WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction is the owner of the north half of Block 84, in said city, subject to the right of the Library Board of said city to a part thereof in the northwest corner and on which part stands a Public Library, and


 WHEREAS, the County of Mesa is the owner of the south half of said block on which stands the jail of said county, and


 WHEREAS, School District No. 1 of Mesa County, Colorado, is the owner of Block 95, in said city, on the west half of which stands the Lowell School House, and


 WHEREAS, said Block 95 is the more desirable location for City and County buildings and Block 84 is more desirable for school purposes, and


 WHEREAS, it is desired by said City and County on the one hand and the said School District on the other hand, to exchange said blocks so that the said City would become the owner of the west half of said Block 95, and the said County would become the owner of the east half of said block, and the said School District would become the owner of said Block 84.


 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and be it ordained by the qualified electors of said City of Grand Junction, Colorado, upon referendum by the City Council thereof:


 SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Grand Junction by its Mayor and City Clerk, under the seal of said City, are hereby authorized, directed and required to convey by good and sufficient deed of conveyance to School District No. 1 of Mesa County, Colorado, all the right, title and interest of the City of Grand Junction in and to the north half of said Block 84, subject to the conditions and as provided in this ordinance.


 SECTION 2. The deed of conveyance to be made by the City of Grand Junction to the said School District No. 1 as provided in this ordinance, shall not be delivered nor take effect as the deed of said City to the said School District No. 1 until: first, the said County of Mesa shall execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed of conveyance, conveying the south half of said Block 84, to the said School District; and, second, the said School District shall execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed of conveyance, conveying to the said City the west half of said Block 95; and third, the said School District shall execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed of conveyance, conveying to the said County of Mesa the east half of said Block 95.


 SECTION 3. The said conveyance from the said City of Grand Junction to the said School District of the north half of said Block 84, shall, however, reserve to the City and Library Board of said City, for library purposes, the use of the following described real estate, as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Block 84, thence south 75 feet, thence east 120 feet, thence north 75 feet, thence west 120 feet to place of beginning, said reservation being for the use of a Public Library as long as the said premises shall be so used by the said City and by the said Library Board of said City, and when no longer so used the said School District shall be entitled to the possession thereof, the salvage from the Library Building now standing to belong to the said City.


 SECTION 4. The said deed of conveyance from the said School District to the said City of Grand Junction of the west half of said Block 95, shall reserve to the said School District the use and possession of the west half of said Block 95, for a period of five years from the date of said deed of conveyance, to be used for school purposes, unless the said premises shall cease to be used for school purposes prior to the expiration of said time, in which case said City shall at once become entitled to the possession thereof. The said School District shall be entitled to all salvage from school buildings on said the west half of said Block 95.


 SECTION 5. The said City shall pay to said School District Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-five ($2,875.00) Dollars when the said exchange of real estate is made as herein provided for.


 Passed and adopted November 6th, 1917.




 WE HEREBY CERTIFY, that at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held October 16th, 1917, the above and foregoing ordinance was introduced, read and ordered published and submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said city for their adoption or rejection at a regular election to be held in said city on November 6, 1917.


 Pursuant thereto, said ordinance was duly and regularly published on October 26, 1917, in The Daily Sentinel of said city, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said city, and in pursuance thereof and in accordance with the law in such case made and provided, said ordinance was duly and regularly submitted to a vote of said qualified electors for their adoption or rejection at a regular election held in said city on November 6, 1917, at which election a majority of the votes of said electors voting on said question was cast in favor of the adoption of said ordinance, and said ordinance was thereby duly and regularly adopted.


 Thereafter, at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held November 8, 1917, pursuant to the Charter of said City, said ordinance was ordered recorded and numbered "People's Ordinance No. 9," and was ordered published in the Daily Sentinel of said city.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the official seal of said City, this 12th day of November, A. D. 1917.




/S/ Chas. E. Cherrington





/S/ Charles K. Holmburg

City Clerk


Final publication, Nov. 13, 1917.