WHEREAS, the Grover Packing Company is the owner of Lots 10 to 16 inclusive and 17 to 23 inclusive in block 3; of lots 1 to 6 inclusive and 27 to 32 inclusive in Block 4; of lots 1 to 6 inclusive and 27 to 32 inclusive in Block 5; of lots 10 to 23 inclusive in Block 6; and lots 1 to 6 inclusive and 27 to 30 inclusive in 12; and lots 10 to 16 inclusive and 17 to 23 inclusive in Block 11, all in Benton Cannon's First Sub-division to the City of Grand Junction in Mesa County, Colorado, and


 WHEREAS, it desires to have the following streets and alleys vacated to-wit: The alleys in said Blocks 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 lying east of a north and south line beginning with the south west corner of lot 11 in said Block 3 thence south to the north-west corner of lot 22 in Block 11; also to have Winters Avenue and Noland Avenue vacated east of said north and south line and Ninth Street vacated between the south line of Crawford Avenue and the north line of Kimball Avenue. The said vacated streets and alleys to be and become the property of the adjoining property owner, to-wit: The Grover Packing Company, and


 WHEREAS, the said Company desires to have the said described property and the said described streets and alleys lying east of said north and south line and south of the south line of Crawford Avenue and north of the north line of Kimball Avenue excluded from the city limits of Grand Junction, and


 WHEREAS, the said Company offers to convey to the said City, in consideration of the vacation of said streets and alleys and the exclusion of the said described property from the city limits of said City, lots 10 and 23 in said block 3, lots 10 and 23 in said block 6 and lots 10 and 23 in said Block 11 to be used by the said City for street purposes in lieu of the Streets to be vacated, as aforesaid.


 Now, Therefore be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and be it Ordained by the qualified electors of said City of Grand Junction, Colorado, upon referendum by the City Council thereof:


 SECTION 1. That the alleys in said Blocks 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 lying East of a north and south line drawn from the southwest corner of lot 11 in said Block 3 to the northwest corner of lot 22 in said block 11 be, and the same are hereby vacated. That Winters Avenue, Noland Avenue, and Ninth Street lying between said north and south line on the west side, the city limits on the east, the south line of Crawford Avenue on the north and the north line of Kimball Avenue on the south be, and the same are hereby vacated. And the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Junction be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to convey the interest of the City therein to the owner of the adjacent land, to-wit: The Grover Packing Company, provided, that the said conveyance shall not be made until the said Company has conveyed to the City, for street purposes, by good and sufficient warranty deed, lots 10 and 23 in said Block 3, lots 10 and 23 in said block 6 and lots 10 and 23 in said Block 11.


 SECTION 2. That all of said Blocks 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 lying south of the south line of Crawford Avenue, north of the north line of Kimball Avenue and east of the said north and south line be, and the same is hereby excluded from the city limits of the said City of Grand Junction.



 We do hereby certify that at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction held October 21, 1921 the above and foregoing ordinance was introduced, read and ordered published and submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the said City at a regular election to be held in said City on November 8, 1921.


 That at said election the said ordinance was submitted to a vote of the qualified electors at which time the majority of the votes of said electors voting on said question were cast in favor of the adoption of said ordinance and said ordinance was thereby duly and regularly adopted.


 Thereafter the said ordinance was ordered recorded and numbered Peoples Ordinance No. 11 and was ordered published in the daily Sentinel of said City.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the official seal of the said City this 26th day of November, A.D. 1921.


/s/ Chas. E. Cherrington,





/s/ John B. Fonder

City Clerk