A Resolution Recognizing and Supporting Mesa County’s Application for

Re-designation of the County-Wide Enterprise Zone


WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction recognizes the importance of the re-designation of an Enterprise Zone for Mesa County to improve the local economy by assisting distressed areas to diversify the business base by creating and retaining jobs; and


WHEREAS, the City recognizes the benefits of enterprise zone designation to the distressed areas including several important areas within the City limits to improve unemployment and improve the per capita income.


NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction that:


 It supports the Mesa County Enterprise Zone application and the boundaries designated for re-certification, recognizing the purpose of such zones are to:

   1. Improve the employment rate of areas within the zone

   2. Increase per capital income within the zone, and

   3. Stop the flow of out-migration within the zone




Passed and adopted this eighteenth day of September, 1996.



                                                   /s/ Linda Afman      

       President of the Council




Attest: /s/ Stephanie Nye    

 City Clerk