

 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of rezoning the following described area of land to the R-8, Residential – 8 units/acre Zone District finding that it conforms with the recommended land use category as shown on the future land use map of the Growth Plan and the Growth Plan’s goals and policies and is generally compatible with land uses located in the surrounding area. The zone district meets the criteria found in Section 2.6 of the Zoning and Development Code.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the R-8, Residential – 8 units/acre Zone District is in conformance with the stated criteria of Section 2.6 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




The following area be rezoned R-8, Residential – 8 units/acre Zone District.


A parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 1 South, Range 1 East of the Ute Meridian and including portions of the Falls 2004, recorded in Book 4100, Page 120 through 124 and The Falls, Filing No. Two, as recorded at Plat Book 12, Pages 370 and 371 and being more particularly described as follows:


COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE¼ NW¼) (N1/16th Corner) of Section 7, Township 1 South, Range 1 East of the Ute Meridian, whence the Southwest corner of said NE¼ NW¼ (NW 1/16th Corner) bears North 89°57'01" West, a distance of 1321.23 feet for a basis of bearings, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; thence North 89°57'01" West, a distance of 33.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the South line of the Northeast quarter Northwest quarter (NE¼ NW¼) of said Section 7, North 89°57’01” West 1257.71 feet to a point on the East right of way line of 28 ¼ Road; thence North 01°08'47" West, a distance of 28.19 feet along said East right of way; thence along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 11°09'32", with a radius of 1184.50 feet, an arc length of 230.69 feet, with a chord bearing of North 06°43'29" West, and a chord length of 230.33 feet along said East right of way; thence North 02°01'15" West, a distance of 73.70 feet, to a point on the South right-of-way line of Grand Falls Drive, as shown on plat of The Falls, Filing No. Three, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 122, Mesa county records; thence, along said South right-of-way line of Grand Falls Road the following five (5) courses: (1) North 72°51'13" East, a distance of 56.88 feet; (2) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 17°05'14", with a radius of 350.29 feet, an arc length of 104.47 feet, with a chord bearing of North 81°23'50" East, and a chord length of 104.08 feet; (3) North 89°56'27" East, a distance of 195.00 feet; (4) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 37°24'58", with a radius of 127.50 feet, an arc length of 83.26 feet, with a chord bearing of North 71°13'57" East, and a chord length of 81.79 feet; (5) North 52°31'27" East, a distance of 241.15 feet, to a point at the intersection of said South right-of-way line of Grand Falls Drive and the Westerly right-of-way line of South Grand Falls Court, as shown on plat of The Falls, Filing No. Two, as recorded at Plat Book 12, Pages 370 and 371, Mesa County records; thence around the said right-of-way of said South Grand Falls Court the following sixteen (16) courses: (1) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 93°54'07", with a radius of 20.00 feet, an arc length of 32.78 feet, with a chord bearing of South 83°25'03" East, and a chord length of 29.23 feet; (2) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 17°41'34", with a radius of 167.38 feet, an arc length of 51.69 feet, with a chord bearing of South 28°37'44" East, and a chord length of 51.48 feet; (3) South 19°46'53" East, a distance of 87.75 feet; (4) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 07°50'32", with a radius of 124.00 feet, an arc length of 16.97 feet, with a chord bearing of South 23°42'08" East, and a chord length of 16.96 feet; (5) South 27°37'23" East, a distance of 71.00 feet; (6) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 45°05'10", with a radius of 131.00 feet, an arc length of 103.08 feet, with a chord bearing of South 05°04'51" East, and a chord length of 100.45 feet; (7) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 46°10'39", with a radius of 175.00 feet, an arc length of 141.04 feet, with a chord bearing of South 05°37'33" East, and a chord length of 137.25 feet; (8) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 242°02'52", with a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc length of 211.23 feet, with a chord bearing of North 30°15'41" East, and a chord length of 85.70 feet; (9) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 94°34'22", with a radius of 20.00 feet, an arc length of 33.01 feet, with a chord bearing of North 43°28'25" West, and a chord length of 29.39 feet; (10) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 12°31'43", with a radius of 131.00 feet, an arc length of 28.65 feet, with a chord bearing of North 11°11'55" East, and a chord length of 28.59 feet; (11) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 45°05'05", with a radius of 175.00 feet, an arc length of 137.70 feet, with a chord bearing of North 05°04'48" West, and a chord length of 134.18 feet; (12) North 27°37'23" West, a distance of 71.00 feet; (13) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 07°50'32", with a radius of 80.00 feet, an arc length of 10.95 feet, with a chord bearing of North 23°42'08" West, and a chord length of 10.94 feet; (14) North 19°46'53" West, a distance of 87.75 feet; (15) along a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 17°41'13", with a radius of 211.38 feet, an arc length of 65.25 feet, with a chord bearing of North 28°37'29" West, and a chord length of 64.99 feet; (16) along a curve to the right, having a delta angle of 88°12'49", with a radius of 20.00 feet, an arc length of 30.79 feet, with a chord bearing of North 05°33'07" East, and a chord length of 27.84 feet, to a point on said South right-of-way line of Grand Falls Drive; thence North 52°31'27" East, a distance of 136.23 feet, along said South right-of-way line of Grand Falls Drive to a point on the Westerly line of a tract to The Falls Homeowners Association, granted in Book 4044, Page 540, Mesa County records; thence, along the Westerly boundary of said Homeowners Tract the following seven (7) courses: (1) South 19°46'53" East, a distance of 62.06 feet; (2) South 70°13'07" West, a distance of 52.80 feet; (3) South 19°46'53" East, a distance of 64.54 feet; (4) South 24°50'25" East, a distance of 74.73 feet; (5) North 70°13'07" East, a distance of 56.83 feet; (6) South 19°46'53" East, a distance of 125.48 feet; (7) South 81°04'58" East, a distance of 7.82 feet, to a point on the West line of Tract D, The Falls 2004, as shown on plat recorded in Book 4100, Page 120 through 124, Mesa County records; thence, along said Westerly line of said Tract D the following two courses: (1) South 00°10'03" East, a distance of 40.11 feet; (2) South 19°44'02" East, a distance of 115.66 feet, to a point at the Northwest corner of Tract E in said the Falls 2004; thence around the boundary of said Tract E and a portion of the 28¼ Road Right-of-Way the following fifteen (13) courses: (1) a curve to the left, having a delta angle of 115°14'13", with a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc length of 100.56 feet, with a chord bearing of South 77°23'01" East, and a chord length of 84.45 feet; (2) South 76°13'13" East, a distance of 33.98 feet; (3) North 70°14'19" East, a distance of 92.43 feet; (4) North 19°45'41" West, a distance of 195.41 feet; (5) North 67°24'45" East, a distance of 5.36 feet; (6) South 19°45'41" East, a distance of 92.42 feet; (7) North 70°14'19" East, a distance of 17.06 feet; (8) North 89°51'10" East, a distance of 9.18 feet; (9) South 00°01'36" East, a distance of 65.21 feet; (10) South 20°36'17" East, a distance of 50.52 feet; (11) South 00°08'50" East, a distance of 21.67 feet; (12) North 89°51'10" East, a distance of 108.40 feet, to a point on the projected West right-of-way line of 28½ Road; (13) South 00°10'02" East, a distance of 192.98 feet, along projected West right-of-way line of 28½ Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

Said parcel containing an area of 10.33 acres, as described.


By operation of law, Ordinance No. 1761 as amended is hereby further amended by removing the above described land from the Planned Development zone.


INTRODUCED on first reading the 20th day of February, 2008 and ordered published.


ADOPTED on second reading the 5th day of March, 2008.




 /s/: James J. Doody

             President of the Council


/s/: Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk