WHEREAS, on the 18th day of November, 1992, a petition was submitted to the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, for annexation to said City of the following property situate in Mesa County, Colorado, and described as follows (WILSON RANCH #4):



 (insert legal description)



 WHEREAS, a hearing on the petition was duly held after proper notice on the 6th day of January, 1993; and


 WHEREAS, the Council has found and determined and does hereby find and determine that said petition is in substantial compliance with statutory requirements therefor; that one-sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the City; that a community of interest exists between the territory and the City; that the territory proposed to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future; that the said territory is integrated or is capable of being integrated with said City; that no land held in single ownership comprising more than twenty acres, which has an assessed value in excess of two hundred thousand dollars, is included without the landowner's consent; and that no election is required under the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965.




 That the said territory is eligible for annexation to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and should be so annexed by Ordinance.


 PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1993.



Attest:              /s/ William E. McCurry                President of the Council Pro Tem


/s/ Stephanie Nye

Acting City Clerk






A tract of land located in a part of the E1/2 of Section 34, Township 1 North, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado, said tract being more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at the Northwest corner of the SE1/4 of said Section 34, thence North 90o00'00" East along the North line of the SE1/4 of said Section 34 a distance of 537.29 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 90o00'00" East along said North line of the SE1/4 of Section 34 a distance of 58.94 feet to a point on the North and East bank of the Grand Valley Canal; thence continuing North 90o00'00" East along said North line of the SE1/4 of Section 34 a distance of 12.60 feet; thence North 25o08'30" West a distance of 82.68 feet to a point on the South right-of-way of Interstate 70; thence along said South right-of-way of Interstate 70 the following 6 courses and distances:


 1)  along the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is

   2,965.00 feet and whose long chord bears North 79o15'22"

   East 60.20 feet;

 2)  North 76o40'49" East 305.10 feet;

 3)  North 75o40'19" East 175.00 feet;

 4)  North 76o39'26" East 229.99 feet;

 5)  North 76o41'12" East 64.92 feet;

 6)  along the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is

   2,765.00 feet and whose long chord bears North 82o45'20"

   East 393.80 feet to a point on the centerline of Leach



thence along said centerline of Leach Creek by the following 2 courses and distances:


 1)  South 04o18'03" West 104.14 feet;

 2)  South 55o42'53" West 131.26 feet to the centerline of the

   Grand Valley Canal;


thence along said centerline of the Grand Valley Canal by the following 6 courses and distances:


 1)  North 64o03'24" West 59.02 feet;

 2)  South 88o41'25" West 35.29 feet;

 3)  South 79o34'22" West 41.76 feet;

 4)  South 61o21'09" West 89.95 feet;

 5)  South 45o25'42" West 125.11 feet;

 6)  South 29o34'51" West 30.01 feet to a point on the North line    of the SE1/4 of said Section 34;


thence South 90o00'00" West along said North line of the SE1/4 of Section 34 a distance of 25.52 feet to the Northeast corner of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 34; thence South 00o13'29" West along the East line of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 34 a distance of 1,320.25 feet to the Southeast corner of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 34; thence North 89o56'30" West along the South line of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 34 a distance of 23.45 feet; thence North 00o06'00" East a distance of 20.70 feet; thence South 89o26'12" West a distance of 1,033.46 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 16 in Block 2 of Wilson Ranch Filing No. One as recorded in Plat Book 13 at Pages 282 & 283 in the office of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder; thence along the Eastern Boundary of said Wilson Ranch Filing No. One the following 15 courses and distances:


 1)  North 00o33'48" West 100.00 feet;

 2)  along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left whose

   radius is 50.00 feet and whose long chord bears North

   06o23'22" West 50.26 feet;

 3)  North 00o33'48" West 123.66 feet;

 4)  North 68o56'30" East 327.38 feet;

 5)  North 21o03'30" West 100.00 feet;

 6)  North 68o56'30" East 37.36 feet;

 7)  North 21o03'30" West 50.00 feet;

 8)  along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right whose

   radius is 175.00 feet and whose lont chord bears North

   76o33'58" East 46.57 feet;

 9)  North 03o16'10" East 111.86 feet;

 10)  South 86o43'50" East 85.00 feet;

 11)  North 08o11'00" East 169.29 feet;

 12)  North 81o49'00" West 100.42 feet;

 13)  North 08o11'00" East 166.87 feet;

 14)  North 53o33'43" West 69.37 feet;

 15)  North 06o52'51" West 261.08 feet to the True Point of
