Ordinance No. 3620


An Ordinance Amending Section 4-52 of the Grand Junction Code of Ordinances Reducing the Distance a Hotel and Restaurant

Liquor Licensed Premise Must Be from the Principal Campus of a

College or University in the City of Grand Junction






12-47-313 (1)(d)(I) C.R.S. requires any building where the malt, vinous, or spirituous liquor is to be sold to be located at least five hundred feet from any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college, university or seminary.


12-47-313 (1)(d)(III) C.R.S. provides that “The local licensing authority of any city and county, by rule or regulation, the governing body of any other municipality, by ordinance and the governing body of any other county, by resolution, may eliminate or reduce the distance restrictions imposed by this paragraph (d) for any class of license, or may eliminate one or more types of schools or campuses from the application of any distance restrictions established by or pursuant to this paragraph (d)”.


In 1987, the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, after a properly noticed public hearing, adopted Ordinance No. 2367 which reduced the distance a hotel and restaurant liquor licensed establishment must be from the principal campus of a college or university to 300 feet.


The City Council considered a further reduction of distance required between hotel and restaurant liquor licenses and the principal campus of colleges and universities and has established the required distance as provided with this ordinance.



Under the provisions of 12-47-313 (1)(d)(III) C.R.S., the distance that a hotel and restaurant liquor licensed premises must be separated from the principal campus of a college or university in the City of Grand Junction is reduced from 300 feet to 0 feet. The distance shall be determined in accordance with 12-47-313 (1)(d)(II) C.R.S. and Colorado Liquor Regulation 47-326.


Introduced on first reading and ordered published this  17th day of March, 2004.


Passed on second reading and order published this 5th day of May, 2004










             /s/: Bruce Hill

             President of the Council



/s/: Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk