum)
2 RPT FT       10% - Hiring Range                        
3 ees ees   #   Mthly Hourly Annual                           Monthly Hourly Annual
4 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE                                          
5     Customer Service   CS                                      
6   1 Parking Services Technician 54 10 2.82E+03 16.25 33783 16.65 17.06 17.49 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.30 19.79 20.28 20.79 21.31 21.85 22.39 3941 22.74 47296
7   2 Leisure Services Representative 54 15 2.82E+03 16.25 33783 16.65 17.06 17.49 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.30 19.79 20.28 20.79 21.31 21.85 22.39 3941 22.74 47296
8   5 Customer Service Representative 62 20 3.11E+03 17.95 37327 18.40 18.86 19.32 19.81 20.30 20.81 21.33 21.87 22.41 22.98 23.55 24.14 24.75 4355 25.12 52258
9   1 Customer Service Analyst 70 22 3.44E+03 19.82 41229 20.32 20.82 21.34 21.88 22.42 22.99 23.57 24.15 24.76 25.37 26.01 26.66 27.32 4810 27.76 57720
10 1 1 Court Clerk 74 24 3.61E+03 20.83 43336 21.35 21.89 22.43 23.00 23.58 24.16 24.77 25.38 26.02 26.67 27.33 28.02 28.71 5056 29.17 60670
11   1 Utilities Customer Service Specialist 74 24 3.61E+03 20.83 43336 21.35 21.89 22.43 23.00 23.58 24.16 24.77 25.38 26.02 26.67 27.33 28.02 28.71 5056 29.17 60670
12   1 Court Administrator 98 30 4.86E+03 28.07 58379 28.77 29.49 30.22 30.99 31.75 32.55 33.37 34.20 35.06 35.92 36.83 37.75 38.69 6811 39.30 81731
13   1 Customer Service Supervisor 102 33 5.11E+03 29.50 61351 30.23 30.99 31.76 32.56 33.37 34.21 35.07 35.94 36.84 37.76 38.70 39.67 40.67 7158 41.30 85892
14 1 13                                            
15     Financial Non-exempt   AC                                      
16   3 Finance Technician 63 10 3.15E+03 18.16 37792 18.63 19.09 19.57 20.06 20.57 21.07 21.60 22.14 22.70 23.26 23.85 24.44 25.05 4409 25.43 52909
17   0 Payroll Technician 71 12 3.48E+03 20.07 41747 20.58 21.08 21.62 22.15 22.71 23.28 23.86 24.45 25.07 25.70 26.33 26.99 27.67 4871 28.10 58446
18   1 Taxpayer Support Specialist 79 16 3.84E+03 22.17 46113 22.73 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.71 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 5380 31.04 64559
19   4                                            
20     Financial Exempt   AU                                      
21   4 Administrative/Financial Analyst 91 10 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
22   1 Accountant/Analyst I 91 10 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
23   1 Tax Compliance Officer 91 10 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
24   1 Accountant/Analyst II 95 12 4.69E+03 27.04 56240 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.85 30.58 31.36 32.15 32.94 33.76 34.61 35.48 36.37 37.28 6561 37.85 78735
25   1 Budget Coordinator 106 14 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
26   1 Business Analyst 111 17 5.72E+03 33.00 68614 33.81 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 45.48 8005 46.18 96059
27   1 Finance Supervisor 119 25 6.31E+03 36.42 75757 37.33 38.27 39.23 40.20 41.20 42.24 43.29 44.37 45.49 46.63 47.80 48.99 50.21 8838 50.99 106060
28   0 Management and Legislative Liaison 131 27 7.33E+03 42.28 87944 43.34 44.41 45.54 46.68 47.84 49.04 50.26 51.51 52.81 54.12 55.48 56.86 58.29 10260 59.20 123122
29   0 Deputy Finance Director 143 30 8.51E+03 49.08 102084 50.30 51.56 52.86 54.17 55.53 56.91 58.34 59.79 61.29 62.82 64.40 66.00 67.66 11910 68.71 142918
30   10                                            
31     Purchasing   BU                                      
32   1 Warehouse Specialist 62 10 3.11E+03 17.95 37327 18.40 18.86 19.32 19.81 20.30 20.81 21.33 21.87 22.41 22.98 23.55 24.14 24.75 4355 25.12 52258
33   0 Buyer 90 12 4.40E+03 25.41 52857 26.05 26.70 27.37 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.18 35.03 6167 35.57 74000
34   2 Senior Buyer 98 14 4.86E+03 28.07 58379 28.77 29.49 30.22 30.99 31.75 32.55 33.37 34.20 35.06 35.92 36.83 37.75 38.69 6811 39.30 81731
35   0 Purchasing Supervisor 118 16 6.23E+03 35.97 74817 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.05 47.20 48.38 49.58 8729 50.35 104744
36   3                                            
37     Human Resources   HA                                      
38   1 Safety Programs Coordinator 94 11 4.63E+03 26.71 55548 27.38 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.91 36.81 6481 37.39 77767
39   1 Recruiting Coordinator 94 11 4.63E+03 26.71 55548 27.38 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.91 36.81 6481 37.39 77767
40   1 Benefits Coordinator 106 14 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
41   1 Professional Development Coordinator 106 14 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
42   1 City Recruiter 106 14 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
43   2 Human Resources Analyst 106 14 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
44   1 Safety Administrator (Risk Manager) 114 25 5.93E+03 34.24 71207 35.10 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.04 47.19 8308 47.93 99690
45   1 Human Resources Supervisor 126 35 6.89E+03 39.73 82641 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.08 47.23 48.41 49.62 50.86 52.13 53.44 54.76 9641 55.62 115697
46   0 Risk Manager - do not use 126 35 6.89E+03 39.73 82641 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.08 47.23 48.41 49.62 50.86 52.13 53.44 54.76 9641 55.62 115697
47   9                                            
48     City Clerk   DC                                      
49   2 Deputy City Clerk 89 10 4.35E+03 25.10 52209 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.93 33.75 34.60 6091 35.16 73092
50   1 City Records Manager 105 12 5.31E+03 30.62 63686 31.38 32.17 32.98 33.79 34.64 35.51 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.19 40.17 41.17 42.21 7430 42.88 89160
51   1 Management Analyst 105 12 5.31E+03 30.62 63686 31.38 32.17 32.98 33.79 34.64 35.51 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.19 40.17 41.17 42.21 7430 42.88 89160
52   1 Senior Assistant to City Manager 132 14 7.42E+03 42.81 89043 43.88 44.98 46.10 47.26 48.44 49.65 50.90 52.17 53.47 54.79 56.16 57.57 59.02 10388 59.95 124661
53   5                                            
54     Information Technology (IT)   SA                                      
55   2 IT Support Specialist 88 6 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
56   1 GIS Technician 88 6 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
57   1 Lead IT Support Specialist 96 7 4.75E+03 27.38 56942 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.22 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.36 34.20 35.05 35.91 36.81 37.74 6643 38.33 79719
58   3 Information Technology Analyst 104 8 5.24E+03 30.24 62897 31.00 31.76 32.56 33.38 34.22 35.08 35.95 36.84 37.77 38.71 39.67 40.67 41.69 7338 42.34 88055
59   2 GIS Analyst 104 8 5.24E+03 30.24 62897 31.00 31.76 32.56 33.38 34.22 35.08 35.95 36.84 37.77 38.71 39.67 40.67 41.69 7338 42.34 88055
60   8 Systems/Network Analyst 116 10 6.08E+03 35.10 72990 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.05 47.20 48.38 8516 49.13 102187
61   1 IT Business Operations Supervisor 124 14 6.72E+03 38.76 80620 39.73 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.07 47.23 48.41 49.61 50.86 52.13 53.43 9406 54.27 112868
62   4 Information Technology Supervisor 124 14 6.72E+03 38.76 80620 39.73 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.07 47.23 48.41 49.61 50.86 52.13 53.43 9406 54.27 112868
63   1 Chief Technology Officer 148 20 9.05E+03 52.23 108630 53.53 54.87 56.24 57.65 59.10 60.57 62.08 63.63 65.22 66.85 68.53 70.24 71.99 12674 73.11 152082
64   23                                            
65     Legal   AT                                      
66   1 Staff Attorney 119 10 6.31E+03 36.42 75757 37.33 38.27 39.23 40.20 41.20 42.24 43.29 44.37 45.49 46.63 47.80 48.99 50.21 8838 50.99 106060
67   1 Sr. Staff Attorney 131 14 7.33E+03 42.28 87944 43.34 44.41 45.54 46.68 47.84 49.04 50.26 51.51 52.81 54.12 55.48 56.86 58.29 10260 59.20 123122
68   2                                            
70     Administrative Support   AA                                      
71 2 6 Administrative Assistant 62 A09 3.11E+03 17.95 37327 18.40 18.86 19.32 19.81 20.30 20.81 21.33 21.87 22.41 22.98 23.55 24.14 24.75 4355 25.12 52258
72   9 Senior Administrative Assistant 70 A13 3.44E+03 19.82 41229 20.32 20.82 21.34 21.88 22.42 22.99 23.57 24.15 24.76 25.37 26.01 26.66 27.32 4810 27.76 57720
73   4 Administrative Specialist 78 A15 3.80E+03 21.89 45541 22.44 23.01 23.59 24.17 24.78 25.39 26.03 26.68 27.34 28.03 28.72 29.45 30.18 5313 30.65 63757
74 2 19                                            
75     Marketing and Communications   MC                                      
76   1 Visitor Center & Administrative Coordinator 70 21 3.44E+03 19.82 41229 20.32 20.82 21.34 21.88 22.42 22.99 23.57 24.15 24.76 25.37 26.01 26.66 27.32 4810 27.76 57720
77   1 Content & Partner Dev Coordinator 74 22 3.61E+03 20.83 43336 21.35 21.89 22.43 23.00 23.58 24.16 24.77 25.38 26.02 26.67 27.33 28.02 28.71 5056 29.17 60670
78   1 Social Media Specialist 78 23 3.80E+03 21.89 45541 22.44 23.01 23.59 24.17 24.78 25.39 26.03 26.68 27.34 28.03 28.72 29.45 30.18 5313 30.65 63757
79   1 Communications Specialist 91 28 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
80   1 Department Information Coordinator 91 28 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
81   1 Business Dev Group Sales Specialist 94 29 4.63E+03 26.71 55548 27.38 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.91 36.81 6481 37.39 77767
82   1 Data Analytics and Research Analyst 94 29 4.63E+03 26.71 55548 27.38 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.91 36.81 6481 37.39 77767
83   0 City Public Information Manager 103 30 5.18E+03 29.87 62119 30.60 31.38 32.17 32.96 33.78 34.63 35.50 36.39 37.30 38.23 39.19 40.16 41.16 7247 41.81 86966
84   1 Marketing and Data Strategy Manager 110 35 5.65E+03 32.58 67771 33.40 34.24 35.10 35.96 36.86 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 7907 45.62 94879
85   8                                            
86     Facilities   CU                                      
87   6 Custodian 40 10 2.36E+03 13.64 28379 13.98 14.33 14.70 15.06 15.44 15.83 16.22 16.62 17.04 17.47 17.91 18.35 18.81 3311 19.10 39731
88   0 Event Set Up and Maintenance Worker 56 12 2.89E+03 16.65 34636 17.07 17.50 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.30 19.80 20.29 20.79 21.31 21.85 22.39 22.96 4041 23.31 48491
89   1 Facilities Maintenance Crew Leader 84 16 4.09E+03 23.60 49064 24.18 24.79 25.40 26.04 26.69 27.36 28.04 28.73 29.46 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 5724 33.03 68689
90   1 Facilities Supervisor 112 20 5.79E+03 33.40 69467 34.24 35.10 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.04 8105 46.76 97254
91   8                                            
92     Parks Maintenance   PE                                      
93 1 20 Parks Equipment Operator 69 25 3.39E+03 19.58 40721 20.07 20.58 21.08 21.61 22.15 22.71 23.27 23.86 24.45 25.06 25.69 26.33 26.99 4751 27.41 57009
94   1 Golf Equipment Operator 69 25 3.39E+03 19.58 40721 20.07 20.58 21.08 21.61 22.15 22.71 23.27 23.86 24.45 25.06 25.69 26.33 26.99 4751 27.41 57009
95   1 Irrigation Technician 81 29 3.94E+03 22.73 47270 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 31.33 5515 31.82 66178
96   11 Parks Crew Leader 81 29 3.94E+03 22.73 47270 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 31.33 5515 31.82 66178
97   1 Cemetery Operations Supervisor 89 34 4.35E+03 25.10 52209 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.93 33.75 34.60 6091 35.15 73092
98   5 Parks Maintenance Supervisor 109 30 5.58E+03 32.19 66938 33.00 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 7809 45.05 93714
99   1 Golf Superintendent 113 31 5.86E+03 33.81 70332 34.66 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 8205 47.34 98465
100   1 Parks Superintendent 121 32 6.47E+03 37.34 77670 38.27 39.24 40.21 41.21 42.25 43.30 44.38 45.50 46.64 47.81 49.00 50.22 51.47 9061 52.28 108738
101 1 41                                            
102     PW Maintenance and Operations   CC                                      
103   8 Apprentice Equipment Operator 59 10 3.00E+03 17.29 35955 17.72 18.15 18.62 19.08 19.56 20.05 20.56 21.06 21.59 22.13 22.69 23.25 23.84 4195 24.20 50337
104   15 Equipment Operator 69 15A 3.39E+03 19.58 40721 20.07 20.58 21.08 21.61 22.15 22.71 23.27 23.86 24.45 25.06 25.69 26.33 26.99 4751 27.41 57009
105   9 Pipeline Maintenance Worker 73 17A 3.57E+03 20.58 42796 21.08 21.62 22.16 22.72 23.28 23.87 24.46 25.07 25.70 26.33 26.99 27.67 28.36 4993 28.81 59914
106   19 Specialty Equipment Operator 77 17 3.75E+03 21.63 44979 22.16 22.72 23.29 23.87 24.46 25.08 25.71 26.34 27.00 27.68 28.37 29.08 29.82 5248 30.27 62970
107   2 TV Equipment Operator 77 20 3.75E+03 21.63 44979 22.16 22.72 23.29 23.87 24.46 25.08 25.71 26.34 27.00 27.68 28.37 29.08 29.82 5248 30.27 62970
108   8 PW/Utilities/Project Team Crew Leader 81 19A 3.94E+03 22.73 47270 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 31.33 5515 31.82 66178
109   0 Pipeline Maintenance Crew Leader 85 23 4.14E+03 23.89 49680 24.48 25.10 25.73 26.36 27.02 27.71 28.39 29.10 29.83 30.57 31.34 32.13 32.93 5796 33.44 69552
110   5 Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 109 25 5.58E+03 32.19 66938 33.00 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 7809 45.05 93714
111   1 Project Team Supervisor 109 25 5.58E+03 32.19 66938 33.00 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 7809 45.05 93714
112   67                                            
113     Traffic Signal Technician   TR                                      
114   4 Traffic Technician 75 10 3.66E+03 21.09 43876 21.62 22.16 22.72 23.28 23.87 24.46 25.08 25.71 26.34 27.00 27.68 28.37 29.08 5119 29.53 61427
115   1 Traffic Signal Technician 83 12 4.04E+03 23.30 48459 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.36 27.02 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.83 30.56 31.33 32.12 5653 32.61 67842
116   2 Traffic Crew Leader 95 14 4.69E+03 27.04 56240 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.85 30.58 31.36 32.15 32.94 33.76 34.61 35.48 36.37 37.28 6561 37.85 78735
117   1 Traffic Supervisor 119 16 6.31E+03 36.42 75757 37.33 38.27 39.23 40.20 41.20 42.24 43.29 44.37 45.49 46.63 47.80 48.99 50.21 8838 50.99 106060
118   8                                            
119     Fleet   EM                                      
120   1 Equipment Technician (Fire) 67 14 3.31E+03 19.10 39716 19.57 20.06 20.57 21.07 21.61 22.14 22.70 23.27 23.85 24.44 25.06 25.69 26.32 4633 26.73 55602
121   0 Service Technician 67 14 3.31E+03 19.10 39716 19.57 20.06 20.57 21.07 21.61 22.14 22.70 23.27 23.85 24.44 25.06 25.69 26.32 4633 26.73 55602
122   1 Fleet Services Coordinator 71 15 3.48E+03 20.07 41747 20.58 21.08 21.62 22.15 22.71 23.28 23.86 24.45 25.07 25.70 26.33 26.99 27.67 4871 28.10 58446
123   0 Parks Equipment Technician 75 16 3.66E+03 21.09 43876 21.62 22.16 22.72 23.28 23.87 24.46 25.08 25.71 26.34 27.00 27.68 28.37 29.08 5119 29.53 61427
124   11 Automotive and Equipment Tech 79 18 3.84E+03 22.17 46113 22.73 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.71 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 5380 31.04 64559
125   2 Automotive and Equipment Crew Leader 104 20 5.24E+03 30.24 62897 31.00 31.77 32.57 33.38 34.22 35.07 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.66 40.67 41.69 7338 42.33 88055
126   1 Automotive and Equipment Supervisor 120 22 6.39E+03 36.88 76708 37.80 38.75 39.71 40.71 41.72 42.78 43.85 44.93 46.06 47.20 48.38 49.60 50.84 8949 51.63 107391
127   16                                            
129     Community Development   SP                                      
130   2 Planning Technician 79 5 3.84E+03 22.17 46113 22.73 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.71 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 5380 31.04 64559
131   3 Associate Planner 103 10 5.18E+03 29.87 62119 30.60 31.38 32.17 32.96 33.78 34.63 35.50 36.39 37.30 38.23 39.19 40.16 41.16 7247 41.81 86966
132   3 Senior Planner 111 14 5.72E+03 33.00 68614 33.81 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 45.48 8005 46.18 96059
133   2 Principal Planner 115 16 6.01E+03 34.66 72093 35.53 36.42 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 47.79 8411 48.52 100931
134   0 Development Services Manager 131 25 7.33E+03 42.28 87944 43.34 44.41 45.54 46.68 47.84 49.04 50.26 51.51 52.81 54.12 55.48 56.86 58.29 10260 59.20 123122
135   0 Community Services Manager 131 25 7.33E+03 42.28 87944 43.34 44.41 45.54 46.68 47.84 49.04 50.26 51.51 52.81 54.12 55.48 56.86 58.29 10260 59.20 123122
136   10                                            
137     Public Works Inspection   EE                                      
138   3 Utility Locator 84 8 4.09E+03 23.60 49064 24.18 24.79 25.40 26.04 26.69 27.36 28.04 28.73 29.46 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 5724 33.03 68689
139   1 Stormwater Inspector 88 10 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
140   3 Construction Inspector 92 13 4.52E+03 26.05 54186 26.70 27.37 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.90 6322 36.47 75861
141   0 Quality Assurance Technician 92 13 4.52E+03 26.05 54186 26.70 27.37 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.90 6322 36.47 75861
142   1 Cross Connection Coordinator 92 13A 4.52E+03 26.05 54186 26.70 27.37 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.90 6322 36.47 75861
143   1 Development Inspector 96 15 4.75E+03 27.38 56942 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.22 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.36 34.20 35.05 35.91 36.81 37.74 6643 38.33 79719
144   9                                            
145     Engineering Support   ET                                      
146   2 Engineering Technician 88 14 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
147   1 Survey Technician 92 15 4.52E+03 26.05 54186 26.70 27.37 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.90 6322 36.47 75861
148   1 Senior Engineering Technician 96 18 4.75E+03 27.38 56942 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.22 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.36 34.20 35.05 35.91 36.81 37.74 6643 38.33 79719
149   1 Transportation Systems Analyst 100 20 4.99E+03 28.78 59849 29.49 30.23 30.99 31.75 32.55 33.37 34.21 35.07 35.94 36.83 37.76 38.70 39.66 6982 40.29 83789
150   1 Transportation Systems Analyst II 108 22 5.51E+03 31.78 66117 32.58 33.40 34.24 35.09 35.96 36.86 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.69 41.71 42.76 43.82 7714 44.51 92564
151   1 City Surveyor 112 24 5.79E+03 33.40 69467 34.24 35.10 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.04 8105 46.76 97254
152   7                                            
153     Engineering   LL                                      
154   0 Engineering Specialist 107 13 5.44E+03 31.39 65296 32.18 32.99 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.21 40.18 41.18 42.22 43.27 7618 43.95 91414
155   1 Utilities Asset Management Specialist 111 20 5.72E+03 33.00 68614 33.81 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 45.48 8005 46.18 96059
156   8 Project Engineer 123 21 6.64E+03 38.28 79626 39.25 40.21 41.22 42.25 43.30 44.39 45.51 46.65 47.81 49.01 50.23 51.48 52.76 9290 53.59 111476
157   0 Engineering Program Supervisor 135 25 7.70E+03 44.44 92424 45.55 46.69 47.86 49.05 50.27 51.53 52.83 54.14 55.50 56.87 58.30 59.76 61.26 10783 62.21 129394
158   1 Engineering Manager 147 30 8.94E+03 51.57 107289 52.88 54.19 55.55 56.94 58.36 59.81 61.31 62.85 64.42 66.02 67.68 69.37 71.10 12517 72.21 150205
159   10                                            
160     Police Records   PR                                      
161   7 Police Records Specialist 66 10 3.27E+03 18.86 39229 19.32 19.82 20.31 20.82 21.33 21.87 22.42 22.98 23.56 24.15 24.75 25.36 26.00 4577 26.40 54921
162   1 Lead Police Records Specialist 74 14 3.61E+03 20.83 43336 21.35 21.89 22.43 23.00 23.58 24.16 24.77 25.38 26.02 26.67 27.33 28.02 28.71 5056 29.17 60670
163   1 Police Records Supervisor 98 20 4.86E+03 28.07 58379 28.77 29.49 30.22 30.99 31.75 32.55 33.37 34.20 35.06 35.92 36.83 37.75 38.69 6811 39.30 81731
164   9                                            
165     Com Center Non-exempt   SS                                      
166   9 Emergency Communications Specialist I 69 01 3.39E+03 19.58 40721 20.07 20.58 21.08 21.61 22.15 22.71 23.27 23.86 24.45 25.06 25.69 26.33 26.99 4751 27.41 57009
167   37 Emergency Communications Specialist II 81 5 3.94E+03 22.73 47270 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 31.33 5515 31.82 66178
168   1 Quality Assurance Analyst 89 8 4.35E+03 25.10 52209 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.93 33.75 34.60 6091 35.15 73092
169   1 Admin/QA Supervisor 105 10 5.31E+03 30.62 63686 31.38 32.17 32.98 33.79 34.64 35.51 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.19 40.17 41.17 42.21 7430 42.87 89160
170   7 Dispatch Shift Supervisor 105 10 5.31E+03 30.62 63686 31.38 32.17 32.98 33.79 34.64 35.51 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.19 40.17 41.17 42.21 7430 42.87 89160
171   55                                            
172     Police Civilian Non-exempt   EV                                      
173 1 0 Audio Clerk 62 10 3.11E+03 17.95 37327 18.40 18.85 19.33 19.81 20.29 20.81 21.33 21.87 22.41 22.97 23.55 24.14 24.75 4355 25.12 52258
174   2 Parking Compliance Officer 63 12 3.15E+03 18.16 37792 18.62 19.09 19.56 20.06 20.56 21.07 21.60 22.14 22.69 23.26 23.84 24.44 25.05 4409 25.44 52909
175   2 Code Compliance Officer 79 14 3.84E+03 22.17 46113 22.73 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.71 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 5380 31.04 64559
176   4 Evidence Technician 79 14 3.84E+03 22.17 46113 22.73 23.29 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.71 26.35 27.01 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.82 30.56 5380 31.04 64559
177   1 Lead Evidence Technician 87 16 4.24E+03 24.48 50923 25.10 25.73 26.36 27.02 27.71 28.39 29.10 29.83 30.57 31.34 32.13 32.93 33.74 5941 34.28 71292
178 1 9 Police Services Technician 87 16 4.24E+03 24.48 50923 25.10 25.73 26.36 27.02 27.71 28.39 29.10 29.83 30.57 31.34 32.13 32.93 33.74 5941 34.28 71292
179   2 Digital Forensic Analyst 113 18 5.86E+03 33.81 70332 34.66 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 8205 47.34 98465
180   2 Criminalist 113 18 5.86E+03 33.81 70332 34.66 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 8205 47.34 98465
181 2 22                                            
182     Police Civilian - Exempt   CR                                      
183   1 Volunteer Coordinator 89 12 4.35E+03 25.10 52209 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.46 33.75 34.60 6091 35.15 73092
184   1 Victims Services Coordinator 89 12 4.35E+03 25.10 52209 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.46 33.75 34.60 6091 35.15 73092
185   1 Crime Analyst 97 20 4.80E+03 27.73 57655 28.41 29.12 29.86 30.59 31.36 32.15 32.95 33.77 34.62 35.48 36.37 37.28 38.21 6726 38.80 80717
186   1 Crime Lab Supervisor 117 25 6.16E+03 35.53 73898 36.42 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.49 46.62 47.79 48.98 8621 49.74 103457
187   1 Communications Center Mgr 142 33 8.40E+03 48.46 100824 49.68 50.92 52.20 53.51 54.85 56.21 57.62 59.06 60.53 62.05 63.61 65.19 66.82 11763 67.86 141153
188   5                                            
189     Police Sworn   II                                      
190   94 Police Officer 103 13 5.18E+03 29.86 62119 30.60 31.37 32.16 32.96 33.78 34.63 35.49 36.38 37.29 38.23 39.17 40.16 41.16 7247 41.81 86966
191   9 Corporal 111 17 5.72E+03 33.00 68614 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 45.48 8005 46.18 96059
192   18 Police Sergeant 119 20 6.31E+03 36.42 75757 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.49 46.62 47.79 48.98 50.20 8838 50.99 106060
193   121                                            
194     Police Administration/Management   HH                                      
195   7 Police Commander (Lt) 142 13 8.40E+03 48.47 100824 49.69 50.93 52.21 53.50 54.83 56.22 57.62 59.07 60.54 62.05 63.60 65.18 66.82 11763 67.86 141153
196   2 Deputy Police Chief (Captain) 150 15 9.28E+03 53.54 111363 54.89 56.25 57.66 59.10 60.58 62.09 63.64 65.23 66.86 68.54 70.25 72.00 73.81 12992 74.95 155908
197   9                                            
198     EMS   FF                                      
199   4 EMT- Non Sworn (2080) 61 02 3.07E+03 17.71 36863 18.14 18.61 19.06 19.55 20.03 20.53 21.04 21.58 22.11 22.67 23.23 23.82 24.41 4301 24.79 51608
200   6 EMT 88 01 B 4.30E+03 17.71 51560 18.14 18.61 19.06 19.55 20.03 20.53 21.04 21.58 22.11 22.67 23.23 23.82 24.41 6015 24.79 72184
201   3 Paramedic- Non Sworn (2080) 73 03 3.57E+03 20.56 42796 21.08 21.61 22.14 22.70 23.25 23.85 24.44 25.05 25.68 26.32 26.99 27.64 28.35 4993 28.78 59914
202   3 Paramedic 100 6B 4.99E+03 20.56 59849 21.06 21.60 22.13 22.69 23.25 23.84 24.43 25.04 25.67 26.31 26.97 27.63 28.33 6982 28.78 83789
203   3 EMS Officer 112 10 5.79E+03 23.86 69467 24.45 25.07 25.70 26.33 26.99 27.66 28.36 29.06 29.80 30.53 31.30 32.09 32.88 8105 33.40 97254
204   19                                            
205     Fire Sworn   FF                                      
206   37 Firefighter 96 05 4.75E+03 19.56 56942 20.04 20.54 21.05 21.59 22.12 22.68 23.25 23.83 24.42 25.04 25.66 26.30 26.96 6643 27.38 79719
207   18 Fire Engineer 104 09 5.24E+03 21.60 62897 22.14 22.70 23.26 23.85 24.44 25.05 25.68 26.31 26.97 27.64 28.34 29.05 29.77 7338 30.24 88055
208   36 Firefighter / Paramedic 104 9B 5.24E+03 21.60 62897 22.14 22.70 23.26 23.85 24.44 25.05 25.68 26.31 26.97 27.64 28.34 29.05 29.77 7338 30.24 88055
209   18 Fire Unit Supervisor (Captain) 116 15 6.08E+03 25.07 72990 25.70 26.33 26.99 27.67 28.36 29.07 29.80 30.53 31.31 32.09 32.88 33.71 34.55 8516 35.10 102187
210   109                                            
211     Fire Administration/Management   GG                                      
212   3 Community Outreach Specialist 106 10 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
213   2 Fire Inspector 106 10 5.37E+03 31.01 64485 31.77 32.57 33.39 34.23 35.08 35.95 36.85 37.77 38.72 39.68 40.68 41.70 42.74 7523 43.41 90279
214   3 Fire Prevention Specialist 114 12 5.93E+03 34.24 71207 35.10 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.04 47.19 8308 47.93 99690
215   2 Training Officer 126 17 6.89E+03 39.73 82641 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.08 47.23 48.41 49.62 50.86 52.13 53.44 54.76 9641 55.62 115697
216   1 Fire Marshal 130 25 7.24E+03 41.76 86858 42.81 43.87 44.97 46.09 47.25 48.43 49.63 50.88 52.15 53.46 54.78 56.16 57.57 10133 58.47 121601
217   3 Admin Fire Officer (Battalion Chief - 2912) 138 21 7.99E+03 32.95 95934 33.76 34.61 35.48 36.37 37.28 38.21 39.15 40.14 41.14 42.17 43.22 44.30 45.41 11192 46.12 134307
218   2 Admin Fire Officer (Battalion Chief - 2080) 138 21A 7.99E+03 46.13 95934 47.27 48.45 49.68 50.92 52.18 53.49 54.81 56.20 57.60 59.04 60.52 62.02 63.58 11192 64.57 134307
219   2 Deputy Fire Chief (Ops & Admin) 150 27 9.28E+03 53.54 111363 54.89 56.25 57.66 59.10 60.58 62.09 63.64 65.23 66.86 68.54 70.25 72.00 73.81 12992 74.95 155908
220   18                                            
221 RECREATION                                            
222     Recreation / Golf   RC                                      
223   0 2nd Assistant Golf Professional 59 1 3.00E+03 17.29 35955 17.72 18.15 18.62 19.08 19.56 20.05 20.56 21.06 21.59 22.13 22.69 23.25 23.84 4195 24.20 50337
224   2 1st Assistant Golf Professional 76 8 3.70E+03 21.36 44428 21.89 22.44 23.00 23.57 24.17 24.76 25.39 26.03 26.67 27.34 28.03 28.73 29.44 5183 29.90 62199
225   0 Head Golf Pro 77 9 5000 29.14 60000                           5000 29.14 60000
226   5 Recreation Coordinator 85 10 4.14E+03 23.89 49680 24.48 25.10 25.73 26.36 27.02 27.71 28.39 29.10 29.83 30.57 31.34 32.13 32.93 5796 33.44 69552
227   1 Director of Golf 89 13 6917 40.31 83004                           6917 40.31 83004
228   2 Recreation Supervisor 109 14 5.58E+03 32.19 66938 33.00 33.80 34.65 35.52 36.41 37.32 38.25 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.22 43.27 44.36 7809 45.05 93714
229   1 Parks and Recreation Deputy Director 143 25 8.51E+03 49.08 102084 50.30 51.56 52.86 54.17 55.53 56.91 58.34 59.79 61.29 62.82 64.40 66.00 67.66 11910 68.71 142918
230   11                                            
231 WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATIONS                                          
232     Plant Maintenance   IS                                      
233   4 Plant Mechanic 88 20 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
234   1 Plant Electrician 88 20 4.30E+03 24.79 51560 25.41 26.04 26.70 27.36 28.05 28.75 29.47 30.20 30.96 31.72 32.52 33.34 34.18 6015 34.70 72184
235   2 Lead Plant Mechanic 96 24 4.75E+03 27.38 56942 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.22 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.36 34.20 35.05 35.91 36.81 37.74 6643 38.33 79719
236   2 Electronics Specialist 104 26 5.24E+03 30.24 62897 31.00 31.76 32.56 33.38 34.22 35.08 35.95 36.84 37.77 38.71 39.67 40.67 41.69 7338 42.34 88055
237   1 WW Plant Maintenance Supervisor 120 28 6.39E+03 36.88 76708 37.80 38.74 39.71 40.71 41.72 42.77 43.84 44.93 46.06 47.21 48.39 49.60 50.84 8949 51.63 107391
238   10                                            
239     Utilities Operations   WO                                      
240   2 Stationary Equipment Operator 83 14 4.04E+03 23.30 48459 23.88 24.47 25.09 25.72 26.36 27.02 27.69 28.38 29.09 29.83 30.56 31.33 32.12 5653 32.61 67842
241   4 Wastewater Plant Operator 91 18A 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
242   4 Water Plant Operator 91 18A 4.46E+03 25.73 53516 26.37 27.03 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.84 30.58 31.35 32.14 32.94 33.75 34.60 35.47 6244 36.02 74923
243   2 Water Quality Specialist 95 20 4.69E+03 27.04 56240 27.72 28.40 29.11 29.85 30.58 31.36 32.15 32.94 33.76 34.61 35.48 36.37 37.28 6561 37.85 78735
244   1 Lead Wastewater Plant Operator 99 24 4.93E+03 28.42 59114 29.14 29.86 30.60 31.37 32.16 32.96 33.78 34.63 35.49 36.38 37.29 38.22 39.17 6897 39.79 82760
245   1 Lead Water Plant Operator 99 24 4.93E+03 28.42 59114 29.14 29.86 30.60 31.37 32.16 32.96 33.78 34.63 35.49 36.38 37.29 38.22 39.17 6897 39.79 82760
246   1 Wastewater Operations Supervisor 115 25 6.01E+03 34.66 72093 35.53 36.42 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 47.79 8411 48.52 100931
247   0 Water Operations Supervisor 115 25 6.01E+03 34.66 72093 35.53 36.42 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 47.79 8411 48.52 100931
248   1 Water Supply Supervisor 115 25 6.01E+03 34.66 72093 35.53 36.42 37.33 38.26 39.22 40.19 41.19 42.23 43.28 44.36 45.48 46.62 47.79 8411 48.52 100931
249     Plant Operations Open Range   50 H   22.29                               34.46  
250   16                                            
251     Laboratory   MM                                      
252   1 Laboratory Technician 76 15 3.70E+03 21.36 44428 21.89 22.44 23.00 23.59 24.17 24.77 25.39 26.01 26.67 27.34 28.03 28.73 29.44 5183 29.90 62199
253   0 Laboratory Analyst 92 16 4.52E+03 26.05 54186 26.70 27.37 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.21 30.97 31.73 32.53 33.35 34.19 35.05 35.90 6322 36.47 75861
254   2 Industrial Pretreatment Specialist 96 18 4.75E+03 27.38 56942 28.06 28.76 29.48 30.22 30.98 31.74 32.54 33.36 34.20 35.05 35.91 36.81 37.74 6643 38.33 79719
255   3 Laboratory Chemist 100 20 4.99E+03 28.78 59849 29.49 30.23 30.99 31.75 32.55 33.37 34.21 35.07 35.94 36.83 37.76 38.70 39.66 6982 40.29 83789
256   1 Industrial Pretreatment Supervisor 116 21 6.08E+03 35.10 72990 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.05 47.20 48.38 8516 49.13 102187
257   1 Laboratory Supervisor 116 21 6.08E+03 35.10 72990 35.97 36.87 37.79 38.73 39.70 40.70 41.71 42.76 43.82 44.92 46.05 47.20 48.38 8516 49.13 102187
258   8                                            
259     PW & Utilities Management   PM                                      
260   0 Environmental Lab Manager 124 12 6.72E+03 38.76 80620 39.73 40.73 41.74 42.79 43.85 44.95 46.07 47.23 48.41 49.61 50.86 52.13 53.43 9406 54.27 112868
261   1 Streets and Solid Waste Manager 132 16 7.42E+03 42.81 89043 43.88 44.98 46.10 47.25 48.43 49.64 50.89 52.16 53.46 54.79 56.17 57.58 59.01 10388 59.93 124661
262   1 Wastewater Svcs Manager 132 16 7.42E+03 42.81 89043 43.88 44.98 46.10 47.25 48.43 49.64 50.89 52.16 53.45 54.79 56.17 57.58 59.01 10388 59.93 124661
263   1 Water Services Manager 132 16 7.42E+03 42.81 89043 43.88 44.98 46.10 47.25 48.43 49.64 50.89 52.16 53.45 54.79 56.17 57.58 59.01 10388 59.93 124661
264   3                                            
266 EXECUTIVE                                            
267     Executive   RR                                      
268   1 City Manager   R09                                 18658 107.64 223895
269   1 City Attorney   R06                                 16068 92.70 192816
270   1 Fire Chief   R05                                 12949 74.71 155387
271   1 Police Chief   R07                                 12949 74.71 155387
272   1 Parks and Recreation Director   R04                                 10781 62.20 129376
273   1 Finance Director   R13                                 12039 69.46 144469
274   1 Utilities Director   R10                                 11615 67.01 139377
275   1 Public Works Director   R08                                 11162 64.40 133942
276   1 General Services Director   R12                                 10834 62.50 130004
277   1 Human Resources Director   R14                                 10350 59.71 124197
278   1 Assistant City Attorney   R11                                 10273 59.27 123282
279   1 Community Development Director   R02                                 10019 57.80 120224
280   1 Visit Grand Junction Director   R01                                 10019 57.80 120224
281   0 Municipal Court Judge   R03                                 VACANT    
282   1 City Clerk   R15                                 9107 52.54 109283
283   14                                            
285 6 701 TOTAL APPROVED POSITIONS                                          
287     DDA/BID                                          
288   1 Senior Administrative Assistant 70 A13 3.44E+03 19.82 41229 20.32 20.82 21.34 21.88 22.42 22.99 23.57 24.15 24.76 25.37 26.01 26.66 27.32 4810 27.76 57720
289   1 Downtown Event Coordinator 67 MC 20 3.31E+03 19.10 39716 19.57 20.06 20.57 21.07 21.61 22.14 22.70 23.27 23.85 24.44 25.06 25.69 26.32 4633 26.73 55602
290   1 Community Engagement Mgr - BID 82 MC 24 3.99E+03 23.01 47864 23.59 24.18 24.79 25.40 26.04 26.69 27.36 28.04 28.73 29.46 30.19 30.96 31.72 5584 32.22 67010
291   1 DDA Director Open                                        
292   4                                            


  A B C D E F G K L M
1   Mar-20 Mar-20 Mar-20 Mar-19 Mar-19 Mar-19 Differences
2 grade 3.5% annual hourly 1.0% annual hourly Monthly Annual Hourly
4 I 1847 22165 10.66 1785 21416 10.30 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
5 h 1870 22437 10.79 1807 21679 10.42 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
6 g 1894 22725 10.93 1830 21956 10.56 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
7 f 1918 23012 11.06 1853 22234 10.69 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
8 e 1942 23300 11.20 1876 22512 10.82 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
9 d 1966 23587 11.34 1899 22790 10.96 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
10 b 1990 23875 11.48 1922 23067 11.09 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
11 a 2015 24177 11.62 1947 23360 11.23 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
12 1 2040 24480 11.77 1971 23652 11.37 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
13 2 2065 24783 11.91 1995 23945 11.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
14 3 2090 25085 12.06 2020 24237 11.65 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
15 4 2117 25403 12.21 2045 24544 11.80 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
16 5 2143 25721 12.37 2071 24851 11.95 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
17 6 2170 26038 12.52 2096 25158 12.10 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
18 7 2198 26371 12.68 2123 25479 12.25 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
19 8 2225 26704 12.84 2150 25801 12.40 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
20 9 2253 27037 13.00 2177 26123 12.56 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
21 10 2281 27370 13.16 2204 26444 12.71 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
22 11 2310 27718 13.33 2232 26780 12.88 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
23 12 2339 28066 13.49 2260 27117 13.04 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
24 13 2368 28414 13.66 2288 27453 13.20 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
25 14 2397 28762 13.83 2316 27789 13.36 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
26 15 2427 29125 14.00 2345 28140 13.53 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
27 16 2457 29488 14.18 2374 28491 13.70 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
28 17 2488 29851 14.35 2403 28842 13.87 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
29 18 2519 30229 14.53 2434 29207 14.04 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
30 19 2551 30608 14.72 2464 29573 14.22 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
31 20 2582 30986 14.90 2495 29938 14.39 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
32 21 2615 31379 15.09 2527 30318 14.58 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
33 22 2648 31773 15.28 2558 30698 14.76 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
34 23 2680 32166 15.46 2590 31078 14.94 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
35 24 2715 32574 15.66 2623 31473 15.13 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
36 25 2749 32983 15.86 2656 31868 15.32 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
37 26 2783 33391 16.05 2689 32262 15.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
38 27 2818 33815 16.26 2723 32672 15.71 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
39 28 2853 34239 16.46 2757 33081 15.90 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
40 29 2889 34662 16.66 2791 33490 16.10 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
41 30 2925 35101 16.88 2826 33914 16.30 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
42 31 2962 35540 17.09 2862 34338 16.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
43 32 2998 35979 17.30 2897 34762 16.71 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
44 33 3036 36433 17.52 2933 35201 16.92 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
45 34 3074 36886 17.73 2970 35639 17.13 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
46 35 3112 37340 17.95 3006 36078 17.34 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
47 36 3151 37809 18.18 3044 36531 17.56 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
48 37 3190 38278 18.40 3082 36984 17.78 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
49 38 3230 38763 18.64 3121 37452 18.01 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
50 39 3271 39247 18.87 3160 37919 18.23 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
51 40 3311 39731 19.10 3199 38387 18.46 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
52 41 3353 40230 19.34 3239 38870 18.69 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
53 42 3394 40729 19.58 3279 39352 18.92 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
54 43 3437 41244 19.83 3321 39849 19.16 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
55 44 3480 41758 20.08 3362 40346 19.40 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
56 45 3524 42288 20.33 3405 40858 19.64 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
57 46 3568 42817 20.59 3447 41369 19.89 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
58 47 3612 43347 20.84 3490 41881 20.14 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
59 48 3658 43892 21.10 3534 42407 20.39 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
60 49 3703 44436 21.36 3578 42934 20.64 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
61 50 3750 44996 21.63 3623 43474 20.90 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
62 51 3796 45556 21.90 3668 44015 21.16 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
63 52 3844 46131 22.18 3714 44571 21.43 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
64 53 3892 46706 22.45 3761 45126 21.70 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
65 54 3941 47296 22.74 3808 45696 21.97 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
66 55 3990 47886 23.02 3856 46266 22.24 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
67 56 4041 48491 23.31 3904 46851 22.52 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
68 57 4091 49096 23.60 3953 47436 22.81 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
69 58 4143 49716 23.90 4003 48035 23.09 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
70 59 4195 50337 24.20 4053 48635 23.38 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
71 60 4248 50972 24.51 4104 49249 23.68 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
72 61 4301 51608 24.81 4155 49863 23.97 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
73 62 4355 52258 25.12 4208 50491 24.27 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
74 63 4409 52909 25.44 4260 51120 24.58 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
75 64 4465 53575 25.76 4314 51763 24.89 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
76 65 4520 54240 26.08 4367 52406 25.20 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
77 66 4577 54921 26.40 4422 53064 25.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
78 67 4633 55602 26.73 4477 53722 25.83 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
79 68 4691 56298 27.07 4533 54394 26.15 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
80 69 4751 57009 27.41 4590 55081 26.48 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
81 70 4810 57720 27.75 4647 55768 26.81 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
82 71 4871 58446 28.10 4706 56470 27.15 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
83 72 4931 59173 28.45 4764 57172 27.49 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
84 73 4993 59914 28.80 4824 57888 27.83 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
85 74 5056 60670 29.17 4885 58619 28.18 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
86 75 5119 61427 29.53 4946 59350 28.53 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
87 76 5183 62199 29.90 5008 60095 28.89 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
88 77 5248 62970 30.27 5070 60841 29.25 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
89 78 5313 63757 30.65 5133 61601 29.62 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
90 79 5380 64559 31.04 5198 62376 29.99 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
91 80 5447 65361 31.42 5263 63150 30.36 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
92 81 5515 66178 31.82 5328 63940 30.74 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
93 82 5584 67010 32.22 5395 64744 31.13 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
94 83 5653 67842 32.62 5462 65548 31.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
95 84 5724 68689 33.02 5531 66366 31.91 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
96 85 5796 69552 33.44 5600 67200 32.31 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
97 86 5868 70414 33.85 5669 68033 32.71 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
98 87 5941 71292 34.27 5740 68881 33.12 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
99 88 6015 72184 34.70 5812 69743 33.53 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
100 89 6091 73092 35.14 5885 70620 33.95 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
101 90 6167 74000 35.58 5958 71497 34.37 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
102 91 6244 74923 36.02 6032 72389 34.80 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
103 92 6322 75861 36.47 6108 73295 35.24 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
104 93 6401 76814 36.93 6185 74216 35.68 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
105 94 6481 77767 37.39 6261 75137 36.12 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
106 95 6561 78735 37.85 6339 76073 36.57 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
107 96 6643 79719 38.33 6419 77023 37.03 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
108 97 6726 80717 38.81 6499 77988 37.49 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
109 98 6811 81731 39.29 6581 78967 37.97 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
110 99 6897 82760 39.79 6663 79961 38.44 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
111 100 6982 83789 40.28 6746 80955 38.92 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
112 101 7069 84833 40.78 6830 81964 39.41 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
113 102 7158 85892 41.29 6916 82987 39.90 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
114 103 7247 86966 41.81 7002 84025 40.40 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
115 104 7338 88055 42.33 7090 85078 40.90 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
116 105 7430 89160 42.87 7179 86145 41.42 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
117 106 7523 90279 43.40 7269 87227 41.94 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
118 107 7618 91414 43.95 7360 88323 42.46 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
119 108 7714 92564 44.50 7453 89434 43.00 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
120 109 7809 93714 45.05 7545 90545 43.53 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
121 110 7907 94879 45.61 7639 91670 44.07 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
122 111 8005 96059 46.18 7734 92811 44.62 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
123 112 8105 97254 46.76 7830 93965 45.18 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
124 113 8205 98465 47.34 7928 95135 45.74 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
125 114 8308 99690 47.93 8027 96319 46.31 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
126 115 8411 100931 48.52 8126 97518 46.88 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
127 116 8516 102187 49.13 8228 98731 47.47 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
128 117 8621 103457 49.74 8330 99959 48.06 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
129 118 8729 104744 50.36 8433 101201 48.65 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
130 119 8838 106060 50.99 8539 102473 49.27 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
131 120 8949 107391 51.63 8647 103760 49.88 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
132 121 9061 108738 52.28 8755 105061 50.51 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
133 122 9175 110099 52.93 8865 106376 51.14 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
134 123 9290 111476 53.59 8976 107707 51.78 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
135 124 9406 112868 54.26 9088 109051 52.43 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
136 125 9523 114275 54.94 9201 110411 53.08 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
137 126 9641 115697 55.62 9315 111785 53.74 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
138 127 9762 117150 56.32 9432 113188 54.42 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
139 128 9885 118618 57.03 9551 114606 55.10 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
140 129 10008 120100 57.74 9670 116039 55.79 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
141 130 10133 121601 58.46 9791 117489 56.49 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
142 131 10260 123122 59.19 9913 118958 57.19 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
143 132 10388 124661 59.93 10037 120445 57.91 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
144 133 10518 126219 60.68 10163 121951 58.63 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
145 134 10650 127797 61.44 10290 123475 59.36 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
146 135 10783 129394 62.21 10418 125018 60.10 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
147 136 10918 131011 62.99 10548 126581 60.86 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
148 137 11054 132649 63.77 10680 128163 61.62 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
149 138 11192 134307 64.57 10814 129765 62.39 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
150 139 11332 135990 65.38 10949 131391 63.17 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
151 140 11474 137690 66.20 11086 133033 63.96 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
152 141 11618 139411 67.02 11225 134696 64.76 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
153 142 11763 141153 67.86 11365 136380 65.57 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
154 143 11910 142918 68.71 11507 138085 66.39 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
155 144 12059 144704 69.57 11651 139811 67.22 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
156 145 12210 146519 70.44 11797 141564 68.06 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
157 146 12363 148350 71.32 11944 143334 68.91 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
158 147 12517 150205 72.21 12094 145125 69.77 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
159 148 12674 152082 73.12 12245 146939 70.64 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
160 149 12832 153983 74.03 12398 148776 71.53 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
161 150 12992 155908 74.96 12553 150636 72.42 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
162 151 13155 157857 75.89 12710 152519 73.33 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
163 152 13319 159830 76.84 12869 154425 74.24 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
164 153 13486 161828 77.80 13030 156355 75.17 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
165 154 13654 163851 78.77 13192 158310 76.11 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
166 155 13825 165899 79.76 13357 160289 77.06 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
167 156 13998 167973 80.76 13524 162292 78.03 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
