

Park Operations Office

2529 High Country Court, Grand Junction CO 81501

Thursday January 4th, 2023, 8:30 - 10AM

1.  Call to Order


2.  Approve Minutes for December Forestry Board Meeting


3.  Public Comments


4.  New Business


a.  Chair and Vice-chair appointments for 2024

b.  Vince Urbina Memorial

c.  Arbor Day 2024

d.  Commercial Landscapes

i.  Code enforcement compliance

ii.  Zoning code landscape regulations – tree maintenance standards

e.  Education Committee Updates

i.  Turf Removal and Tree Roots (from Susan Carter’s program)

ii.  Tree Information Tri-fold

1.  Review templates from Jason Martinez

2.  Updated blurbs / short sections for tri-fold topics

iii.  Forestry Website

f.  Review of Chapter 8

i.  Forestry Rules and Regulations

g.  Other items to discuss


5.  Forestry Updates


a.  Tree removal focus through February

i.  52 removals completed as of 1/2/24


6.  Adjourn


7.  Next Forestry Board Meeting: Thursday February 1st 8:30-10am; Park Operations Office


If you have any questions contact chair, Kamie Long at 970-248-7325 or Robert Davis, City Forester at 970-254-3825