

Walker Field Airport Authority was created in 1971 under the Public Airport Authority Act of 1965. Walker Field Airport currently consists of approximately 2370 acres, including three types of use areas: 1. Aeronautical, 2. Aeronautical/Commercial, and 3. Non-Aeronautical/Commercial. There are two active runways capable of handling commercial, military, propeller and general aviation traffic into the Grand Junction area.


Over the years a Planned Development zone was established for the airport properties. Various versions of the Zoning and Development Code have included an airport overlay zoning district that included use restrictions in the various airport subdistricts, including Area of Influence, Noise Zone, Critical Zone and Clear Zone. The overlay district applies additional standards and requirements to properties, and includes properties not owned or controlled by Walker Field Public Airport Authority. The overlay district does not include specific standards for development of the Walker Field Airport PD (Planned Development). This PD ordinance will establish the standards and requirements for development on the airport property.


The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the PD ordinance. The City Council finds that the request meets the goals and policies set forth in the Growth Plan and the requirements of the Zoning and Development Code.




The property owned by Walker Field Airport Authority and zoned PD, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, shall be consistent with the adopted Walker Field Airport Master Plan and shall be subject to the following:




Allowed Uses:

This zone is primarily for, but not limited to:

•  Aircraft Maintenance, Storage, Tie-Down, and Sales

•  Aircraft and Aircraft Parts Manufacturer

•  Aircraft Charter and Taxi

•  Fixed Base Operator (FBO)

•  Commercial Airline Operation

•  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

•  Governmental Aeronautical Activities

•  Fire Protection and Medical Operation

•  BLM Fire Suppression Center

•  Pilot and Emergency Personnel Temporary Quarters While on Duty

•  Civil Air Patrol

•  Flight Club

•  Flight School

•  Pilot Supply Shop

•  Food Service for Aeronautical Customers

•  Fly-in Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, or Inn

•  Air Cargo Operation

•  Private Hangar

•  Taxiway

•  Runway

•  Run-up area

•  Passenger Terminal Building

•  Aircraft Safety Areas

•  Navigation and Landing Aids

•  Aeronautical Related Activities Approved by the FAA


Street Improvements:

•  All roads located on AUTHORITY property are owned and maintained by AUTHORITY in fee simple absolute.

•  Any additional or existing street improvements will be determined by AUTHORITY and FAA.

•  Minimum paved street width will be twenty-four (24) feet with a minimum of five (5) foot gravel shoulder on each side of the paved street. Total right-of-way will be a minimum of sixty (60) feet. Street specifications will be determined by AUTHORITY for each project. On-street parking is allowed subject to AUTHORITY rules and regulations.

•  Transportation Capacity Payment (TCP) will be determined by the number of daily trips estimated for the specific proposal.


Drainage/Stormwater Management:

•  Review by Grand Junction Community Development relative to the Airport’s stormwater drainage system. City of Grand Junction stormwater drainage fees will not apply if all runoff is directed to AUTHORITY detention basins.

•  Refer to the AUTHORITY’s Colorado Discharge Permit System Stormwater Management Plan, as amended from time to time.



•  Additional and existing utilities located on AUTHORITY property determined by AUTHORITY.

•  All other utilities located off airport property to be determined by utility provider.

•  Fire hydrants and water main extensions to be determined by the Grand Junction Fire Department.


Site Development:

bulk requirements

a.  TENANT must establish compatible grading and drainage relationships between building, parking areas, ramps, taxiways, and adjacent properties consistent with the AUTHORITY’s master plan for grading and drainage and the City of Grand Junction drainage requirements. Tenant shall be responsible for assuring that any proposed alteration of grading or drainage does not result in damage to any other real or personal property surrounding, or in the vicinity of, the subject property.

b.  Building setback from all lease lines is zero (0) feet.

c.  Building construction and materials must be non-glare and must not interfere with aircraft operations.

d.  Enclosed hangars must have a floor consisting of a minimum of 4 inches of concrete.

e.  Exterior building colors will be soft colors similar to those found in nature in soil, rocks, and vegetation within the region. Any structure color existing prior to the adoption of these Covenants shall be exempt from the exterior building color requirements. Upon request, manufacturer’s standard color chart will be provided to the AUTHORITY for review and approval of the exterior building trim and wall colors.

f.  Aircraft movement areas must consist of a minimum of 4 inches of asphalt or concrete and must meet the design criteria for the aircraft weight contemplated.

g.  Compliance with the adopted Fire and Building Codes.

h.  Approved FAA FORM 7460-1 for the improvements.


parking and traffic circulation

•  TENANT may be subject to adequate parking space regulations as required by the AUTHORITY’s Requirements and Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Services and Activities.

•  No review by Grand Junction Community Development.


landscaping (street frontages, parking areas)

•  Landscaping not required.

•  TENANT must eliminate weeds on a regular basis and must comply with all FAA requirements pursuant to FAR Part 139, as amended from time to time.


screening and buffering

•  Additional and existing to be determined by AUTHORITY.



•  Lights must be placed or shielded so they do not cause glare or excessive light spillage onto adjacent properties, runways, taxiways, taxilanes, ramp areas, roadways, and the air traffic control tower.



•  TENANT must comply with the City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, as amended from time to time, and Federal Aviation Regulations, as amended from time to time, for signage requirements. All lighted signs must be approved in writing, in advance, by the AUTHORITY. Furthermore, final approval of signage will be at the sole discretion of the AUTHORITY.


pedestrian circulation

•  Required pedestrian circulation will be at the sole discretion of the AUTHORITY.


review process

•  Minor Site Plan Review by City of Grand Junction

•  Grading and Drainage review by City of Grand Junction

•  Approved FAA FORM 7460-1 for the improvements provided to City of Grand Junction prior to issuance of a Planning Clearance.

•  Sign permits required. Signage must meet standards of the City of Grand Junction and AUTHORITY, whichever is more restrictive.





Allowed Uses:

This zone is primarily for but not limited to:

•  Pilot Supply Shop

•  Car Rental

•  Restaurant

•  Aeronautical Support Manufacturer]

•  Courier Service

•  Parking Infrastructure

•  Gift Shop

•  Service Business

•  Weather Service

•  Transportation Security Administration

•  Ground Handling Service

•  Aircraft Sales

•  Multi-modal Transportation Systems

•  Aeronautical Related Activities Approved by the FAA



•  Compliance with all requirements of the C-1 (Light Commercial) zone district of the City of Grand Junction.

•  Review process in accordance with the Zoning and Development Code—Planned Development. All projects will require review and approval of the Planning Commission.

•  All required fees and permits in accordance with the City of Grand Junction.

•  An approved FAA FORM 7460-1 for the improvements prior to issuance of a Planning Clearance.

•  Compliance with adopted Building and Fire Codes.

•  Review by Grand Junction Community Development relative to the Airport’s stormwater drainage system. City of Grand Junction stormwater drainage fees will not apply if all runoff is directed to AUTHORITY detention basins.





Allowed Uses:

This zone is primarily for, but not limited to:

•  Motel, Hotel, Bed & Breakfast, Inn, etc.

•  Restaurant

•  Convenience Store

•  Car Wash

•  Museum

•  Theater

•  Office Complex

•  Multi-modal Transportation Complex

•  AUTHORITY may consider any other uses allowed in the C-1 zone district.



•  Compliance with all requirements of the C-1 (Light Commercial) zone district of the City of Grand Junction.

•  Review process in accordance with the Zoning and Development Code—Planned Development. All projects will require review and approval of the Planning Commission.

•  All required fees and permits in accordance with the City of Grand Junction.

•  An approved FAA FORM 7460-1 for the improvements prior to issuance of a Planning Clearance.

•  Compliance with adopted Building and Fire Codes.

•  Review by Grand Junction Community Development relative to the Airport’s stormwater drainage system. City of Grand Junction stormwater drainage fees will not apply if all runoff is directed to AUTHORITY detention basins.


INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 6th day of October, 2004.


PASSED on SECOND READING this 20th day of October, 2004.






/s/: Stephanie Tuin          /s/: Bruce Hill

City Clerk            President of Council
