Resolution No. 82-97


A Resolution Authorizing The Mayor to Sign Reconveyance Agreement



 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction and the Redlands Water and Power Company entered into an Agreement dated March 15, 1979 pursuant to which Redlands was obligated to transfer to Redlands and the City of Grand Junction, as “common tenants”, certain rights to 100 cfs of Redlands water rights; and


 WHEREAS, the Agreement required certain actions by the City of Grand Junction before the rights to this water could be exercised; and


 WHEREAS, the City of letter dated June 20, 1997 terminated the March 15, 1979 Agreement; and

 WHEREAS, the City is desirous of quitclaiming any interest it has in the transferred water which was the subject of the March 15, 1979 Agreement.




 1. The City Council of the City of Grand Junction hereby authorizes the Mayor of the City of Grand Junction to sign an agreement reconveying and quitclaiming to Redlands Water and Power Company all of the City’s right, title and interest in water which was subject to the March 15, 1979 Agreement. This reconveyance agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A.


 Approved this 19th day of November, 1997.




               /s/ Janet Terry        

               President of the Council




/s/ Theresa F. Martinez      

Deputy City Clerk