
 Purchasing Division






DATE:    August 19, 2020

FROM:    City of Grand Junction Purchasing Division

TO:      All Offerors

RE:  Professional Consultant Services for the One-Way to Two-Way Conversion of 4th and 5th Streets Feasibility Study RFP-4814-20-DH


Offerors responding to the above referenced solicitation are hereby instructed that the requirements have been clarified, modified, superseded and supplemented as to this date as hereinafter described.


Please make note of the following clarifications:


1. Q. Could the City of Grand Junction provide a target budget for this pursuit?


 A. The City/DDA has not performed similar study so a budget has not been established.


2. Q. On page 18 of the RFP, there’s this sentence: The narrative should describe a logical progression of tasks and efforts starting with the initial steps or tasks to be accomplished and continuing until all proposed tasks are fully described and the RFP objectives are accomplished, including typical delivery time for day-to-day testing results.

We request further clarification of this point.


 A. Sentence shall be modified to eliminate "including typical delivery time for day-to-day testing results".


3. Q. How much detail is required for the cost estimate for Tasks and


 A. Detail should provide sufficient to qualify the different elements under each option. For example for Option 1: traffic signal modifications, roadway geometric changes, parking impacts, bicycle/pedestrian enhancements should all be estimated separately.


4. Q. Can you share the anticipated budget for professional services for this project?


 A. See response to question #8.


5. Q. With respect to meetings (whether public, agency or otherwise) what is the expectation in light of COVID-19?


 A. See response to question #7.

6. Q. The overall study area is quite a bit larger than the immediate area of the project. What level of evaluation and analysis is anticipated outside of the 4th and 5th corridors?


 A. See response to question #11.


7. Q. With gathering restrictions and hesitation caused by COVID-19, how have current projects been handling council meetings/presentations and public outreach? Will these methods be assumed to continue throughout the 4th/5th project until COVID conditions improve?


a.    On-line neighborhood meetings with short video and opportunity for people to comment appear to work well. Please see the following website for current on-line meeting for the 29 Road Interchange at I-70.

b.   Council Meetings have been live while Downtown Development Authority (DDA) board meetings have been on-line.


8. Q. What is the expected funding source for this project, and how much funding is available?


 A. Funding source is through the DDA. The City/DDA has not performed a similar study, so a budget has not been established.


9. Q. What type of base mapping is the City assuming? Do they want to use field grade survey, or is there aerial or other mapping that will be supplied by the City?


 A. Aerial grade mapping based on the City’s spring 2020 flight will be provided. This can be viewed on the City’s GIS website at Higher resolution files will be provided to the selected consultant.


10. Q. Does the City want to have accurate boundary information in the event there may be any right of way acquisition quantities that are necessary?


 A. Accurate boundary information beyond that provided on the City’s GIS is not necessary at this time.


11. Q. Can you please list or provide the available traffic data referenced in so that we can properly scope the data collection needs. Shall we assume that data collection is necessary for 30-ish intersections, due to the requirement in section 4.2 and section


 A. For the primary study area, the consultant should provide current ADT volumes and intersection turning movement volumes at North Ave, Gunnison, Grand, White, Rood, Main, Colorado, Ute and Pitkin. After review of City data, it should be considered outdated. Accident rates are dependent on current entering volumes on each leg of every intersection. The City will provide consultant with raw accident numbers per intersection but the consultant should calculate the rates based on new entering volumes. Primary focus should be on the intersections (listed above) that will be affected by the conversion to two-way traffic on 4th & 5th, however impacts to 1st Street, Ute, Pitkin, North Ave, 7th Street and 12th Street are anticipated as stated in 4.2. Stop control and signal analyses outside of the primary study area should not be necessary.


12. Q. Section mentioned parking impacts. Do you want parking data collection included in the scope of services?


 A. Existing parking spots are identified on the City’s GIS website at / transportation map. The consultant shall provide a proposed cross section of each street to be converted and modifications to any side streets and compare and contrast existing parking spots to proposed.


13. Q. What is the anticipated budget for this project?


 A. See response to question #8.


The original solicitation for the project noted above is amended as noted.


All other conditions of subject remain the same.




Duane Hoff Jr., Senior Buyer

City of Grand Junction, Colorado