WHEREAS, annexation of lands to Grand Junction should strengthen the economic, social and physical fabric of the city;


WHEREAS, the Grand Junction urbanizing area is much larger than the Grand Junction City limits;


WHEREAS, residents of the surrounding unincorporated areas frequent the City to work, shop and recreate;


WHEREAS, the City Council believes the surrounding unincorporated areas will continue to rapidly urbanize regardless of annexation;


WHEREAS, this growth will exacerbate existing deficiencies in fire, emergency medical response, parks, traffic and drainage improvements;


WHEREAS, urbanization occurs in a hopscotch pattern that imposes long-term financial burdens upon all, including City taxpayers;


WHEREAS, the City Council has received entreaties and even demands for Grand Junction tax dollars to help address deficiencies in unincorporated areas;


WHEREAS, with annexation Grand Junction plans and provides for urban services and facilities within its City limits and requires new development to contribute its fair share;


WHEREAS, the City Council has publicly discussed several approaches to annexation;


WHEREAS, these public discussions have led to public concern and uncertainty about the City’s plans;


WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to make clear its annexation policies;




NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Grand Junction City Council declares the following policies shall guide annexations:


 A. the City shall continue to provide advance notice to owners whose properties are planned for annexation so that they may participate in the City’s deliberations;


 B. annexation petitions, including any applicable powers of attorney or other annexation agreements, from a majority of property owners shall be considered;


 C. to avoid the controversies that powers of attorney have caused, new developments obtaining sewer service and individual properties obtaining sewer service shall be considered for annexation in accordance with the annexation priorities outlined herein;


 D. any properties that would become enclaved by a proposed annexation will be given notification so they may participate in workshops, community/neighborhood meetings and hearings on that annexation;


 E. Properties that are enclaved after adoption of the 1997 Grand Junction Municipal Annexation Plan will only be annexed by majority petition or election and will comply with all other requirements for annexing enclaves as stated in the state annexation law. This restriction shall not apply to City-owned properties.


 F. priorities for annexation will be properties:







 G. subdivisions without adequate infrastructure, but wishing to annex, will be provided technical assistance to arrange for improvements in a manner that does not impose a burden upon City taxpayers;


 H. Fiscal impact reports for proposed annexations will include a detailed recapture analysis and will include any financial participation from Mesa County to address infrastructure deficiencies; and


 I. Grand Junction will support joint ventures with Fruita, Palisade and Mesa County to devise strategies that preserve non-urban buffers between Grand Junction and its neighboring municipalities.



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution rescinds and replaces Resolution No. 7-97 regarding Council Policy Toward Redlands Annexations.



PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of April, 1997





           President of the Council





Deputy City Clerk