Resolution No. 79-94





 The Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code section 2-1-2.A requires review and approval of construction, alteration, demolition, erection or moving of any structure, mobile home, sign, wall or fence. Section 2-2-2.G.1 states that application fees shall be set in amounts sufficient to recover the costs of processing, publicizing and reviewing development applications. The application fees for major developments were updated in 1992. At that time, fees for minor planning clearances, sign permits and fence permits were not revised. The fees in place for those permits have not been updated since 1983. The proposed increase reflects the average staff time required in issuing each type of permit.


 In addition to requiring a permit for any construction, alteration, demolition, erection or moving of any structure, mobile home, sign, wall or fence, the Zoning and Development Code also states that a special events permit is required prior to any use of wind-driven signs. Obtaining the permit assures the construction or placement is in accordance with the requirements of the Code. Typically the banners or other wind-driven signs which are a problem because they are located in the ROW or on the property where they present a site distance problem or are not securely fastened, are those for which a permit was not obtained. In getting the permit, the applicant is advised of the time limitations and the restrictions on types and placement of wind-driven signs.


 There has been a substantial increase in the number of fences, wind-driven signs and permanent signs erected without a permit, which requires additional enforcement staff time to pursue the violations. Often those fences, structures or signs erected without a permit are found to be out of compliance with the requirements of the Zoning and Development Code, which leads to greater expense to the responsible person to come into compliance. Allowing violations to continue without penalties is not fair to those who have obtained permits and are in compliance with the Code. Therefore, staff is proposing a penalty be incurred for failure to obtain a permit or clearance prior to erecting a fence, structure or sign. The penalty being proposed is a double fee for any planning clearance, fence permit or special events permit issued after the structure, use, fence or sign had already been placed. The penalty proposed for any sign permit issued after the sign is up is $100.00. The civil remedies as listed in section 11-4 of the Zoning and Development Code would still be available if a violation proceeded to Municipal Court.




 That the City of Grand Junction Fee Schedule be revised as follows:



 Minor Planning Clearances

 Interior Remodels          $5.00

 Single Family Homes        $10.00

 Accessory Structures        $10.00


 Fence Permits          $10.00

 Sign Permits            $25.00 for first sign; $5.00 for each

               additional sign on the same property

 All Planning Clearance, fence permit and special event permit fees shall be doubled if an owner, lessee or contractor fails to obtain a permit or planning clearance prior to the construction, alteration, or erection of any structure, mobile home, wind-driven sign or fence. A $100 penalty shall be assessed, in addition the sign permit fee, for failure to obtain a required sign permit.


 The civil remedies as listed in section 11-4 of the Code will apply if a violation proceeds to Municipal Court.


 PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of September, 1994.






             /s/ R.T. Mantlo






/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk