Resolution No. 81-97


A Resolution Authorizing Mayor to Sign Grant Application



 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction is a partner in the Grand Mesa Slopes Management Plan, of which includes objectives to acquire and exchange lands to meet Management Plan goals; and


 WHEREAS, owners of private, scattered land parcels are willing to sell their lands for appraised values for open space purposes; and


 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction, with the written support of other Grand Mesa Slopes partners and the Bureau of Land Management, has drafted an application to Great Outdoors Colorado for acquisition of a number of private land parcels within the Grand Mesa Slopes Special Management Area and has committed funds to match Great Outdoors grants; and


 WHEREAS, because of the City’s adjacent Somerville Ranch lands, the City is the logical applicant for grant receipts.




 1. The City of Grand Junction City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor of the City of Grand Junction to sign an application for Great Outdoors Colorado funds to acquire scattered, private land parcels within the Grand Mesa Slopes Special Management Area.


 Approved this 19th day of November, 1997.




               /s/ Janet Terry      

               President of the Council




Theresa F. Martinez      

Deputy City Clerk