WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, has reported the completion of Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. SS-42-97; and


WHEREAS, the City Council has caused to be prepared a statement showing the assessable cost of the improvements of Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. SS-42-97, and apportioning the same upon each lot or tract of land to be assessed for the same.




1.  That the improvements connected therewith in said District be, and the same are hereby, approved and accepted; that said statement be, and the same is hereby, approved and accepted as the statement of the assessable cost of the improvements of said Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. SS-42-97;


2.  That the same be apportioned on each lot or tract of land to be assessed for the same;


3.  That the City Clerk shall immediately advertise for three (3) days in the Daily Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City, a Notice to the owners of the real estate to be assessed, and all persons interested generally without naming such owner or owners, which Notice shall be in substantially the form set forth in the attached "NOTICE", that said improvements have been completed and accepted, specifying the assessable cost of the improvements and the share so apportioned to each lot or tract of land; that any complaints or objections that may be made in writing by such owners or persons shall be made to the Council and filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days from the first publication of said Notice; that any objections may be heard and determined by the City Council at its first regular meeting after said thirty (30) days and before the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost of the improvements, all being in accordance with the terms and provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, being Ordinance No. 178, as amended.




















NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing is scheduled for October 7, 1998, at 7:30p.m. to hear complaints or objections of the owners of the real estate hereinafter described, said real estate comprising the district of lands known as Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. SS-42-97, and all persons interested therein as follows:


That the improvements in and for said District, which are authorized by and in accordance with the terms and provisions of a resolution passed and adopted on the 15th day of October, 1997, declaring the intention of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, to create a local Sanitary Sewer improvement district to be known as Improvement District No. SS-42-97, with the terms and provisions of a resolution passed and adopted on the 19th day of November, 1997, creating and establishing said District, all being in accordance with the terms and provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, being Ordinance No. 178, as amended, have been completed and have been accepted by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado;


That the whole cost of the improvements has been definitely ascertained and is in the sum of $66,816.71, and the whole cost of the improvements to be assessed has been definitely ascertained and is in the sum of $66,816.71, said amount including six percent (6%) for cost of collection and other incidentals; that the part apportioned to and upon each lot or tract of land within said District and assessable for said improvements is hereinafter set forth; that payment may be made to the Finance Director of the City of Grand Junction at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publication of the assessing ordinance assessing the real estate in said District for the cost of said improvements, and that the owner(s) so paying should be entitled to an allowance of six percent (6%) for cost of collection and other incidentals;


That any complaints or objections that may be made in writing by the said owner or owners of land within the said District and assessable for said improvements, or by any person interested, may be made to the City Council and filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City within thirty (30) days from the first publication of this Notice will be heard and determined by the said City Council at a public hearing on Wednesday, October 7, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. in the City/County Auditorium, 520 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado, before the passage of any ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements against the real estate in said District, and against said owners respectively as by law provided;


That the sum of $66,816.71, for improvements is to be apportioned against the real estate in said District and against the owners respectively as by law provided in the following proportions and amounts severally as follows, to wit:


TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-15-003 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 Northfield West Minor Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-007 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 20 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-012 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 23 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-15-002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 Northfield West Minor Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 22 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-006 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 18 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-11-002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-15-001 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 Northfield West Minor Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-11-003 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-11-004 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-10-009 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 21 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75

TAX SCHEDULE NO.:2945-022-08-003 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Northfield Estates Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

ASSESSMENT........................................$ 5,139.75



Dated at Grand Junction, Colorado, this 19th day of August, 1998.






BY:    /s/ Stephanie Nye    

City Clerk



PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of August, 1998.




         /s/ Janet L. Terry        

         President of the Council






/s/ Stephanie Nye      

City Clerk