Resolution No. 22-95



 A Resolution Designating the Voting District Boundaries

 in the City of Grand Junction



 WHEREAS, the City Charter provides that the Grand Junction City Council may, by resolution, change the boundaries of the voting districts by a two-thirds vote of all its members; and


 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction has annexed several territories since the last resolution designating the boundaries; and


 WHEREAS, the internal boundaries of the districts have not changed, but the outer boundaries of Districts A, B and D have changed.





 DISTRICT A: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction contained within the city limits south of a line described as follows:


   Beginning at the intersection of 20 1/2 Rd. & Highway 340 (Broadway); thence southeasterly along Highway 340 to the intersection of Highway 340 & Redlands Power Canal; thence northwesterly along Redlands Power Canal to the west end of Power Rd.; thence east along Power Rd. to the Intersection of Power Rd. and Dike Rd; thence northerly along Dike Rd. to the Intersection of Dike Rd. and the City Limits line; thence easterly along the City Limits line to the north bank of the Colorado River; thence southeasterly along the north bank of the Colorado River to the intersection of the Colorado River and Highway 340; thence northeast along Highway 340 to the intersection of Highway 340 and the Denver and Rio Grand railroad tracks; thence south and east along the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks and Colorado Avenue; thence east along Colorado Avenue to the intersection of Colorado Avenue and First Street; thence south along First Street to the intersection of First Street and South Avenue; thence east along South Avenue to the intersection of South Avenue and Fifth Street; thence south along Fifth Street to the intersection of Fifth Street and Fourth Avenue; thence east along Fourth Avenue to the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Seventh Street; thence north along Seventh Street to the intersection of Seventh Street and the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks; thence northeast along the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks and the east City Limits line.



 DISTRICT B: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction contained within the City limits north and west of a line described as follows:


   Beginning at the intersection of 20 1/2 Rd. and Highway 340; thence southeasterly along Highway 340 to the intersection of Highway 340 and the Redlands Power Canal; thence northwesterly along the Redlands Power Canal to the westerly end of Power Rd; thence easterly along Power Rd. to the intersection of Power Rd. and Dike Rd.; thence northerly along Dike Rd. to the intersection of Dike Rd. and the City Limits line; thence easterly along the City Limits line to the Intersection of the City Limits line and the north bank of the Colorado River thence southeasterly along the north bank of the Colorado River to the intersection of the Colorado River and Highway 340; thence northeast along Highway 340 to the intersection of Highway 340 and the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks; thence south and east along the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks and Colorado Avenue; thence east along Colorado Avenue to the intersection of Colorado Avenue and First Street; thence north along First Street to the intersection of First Street and Orchard Avenue; thence east along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and Twelfth Street; thence north on Twelfth Street to the intersection of Twelfth Street and H Road; thence east on H Road to the intersection of H Road and 27 1/4 Road; thence north on 27 1/4 Road to the intersection of 27 1/4 Road and the north City Limits line.



 DISTRICT C: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of

 Grand Junction surrounded by a line described as follows:


   Beginning at the center of the intersection of Twelfth Street and Patterson Road; thence east on Patterson Road to the intersection of Patterson Road and Mountview Drive; thence south on Mountview Drive to the intersection of Mountview Drive and Santa Fe Drive; thence southeast on Santa Fe Drive to the intersection of Santa Fe Drive and Mantey Heights Drive; thence south on Mantey Heights Drive to the north bank of the Grand Valley Canal; thence west along the north bank of the Grand Valley Canal to the intersection of the Grand Valley Canal and Fifteenth Street; thence south on Fifteenth Street to the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Orchard Avenue; thence east on Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 28 1/4 Road; thence south on 28 1/4 Road to the intersection of 28 1/4 Road and North Avenue; thence east on North Avenue to the intersection of North Avenue and 28 1/2 Road; thence south on 28 1/2 Road to the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks; thence west along the Denver and Rio Grand railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks and Grand Avenue; thence east along Grand Avenue to the intersection of Grand Avenue and Nineteenth Street; thence north along Nineteenth Street to the intersection of Nineteenth Street and Gunnison Avenue; thence west along Gunnison Avenue to the intersection of Gunnison Avenue and Twelfth Street; thence north on Twelfth Street ending at the intersection of Twelfth Street and Patterson Road.


 DISTRICT D: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction contained within the City limits north and east of a line described as follows:


   Beginning at the intersection of 27 1/4 Road and the north City limits line; thence south on 27 1/4 Road to the intersection of 27 1/4 Road and H Road; thence west on H Road to the intersection of H Road and Twelfth Street; thence south on Twelfth Street to the intersection of Twelfth Street and Patterson Road; thence east on Patterson Road to the intersection of Patterson Road and Mountview Drive; thence south on Mountview Drive to the intersection of Mountview Drive and Santa Fe Drive; thence southeast on Santa Fe Drive to the intersection of Santa Fe Drive and Mantey Heights Drive; thence south on Mantey Heights Drive to the north bank of the Grand Valley Canal; thence west along the north bank of the Grand Valley Canal to the intersection of the Grand Valley Canal and Fifteenth Street; thence south on Fifteenth Street to the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Orchard Avenue; thence east on Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 28 1/4 Road; thence south on 28 1/4 Road to the intersection of 28 1/4 Road and North Avenue; thence east on North Avenue to the intersection of North Avenue and 28 1/2 Road; thence south on 28 1/2 Road to the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks; thence east along the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and

   Rio Grande railroad tracks and the east City Limits Line.


 DISTRICT E: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction surrounded by a line described as follows:


   Beginning at the intersection of Orchard Avenue and First Street; thence east along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and Twelfth Street; thence south along Twelfth Street to the intersection of Twelfth Street and Gunnison Avenue; thence east along Gunnison Avenue to the intersection of Gunnison Avenue and Nineteenth Street; thence south along Nineteenth Street to the intersection of Nineteenth Street and Grand Avenue; thence east along Grand Avenue and the intersection of Grand Avenue and the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks; thence southwest along the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks to the intersection of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad tracks and Seventh Street; thence south along Seventh Street to the intersection of Seventh Street and Fourth Avenue; thence west on Fourth Avenue to the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Fifth Street; thence north along Fifth Street to the intersection of Fifth Street and South Avenue; thence west along South Avenue to the intersection of South Avenue and First Street; thence west and north along First Street ending at the intersection of First Street and Orchard Avenue.



Annexations lying within the boundaries as extended will be considered as being included within a particular district.



 ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1995.



/s/ R.T. Mantlo

President of the Council






/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk