WHEREAS, the Block numbered Forty-two (42) in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, is now owned by the City of Grand Junction and is being held and used by said City for Park purposes; and


 WHEREAS, School District No. 1 of Mesa County, Colorado, is the public school district which includes the City of Grand Junction; and


 WHEREAS, the said School District has two school buildings at the present time in the near vicinity of said Block No. Forty-two (42), and desires to secure from the said City said Block No. Forty-two (42) to be held and owned by said School District for public park and playground purposes;


 THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and be it ordained by the qualified electors of said City of Grand Junction, Colorado, upon referendum by the City Council thereof:


 SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, by its President and City Clerk under the seal of said City, are hereby authorized, directed and required to convey by good and sufficient deed of conveyance to the said School District No. 1, in Mesa County, Colorado, the said Block No. Forty-two (42).


 SECTION 2. The deed of conveyance to be made by the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, to said School District No. 1 shall not be delivered nor take effect as a deed of the said City until the said School District No. 1 shall enter into an agreement in writing, through its properly constituted Board of Directors, with the City of Grand Junction, which agreement shall obligate the said School District to maintain the said Block for public park and playground purposes; at least one-half of said Block to be at all times maintained by said School District as a public park; the remainder of said Block to be maintained at all times by the said School District for public playground purposes; that no school building shall ever be erected upon said Block by said School District, and that no other building shall be erected thereon of any kind or character, unless it shall be necessary for use on said Block in connection with the use of said Block as a public park or public playground. That the said contract shall further provide that should at any time the said School District fail to maintain the said Block for the purposes herein specified, that the said Block shall revert at the option of said City to the said City;


 We hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held March 18, 1925, the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced, read and ordered published and submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said City for adoption or rejection at a General Municipal Election to be held in said City on April 7, 1925. Pursuant thereto said Ordinance was duly and regularly published on March 26th, 1925, in The Daily Sentinel of said City, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, and in further pursuance thereof and in accordance with the law in such case made and provided, said Ordinance was duly and regularly submitted to a vote of said qualified electors for their adoption or rejection at a General Municipal Election held in said City on the 7th day of April, 1925, at which said election a majority of the votes of said electors voting on said question were cast in favor of the adoption of said Ordinance and said Ordinance was thereby duly and regularly adopted.


 Thereafter at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, held on April 9th, 1925, pursuant to the Charter of said City, said Ordinance was ordered recorded and numbered People's Ordinance No. 16 and was ordered published in said Daily Sentinel of said City.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the official seal of said City this 10th day of April, A. D. 1925.


/s/ W. G. Hirons

President of City Council




/s/ Fred A. Peck

City Clerk