Resolution No. 78-97


A Resolution Creating the Joint Utilization Commission



 WHEREAS, adjoining the City of Grand Juntion and within the County of Mesa there is a Department of Energy facility, complete with many physical and technical resources located in the area; and


 WHEREAS, the Department of Energy has indicated that its utilization of the facility will be changing within the next few years; and


 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the community and county to maximize whatever opportunities for economic development that may be available at this resource.




 1. A Joint Utilization Commission is hereby created for the purpose of redevelopment of the Department of Energy Site in Grand Junction, Colorado. The Commission’s charge will be to develop and implement a plan to fully utilize the resources currently in place at the DOE site for the good of the community and the region.


 2. Such commission will be composed of eleven members, jointly appointed by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction and the County Commissioners of Mesa County. The members appointed will serve three year terms.


 Approved this 19th day of November, 1997.




               /s/ Janet Terry      

               President of the Council




/s/ Theresa F. Martinez      

Deputy City Clerk