Effective 07/30/2020

Purpose:  In an ongoing effort to protect employees, their families, and the community, employees will be expected to conduct daily health screenings. Screenings consist of a temperature check and response to three (3) COVID-19 symptom-specific questions. Daily checks may assist with the identification of potential illness and help prevent the spread of a quarantinable communicable disease (COVID-19).



Timing:  Daily screenings shall be performed prior to an employee performing any work.



Procedures*:  Supervisors will ask each employee, or ensure that each employee answers in writing, the following screening questions. Daily screenings shall be performed prior to an employee beginning work.

Employee’s temperature will be checked, or the employee will self-certify he/she conducted a temperature check**.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring the daily screenings are completed and logged on a form provided by Human Resources.

Thermometers, probe covers, sanitation supplies and operational instructions will be available at each work location. If a thermometer is not available, or if the employee prefers, a personal thermometer may be used prior to arrival at work.

Please see operational instructions (included with the equipment) for proper use of the ear thermometers and temporal (forehead) thermometers.

* Police and Fire personnel must follow Departmental Operating Procedures and Directives regarding employee health screenings.

**A temperature check is NOT an aerosol generating procedure; therefore, it is NOT considered an at-risk procedure.

Screening Instructions:

 Read the numbered question and follow the instructions under the “YES” column.

 If all questions are answered “NO” then the employee is medically cleared for work.

 If an employee is NOT medically cleared to work, the employee must coordinator with his/her supervisor concerning an appropriate leave of absence.

 Exception = Questions 2 and 3: “Mild or seasonal allergy related cough, congestion, and/or runny nose”: If present, employee is to wear his/her mask and maintain social distance.



1.  Is the employee experiencing chills and/or a fever greater than or equal to 100.4° F?

Keep mask on, go home, seek medical care if necessary.


2.  Does the employee have a cough?

If cough is unusual or new onset: keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.


If mild or consistent with seasonal allergies, wear mask and maintain social distance.











3.  Does the employee have congestion and/or a runny nose?


If congestion or runny nose is unusual or new onset: keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.


If mild or consistent with seasonal allergies, wear mask and maintain social distance.




4.  Is the employee experiencing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care.




5.  Does the employee have fatigue, muscle or body ache, and/or headache?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.


6.  Does the employee have a sore throat?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.

7.  Is the employee experiencing nausea and/or vomiting?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.


8.  Does the employee have diarrhea?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.


9.  Is the employee experiencing a new loss of taste or smell?

Keep mask on, go home, and seek medical care if necessary.