One of the purposes of the H Road/Northwest Area Plan was to create policies and performance standards to implement the plan once adopted. Staff and Planning Commission have recommended the policies be adopted as an overlay district to apply to the entire Plan Study area and that performance standards be adopted as an overlay zone district to apply to the 22 Road and H ½ Road corridors.


Overlay zoning is one way to create a more flexible and discretionary alternative to traditional zoning. An overlay zone is a mapped overlay district superimposed on one or more established zoning districts, which may be used to impose supplemental restrictions on uses in these districts, permit uses otherwise disallowed, or implement some form of density bonus or incentive bonus program.


An overlay zone supplements the underlying zone with additional requirements or incentives while leaving underlying zoning regulations in place. Examples might include special requirements such as design standards, performance standards or guidelines, additional setbacks or height limits. A parcel within the overlay zone will thus be simultaneously subject to standard and specialized, compatible zoning regulations; the underlying and the overlay zoning requirements.


Overlay zone boundaries are also not restricted by the underlying zoning districts’ boundaries. An overlay zone may or may not encompass the entire underlying zoning district. Likewise, an overlay zone can cover more than one zoning district or even portions of several underlying zoning districts.


The H Road/Northwest Area Plan Policies and Performance Standards will apply as an overlay zone district to all development on all parcels abutting the west side of 22 Road from H Road to H ½ Road and the south side of H ½ Road from 21 Road to 22 Road. The number and size of parcels falling under this definition can change over time as determined by City Council through amendment of this ordinance.


The policies of the overlay district, as stated in the plan, are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth. The policies are summarized as follows:


Truck Traffic. Site design shall direct truck (operations) traffic to the 21 ½ Road Corridor. All other traffic including customer or light vehicle traffic may also use 22 Road and H ½ Road.


Billboards. All signage as defined under the existing development codes and regulations of the City and County as off-premise signs are not allowed anywhere within the H Road/Northwest Area Plan boundaries.


Corridor Aesthetics/Landscaping. All property frontages along designated corridors shall provide at a minimum:

1.  A 25 ft. wide landscaping strip the entire length of the frontage (excluding driveways);

2.  A berm the entire length of the frontage with a minimum of 36 inches in height.

Fencing shall not be allowed within the 25 ft. landscape strip with the exception of split rail fences with up to 3 rails and not more than 4 feet in height.


Loading Docks and Fleet Parking. All loading docks and fleet/equipment parking shall be located in the rear half of the lot or behind the principal structure (I.e. south side of buildings fronting on H ½ Road and west of buildings fronting on 22 Road).


Outdoor Storage and Display. Outdoor storage areas shall be:

1.  Adequately screened so as not to be visible from adjacent public roads (I.e. H ½ Road and 22 Road);

2.  In the rear half of the lot or behind the principal structure (I.e. south of buildings fronting on H ½ Road and west of buildings fronting on 22 Road);

3.  Trash receptacles shall be fully screened and located in the rear half of the lot or behind the principal structure.


Parking Lots. All parking lots located within the front half of the parcel or in front of the principal structure (adjacent to 22 Road and H ½ Road rights-of-way), shall only be used for customer parking.


Architectural Standards. Applies only to building facades facing the 22 Road and H ½ Road rights-of-way. Building form shall incorporate projected and recessed elements to provide architectural variety, such as entryways, special functional areas, rooflines, and other features including the following requirements:

1.  Blank, windowless walls are discouraged. Where the construction of a blank wall is necessary, the wall shall be articulated.

2.  Large monolithic expanses of uninterrupted facades (greater than 50 ft.) are not allowed. Pilasters, texture transitions, windows and stepping of the wall plane are required.

3.  Buildings with flat roofs shall provide a parapet with an articulated cornice.

4.  All primary buildings shall use materials that are durable, economically maintained, and of quality that will retain their appearance over time including but not limited to stone, brick, stucco, and pre-cast concretes.

Signage Standards. Only monument style signs at a maximum of 8 ft. in height with a maximum total of 64 square feet per sign face shall be allowed. Signs shall not be internally illuminated. External illumination is allowed.





The Zoning and Development Code is hereby amended to add Section 7.6 entitled “H Road/ Northwest Plan Area Policies and Performance Standards” said plan is incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth. All Policies stated in the plan (Truck Traffic and Billboards) shall be applicable to the area shown on Exhibit A to this ordinance. Be it further ordained that all Performance Standards (Corridor Aesthetics/Landscaping, Loading Docks and Fleet Parking, Outdoor Storage and Display, Parking Lots, Architectural Standards, Signage Standards) stated in the plan shall be applicable to all development on all parcels abutting the west side of 22 Road from H Road to H ½ Road and the south side of H ½ Road from 21 Road to 22 Road.


The City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish the amendment and set a Public Hearing.


Introduced on first reading this 4th day of April, 2007.


Passed and adopted on second reading this 18th day of April, 2007.





/s/: Stephanie Tuin              /s/: James J. Doody

City Clerk                President of the Council









