Park Operations Office
2529 High Country Court, Grand Junction CO 81501
Thursday October 5th, 2023, 8:30 - 10AM
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes for September Forestry Board Meeting
3. Public Comments
4. Forestry Updates
a. Tree maintenance updated 1/1 through 10/1
i. 2023 = 355 trees trimmed; 296 trees removed; trees planted 361
ii. 2022 = 306 trees trimmed; 266 trees removed; trees planted 308
iii. 2021 = 399 trees trimmed; 380 trees removed; trees planted 310
b. Private ash treatment program status - 10/2/23
i. 437 requests received
ii. 525 ash treated
c. Christmas lights starting October 16th – All Forestry staff dedicated for 3 weeks to complete
5. New Business
a. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
i. 12/11/2023 5pm
b. Education
i. Farmers Market
ii. Aerial Rescue
iii. Western Colorado Community Forestry Conference
c. Zoning Code Changes (Niki Galehouse – Planning Supervisor)
d. Review of Chapter 8
i. Guidelines for General Contractors and Tree Removal
ii. Forestry Rules and Regulations
e. Other items to discuss
6. Adjourn
7. Next Forestry Board Meeting: Thursday November 2nd 8:30-10am; Park Operations Office
If you have any questions contact chair, Kamie Long at 970-248-7325 or Robert Davis, City Forester at 970-254-3825