July 25, 2023, 5:30 PM

The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Commissioner Scissors.


Those present were Planning Commissioners; Shanon Secrest, Melanie Duyvejonck, Kim Herek, and Keith Ehlers.


Also present were Jamie Beard (City Attorney), Tamra Allen (Community Development Director), Jessica Johnsen (Senior Planner), Madeline Robinson (Planning Technician), and Jacob Kaplan (Planning Technician).


There were 12 members of the public in attendance, and 0 virtually.




1.  Approval of Minutes _
Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) from July 11, 2023.




1. Knoll Ridge Rezone RZN-2022-1895

Consider a request by Christopher and Patricia Jones, Property Owners, to rezone 1.54 acres from R-1 (Residential – 1 du/ac) to R-4 (Residential – 4 du/ac) located at 645 Knoll Ridge Lane.  This item was continued from the June 27, 2023 Planning Commission hearing.


This item has been withdrawn by the applicant.


2. C ½ Road Gravel Pit CUP CUP-2021-616

Consider a Request by M & D Enterprises for a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Sand and Gravel Extraction on a Total of 27.8 acres in a CSR (Community Services and Recreation) Zone District located at 2855 C 1/2 Road. This item was continued from the July 11, 2023 Planning Commission hearing.


Applicant requested item to be reheard in full on August 22, 2023


3. John H Hoffman Filing 4 Rezone RZN-2023-230

Consider a request by Laurel Cole – Habitat for Humanity of Mesa County, property owner, to zone 1.22 acres from R-5 (Residential – 5 du/ac) to R-12 (Residential – 12 du/ac) located at 3041 D Road.


Staff Presentation

Jessica Johnsen, Senior Planner, introduced exhibits into the record and provided a presentation regarding the request.


Darah Galvin with Bray Real Estate was present and available for questions.


Questions for staff


Commissioner Herek asked about the difference in the approval criteria between the presentation and the staff report.


Public Hearing

The public hearing was opened at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, via


Commissioner Ehlers asked about the density range for R-5 zones. He also asked if the City Housing Dept had any input on the requested rezone.


Commissioner Secrest asked why the request was for R-12 not R-8.


Darah Galvin responded to commissioner questions.


The public hearing was closed at 5:50 p.m. on July 25, 2023.




Motion and Vote

Commissioner Secrest made the following motion “Mr. Chairman, on the John H Hoffman Filing 4 Rezone request from an R-5 (Residential - 5 du/ac) zone district to an R-12 (Residential - 12 du/ac) zone district for the 1.22 acre property located at 3041 D Rd., City File Number RZN-2023-230, I move that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to City Council with the findings of fact as listed in this staff report.”


Commissioner Herek seconded; motion passed 5-0.


4. Western Slope Metropolitan District SDS-2023-431

Consider a request by Goldberg Properties, Inc. for a Service Plan for the Western Slope Metropolitan District including 29.68 acres located at 766 24 Road and properties identified by Parcel Nos. 2701-332-00-028 and 2701-332-00-027.


Staff Presentation

Tamra Allen, Community Development Director, introduced exhibits into the record and provided a presentation regarding the request.


MaryAnn McGeady with McGeady Becher provided a presentation on the request and was available for questions.


Questions for staff


Commissioner Ehlers asked about fluctuations in the assessed costs associated with the project. He asked for clarification on what the city would be responsible for regarding infrastructure improvements per the service plan and IGA. He asked if the cost estimates accounted for changes in the requirements for road infrastructure and improvements.


MaryAnn McGeady and Mark Goldberg responded to commissioner questions.


Public Hearing

The public hearing was opened at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, via


Commissioner Ehlers asked about the timeline for implementation of the service plan given the proposed update to the municipal code.


Commissioner Secrest asked about the public safety requirements following development of the site.


Tamra Allen responded to commissioner questions and comments and provided an amendment to the conditions of approval.


The public hearing was closed at 6:43 p.m. on July 25, 2023.




Motion and Vote

Commissioner Ehlers made the following motion “Mr. Chairman, on the request for review and approval of the Service Plan for the Western Slope Metropolitan District, metropolitan district intended to serve the proposed Western Slope development, SDS-2023-431, I move that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of conditional approval with the following conditions:  


Condition 1:  Approval of the form of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) describing the improvements and responsibilities of the City of Grand Junction and the Western Slope Metropolitan District.”


Commissioner Secrest seconded; motion passed 5-0.





Commissioner Ehlers moved to adjourn the meeting.
The vote to adjourn was 5-0.

The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.