Two-Week Self-Care Wellness Challenge


The Wellness Committee invites you to engage in daily self-care activities from April 7 to April 20 to earn one wellness incentive category*. Record your activities on the next page and submit the log to or drop it off in HR by Thursday, April 25 for a chance to win 1 of 4 randomly drawn prizes.


Double your chances to win by scheduling your biometric screening in the month of April with your physician or the Sage Health and Wellness Center. Record the date of your appointment on the next page.

“What is self-care, and what are things I can do to log my time?”

Self-care means prioritizing your wellbeing by attending to your physical, social, mental, spiritual, financial, career, and emotional health. Come up with your own or use some of these suggested self-care activities.

Employee Benefits

At work

 Mental health counseling (available through Triad or Sage).

 Financial planning with your advisor or Mission Square.

 Healthcare appointment with your physician or Sage.

 Creating a budget using Smart Dollar (keyword: cityofgrandjunctionco8722).

 Exercise, meditation or yoga sessions (suggestion: use the Burnalong app).

 Connecting with someone who makes you smile or laugh.

 Decluttering your work area.

 Hydrating with plain water.

 Requesting help on a busy day.

 Short 15-minute walk to take a break.


At home


 Having a tech-free evening.

 Preparing a healthy meal.

 Savoring good memories by looking at photos or memorabilia.

 Playing board games or sports with friends.

 Going to bed 30-minutes earlier than usual.

 Setting an intention for the day.

 Self-affirmations or gratitude journaling.

 Listing what went well at the end of the day.

 Engaging in a hobby.

 Listen to or play music.




*Wellness Incentive Categories include: Financial, Career, Social, Overall Well-being, and Mental.


Two-Week Self-Care Wellness Challenge Log

Your Printed Name:                  Email:        


Activity Description

Sunday, April 7


Monday, April 8


Tuesday, April 9


Wednesday, April 10


Thursday, April 11


Friday, April 12


Saturday, April 13


Sunday, April 14


Monday, April 15


Tuesday, April 16


Wednesday, April 17


Thursday, April 18


Friday, April 19


Saturday, April 20



OPTIONAL: Double your chances to win by scheduling your biometric screening in the month of April with your physician or the Sage Health and Wellness Center. Date of your appointment:            




Submit your log to or drop it off in HR by Thursday, April 25 for a chance to win 1 of 4 randomly drawn prizes.