WHEREAS, the City, by contract, is the Manager of the Joint Sewer System; and


 WHEREAS, the Manager has begun the process of documenting existing practices and procedures; and


 WHEREAS, the next step is reflected in the attached "Definitions" of the Rules and Regulations; and


 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such Rules and Regulations are in the public interest and should be approved,





 The attached Definitions are hereby adopted and made a part of the Rules and Regulations which shall govern the operation and management of the Joint Sewer System.



 PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of December, 1993.








           /s/ Reford C. Theobold

           President of the City Council





/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk













In the construction of these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings set forth.


AGREEMENT: Joint Sewerage Service Agreement dated May 1, 1980 between the City of Grand Junction and the County of Mesa, as amended.


ARIX STUDY: A study done by Arix Engineering in 1985 entitled "Grand Junction/Mesa County 201 Wastewater Facility Planning Update." The study deals with areas within the 201 Planning Area that are not practical to serve with the present facilities.


BACKBONE SYSTEM: The Plant and its appurtenances and all of the principal sewer lines including interceptor sewer lines and trunk sewer lines as shown on City of Grand Junction drawing #02-826, dated 12/15/93. The drawing, as amended from time to time, is on file with the City of Grand Junction Public Works and Utilities Department.


BANNER STUDY: A report done by Banner Associates, Inc. in 1987 entitled "Report on Preliminary Study of Sanitary Sewer Line Extensions Within 201 Planning Area for City of Grand Junction, Colorado." The report investigates the cost and engineering feasibility of extending sanitary sewer service to some areas in the 201 Planning Area.


BASIN STUDY: A study done by HDR Engineering, Inc. in 1993 entitled "Comprehensive Wastewater Basin Study." The study analyzes and predicts current and future sewer flows in the 201 Planning Area, delineates drainage basins requiring future trunk extensions and provides cost estimates for the future extensions.


BOARD: The Board of County Commissioners of Mesa County or, as the context may require, the Utility Director or the City Council of the City pursuant to the Agreement.


BONDS: Securities issued by the City and the County entitled "Mesa County, Colorado, Sewer Refunding Revenues Bonds, Series 1992". The bonds were issued for the purpose of refunding outstanding "County Sewer Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1980A" and "County Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1980B."


CH2M-HILL STUDY: A rate study done by CH2M-Hill in 1992 entitled "Wastewater Utility Rate and Cost Allocation Study." The study reviews the financing of the Sewer System. A methodology is presented which results in rates for sewer service that are adequate to meet the financial needs of the utility and are equitable among the various users of the System.


CITY: The City of Grand Junction, a home rule city.


CODE: The City Code of Ordinances, as amended from time to time.


COLLECTION SEWER LINES or COLLECTION LINES: All sewer lines, with the exception of private service lines, which collect sewage from residences, businesses, and other uses, and convey sewage to a trunk or interceptor sewer line.


COLLECTION SYSTEM: All collection lines, trunk lines, pump stations and other appurtenances, which collect and convey sewage from private service lines to an interceptor sewer line.


COMBINED SEWER: A sewer intended to receive and convey wastewater and storm or surface water.


COUNCIL: The City Council of the City of Grand Junction. The City Council is the governing body of the City for purposes of 31-35-701 et seq., C.R.S. and has legislative and other powers.


COUNTY: The County of Mesa, a statutorily created body politic of the State of Colorado.


DISTRICT: A body politic which obtains sewage conveyance and treatment service pursuant to a contract with the City. Each district is authorized by and acts pursuant to Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.


EQU: An "equivalent residential unit" as defined in Section 25-14 of the Code.


FACILITIES PLAN or 201 FACILITIES PLAN: The "Facilities Plan, City of Grand Junction." Prepared by NHPQ, September 2, 1975, as amended in the "Summary Update of 201 Facilities Plan and Pre-Design" report prepared by HDR, June 28, 1977, and by ARIX in the "201 Wastewater Facility Planning Update," May, 1985, and by HDR in the "Comprehensive Wastewater Basin Study," February 4, 1993.


FUND: City of Grand Junction/Mesa County Joint Sewer System Fund.


HDR PREDESIGN STUDY: A report done by Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc. of Colorado in 1977 entitled "Predesign Report for Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Interceptor Sewers." The report updated the 201 Facility Plan for interceptor sewers and wastewater treatment facilities serving the designated Grand Junction and Mesa County planning area. The report provides a recommended plan and an evaluation of several wastewater management techniques.


IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: An assessment district established pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Code or applicable state statute.


INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT: "Pretreatment" as defined in Section 25-58 of the Code.


INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM: Administration of uniform requirements to prevent the introduction of pollutants into the System pursuant to Article X, Sections 25-57 through 65, of the Code.


INTERCEPTOR SEWER LINES or INTERCEPTOR LINES: The principal sewer lines which collect and convey sewage from trunk sewer lines and collection sewer lines to the Persigo Wash Wastewater Treatment Plant. Interceptor sewer lines are shown on Figure 2-3 of the Basin Study.


MANAGER: Public Works and Utility Director of the City or the City Manager or the City Council, as the context may require.


PERMIT: "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit" (NPDES Permit CO-0040053), issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, allowing discharge of pollutants into navigable waters of the United States or waters of the State of Colorado.


PERSIGO WASH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT or PLANT: The facility described in the current NPDES Permit numbered CO-0040053.


PLANT INVESTMENT FEE: A fee paid to the City to recover costs of construction of the System as outlined in Article XI, Sections 25-70 through 73, of the Code, which Article describes payment, amount, and formula for computing the fee.


SANITARY SEWER: A pipeline (also "line") that conveys liquid and waterborne wastes from residences, commercial and other buildings, industrial plants and institutions, and other uses, together with minor quantities of ground, storm, and surface waters that are not admitted intentionally.


SERIES 1980A BONDS: "Mesa County, Colorado Sewer Improvement Revenues Bonds" originally issued by the City and County in the aggregate principal amount of $7,420,000.


SERIES 1980B BONDS: "Mesa County, Colorado Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds" originally issued by the City and County in the aggregate amount of $805,000.


SERVICE CHARGE: Monthly sewer service charge or rental on each lot, parcel of land, building or premise having any connection to the System as set forth in Article IX, Sections 25-44 through 56, of the Code which Article describes such charges, their computation, and administration.


SERVICE LINE: The line from the building drain to the sanitary sewer.


SYSTEM or SEWER SYSTEM: City of Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado Joint Sewer System including all real, personal, mixed and other property, now a part of or hereafter acquired by the System through purchase, construction or otherwise and used in connection with the System. "System" includes the Plant including interceptor lines, trunk lines, collection lines, lift stations, and other connecting pipes, easements and rights-of-way therefor, and interconnecting systems, lines, and pipes whether or not owned or controlled by the City or the County, and used in connection with the System. Ownership of the System is determined by the Agreement.


TRUNK SEWER LINES: Sewer lines that serve a specific drainage basin which collect sewage from tributary sewer collection lines and convey sewage to an interceptor sewer. Trunk sewer lines are shown on City of Grand Junction drawing #02-826, dated 12/15/93, which drawing is on file with the City of Grand Junction Public Works and Utilities Department.


201 PLANNING AREA: The 201 Planning Area Boundary described in the "Comprehensive Wastewater Basin Study," prepared by HDR, February 3, 1993.


208 PLAN: Region 11 Water Quality Management Plan, adopted by the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission in December 1980, assessing water quality, identifying treatment works, prioritizing water quality problems, and identifying agencies to implement recommendations outlined in the plan.


UTILITY COORDINATING COMMITTEE: A committee consisting of representatives of service providers within the 201 Area, e.g. City, County, Ute Water Conservancy District, Public Service Company of Colorado, which meets regularly to review development submittals and coordinate regulation of construction activities.


WASTE WATER: Spent or used water which contains dissolved and suspended matter, as defined in Section 25-14 of the Code.