A resolution providing a method of cooperation and delegation with and to PIAB, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, also known as the Parks Improvement Advisory Board, and concerning necessary duties, responsibilities and opportunities to the end that the Canyon View Park Baseball Field be completed sooner than would otherwise occur. By this resolution the City Council contemplates that PIAB, working with the City staff, will assist in the development of a baseball field at Canyon View Park and lighting improvements at Suplizio Field in Lincoln Park.





This resolution shall be effective immediately and shall continue until further action by the City Council.


The City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation (collectively hereinafter referred to as “City” or “staff”)shall retain professional services for design development, plans and specifications, construction documents and other related architectural and engineering plans necessary to develop a baseball facility in Canyon View Park.


The City will supervise necessary consultants to develop detailed construction drawings.


PIAB will obtain and/or contract for professional geotechnical, hydrological, traffic and other studies as may be required to comply with applicable regulations for the construction of a baseball field at Canyon View Park and lighting improvements to Suplizio Field in Lincoln Park.


PIAB agrees to contract for and obtain a wetland's study and a Army Corps of Engineers’ Section 404A permit for the bridge crossing between the first phase of the Canyon View Park development (which is currently under construction) and the proposed baseball complex, as may be required.


The CITY and PIAB will coordinate design development with the adopted master plan for Canyon View Park.


PIAB will obtain necessary permits such as special use permits and site plan reviews.


PIAB will coordinate opportunities for citizen input with regard to both the Canyon View baseball project and the Suplizio Field baseball field re-lighting project.


Where practical, PIAB will negotiate with the various trades to obtain the lowest costs for the construction of the Canyon View baseball project and the Suplizio field baseball project.


When negotiation is not possible or practical, bids will be secured and awarded by PIAB.


The City will coordinate work schedules between the trades.


PIAB and the City will share responsibility for project administration, construction observation, quality control, material testing, construction administration, change orders, and cost accounting.


The City and PIAB shall/will jointly mediate, arbitrate or otherwise resolve conflicts and disputes. In the unlikely event that such joint efforts to resolve conflicts or disputes are not successful, the matter or issue shall be presented to the City Council for its decision, which shall be final


PIAB and the City will jointly be responsible for project close-out including, but not limited to, punch list items, verification of quantities, certification of substantial completion and final inspection.


The City and PIAB will jointly certify final payment.


PIAB agrees to provide the CITY with as-built drawings upon completion of the project.


All costs associated with the development of the Canyon View Baseball Field and the Suplizio Field lighting project in Lincoln Park will be the responsibility of the PIAB fund.


PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of February, 1997.



               /s/ Linda Afman  

               President of the Council







/s/ Stephanie Nye      

City Clerk





Parks Improvement Advisory Board


Hurst Otto, Chairman




Signature        Date



