
 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of zoning the Fletcher Annexation to the PD zone district finding that it conforms with the recommended land use category as shown on the Future Land Use map of the Growth Plan, and the Growth Plan’s goals and policies, and is generally compatible with land uses located in the surrounding area. The zone district meets the criteria found in Section 2.6 of the Zoning and Development Code and the requirements of Chapter 5, regarding Planned Developments. The default zoning is R-2, Residential – 2 units per acre.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the PD zone district is in conformance with the stated criteria of Section 2.6 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




The following property be zoned Planned Development not to exceed 1.12 dwelling units per acre.




2945-194-11-001 & 2945-301-12-001


A certain parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 19 and the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 30, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Ute Principal Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado and being more particularly described as follows:


BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Block D, Monument Valley Subdivision, as same is recorded in Plat Book 16, page 269-270, Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado, and assuming the East line of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of said Section 30 bears S00°00’15”W with all other bearings contained herein being relative thereto; thence from said Point of Beginning; S11°52’16”W to a point on the South right of way line of South Camp Road, as same is recorded in Book 997, pages 945-946, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along said right of way N78°07’44”W a distance of 204.77 feet; thence 662.69 feet along the arc of a 1004.93 foot radius curve concave Northeast, having a central angle of 37°46’59” and a chord bearing N59°14’14”W a distance of 650.75 feet; thence N40°20’44”W a distance of 457.15 feet; thence 390.46 feet along the arc of a 1004.93 foot radius curve concave Northeast, having a central angle of 22°15’42” and a chord bearing N29°12’52”W a distance of 388.01 feet to a point on the centerline of Rimrock Drive, as same is shown on the plat of Monument Valley Subdivision Filing No. 5, as same is recorded in Plat Book 14, Pages 212-214, Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado; thence N71°52’16”E a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on the East line of the Monument Valley Annexation, City of Grand Junction Ordinance No. 2850, and the centerline of said South Camp Road; thence 353.46 feet along the arc of a 954.93 foot radius curve concave East, having a central angle of 21°12’28” and a chord bearing N07°28’38”W a distance of 351.45 feet; thence N03°07’36”E along a line 429.61 feet; thence 602.38 feet along the arc of a 954.93 foot radius curve concave West, having a central angle of 36°08’35” and a chord bearing N14°55’27”W a distance of 592.44 feet; thence N57°08’32”E a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on the North right of way of said South Camp Road; thence S32°59’44”E a distance of 45.59 feet; thence 633.56 feet along the arc of a 1004.93 foot radius curve concave West, having a central angle of 36°07’20” and a chord bearing S14°56’04”E a distance of 623.12 feet; thence S03°07’36”W a distance of 429.95 feet; thence 686.60 feet along the arc of a 904.93 foot radius curve concave Northeast, having a central angle of 43°28’20” and a chord bearing S18°36’34”E a distance of 670.25 feet; thence S40°20’44”E a distance of 457.15 feet; thence 596.27 feet along the arc of a 904.93 foot radius curve concave Northeast, having a central angle of 37°45’09” and a chord bearing S59°13’19”E a distance of 585.54 feet; thence S78°07’44”E a distance of 205.25 feet; more or less to the Point of Beginning, TOGETHER WITH Block C and Block D, of said Monument Valley Subdivision.


Said parcel contains 144.43 acres (6,291,761 square feet), more or less, as described.


This Ordinance prescribes as follows:


1)  Default zoning standards. If the planned development approval expires or becomes invalid for any reason, the property shall be fully subject to the default standards. The default standards of the R-2 zoning designation will apply.


2)  Phasing schedule. The Phasing Schedule is:

 First Phase shall be platted by March 1, 2008;

 Phase 2 – by March 1, 2011;

 Phase 3 – by March 1, 2013,

 Phase 4 – by March 1, 2015

 Phase 5 – by March 1, 2017.


 A graphic depiction of the phasing is shown on sheet 3 of the approved preliminary drawings, dated 4/24/07, included in development file number PP-2006-217.


3)  Number of units allowed. 155 residential units allowed – 103 single family residential lots, 1/2 acre in size or larger; 52 patio homes (attached and detached).


4)  Applicable setbacks.


 a) Patio homes. The setback standards for the patio homes are as follows: A minimum 14-foot setback is required around the perimeter of the patio home area. This setback is measured from the back of walk and includes Red Park Road, Red Point Road, Red Mesa Road, and Slick Rock Road. The front setback for all garages shall be 20 feet. The side setback between buildings is 10 feet, except for those units that are attached, and then a zero setback is allowed. No accessory structures will be allowed. A dimensioned final design of the patio home area will be recorded with the Final Plat.


 b) Other homes. The setbacks for the single-family homes not designated as patio homes are as follows: The front setback is 20 feet for the principle structure and 25 feet for accessory structures. Side setbacks are 15-feet for the principle structure and 3 feet for accessory structures. The rear setback is 30-feet for the principle structure and 3 feet for an accessory structure. (These setbacks are consistent with the R-2 default zone.)


5)  Future development. A tract (shown as Tract N on the approved preliminary drawings dated 4/24/07, found in development file number PP-2006-217) is reserved for future development to adjoin the property to the east.


6)  Construction restrictions.


 Construction outside of the designated building envelopes will not be permitted. Engineered foundations and site grading plans shall be required on all lots. The Final Plat shall include a note requiring construction with the designated building envelopes, engineered foundations and site grading plans for each and every lot.


 Mitigation berms, swales for drainage and rock fall areas shall be constructed. City engineer(s) and Colorado Geological Survey representatives shall be permitted to supervise the construction of these features and these features must be inspected and approved by a City engineer. These features will be considered and treated as “as-builts.” The construction of these features shall be guaranteed and secured by Development Improvements Agreement (DIA) and associated security. Maintenance of these features shall be provided by an association of the homeowners in perpetuity, and easements in favor of said association for this purpose shall be granted.


No planning clearance or building permit shall issue for any construction on the lot designated as Lot 1, Block 1 on the approved preliminary drawings dated 4/24/07, included in development file number PP-2006-217, and said lot shall not be sold, unless and until a secondary access is constructed in the subdivision to the east. No more than 99 homes shall be constructed in area comprised by the Plan (referred to presently as the Red Rocks Valley Subdivision) unless and until a secondary access to a public roadway or street is constructed, whether within the Red Rocks Valley Subdivision or in the subdivision / development to the east. A Recording Memorandum setting forth in detail these restrictions shall be recorded so as to inform potential buyers of such restrictions. Construction of said secondary access shall be guaranteed and secured by a DIA and associated security.


 If no access to South Camp Road that can serve as a secondary access for Red Rocks Valley Subdivision is completed in the subdivision / development to the east by the time a planning clearance or building permit for the 99th house issues, the developer shall promptly construct the secondary access in the location of Lot 1, Block 1 on the approved preliminary drawings dated 4/24/07, included in development file number PP-2006-217.


 No planning clearance or building permit shall issue for any construction on the lot designated on the approved preliminary drawings, dated 4/24/07 and included in development file number PP-2006-217 as Lot 1, Block 5, unless and until the ingress/egress easement is vacated and the lift station associated with it has been relocated or is no longer needed, as determined by City staff. A Recording Memorandum setting forth in detail these restrictions shall be recorded so as to inform potential buyers of such restrictions.


 The Final Plat shall show any and all "no-disturbance" and/or "no-build" zones as designated by the Army Corps of Engineers or City engineers.


7)  Private Streets Agreement. Private streets as proposed by the Applicant are approved; an agreement for the maintenance of all private streets in the subdivision in accordance with City Transportation Engineering and Design Standards (TEDS) shall be required and shall be recorded with the Final Plat.

8)  Sidewalks. The following sidewalks not shown on the approved preliminary drawings dated 04/24/07 included in development file number PP-2006-217 shall be provided:


o  Sidewalk on both sides of Slick Rock Road.

o  Sidewalks on both sides of Red Park Road.

o  Sidewalk on both sides on Red Pointe Road between Red Mesa Road and Red Park Road.

o  Sidewalk along north side of Boulder Road.


9)  Park land dedication. The final plat shall include a dedication to the City for a public park holding in the corner of land which connects with and would make contiguous City's two holdings to the north and east of this parcel. Said dedication shall be sufficient, at a minimum, to allow maintenance access, and shall be to the reasonable specifications of the Parks and Recreation Department.


10)  Trails. Existing public trails in the area shall connect through this subdivision.



INTRODUCED on first reading the 18th day of July, 2007 and ordered published.


ADOPTED on second reading the 1st day of August, 2007.






/s/ James J. Doody      

             President of the Council


/s/ Stephanie Tuin      

City Clerk