Resolution No. 53-98


Amending Resolution 70-96

Concerning and Establishing the Ambulance Service Permit Fee




Pursuant to Article III, Section 18-93 of the Code of Ordinances the Grand Junction City Council shall set the fee for ambulance service provider permits. That fee is to be established to not exceed the reasonable cost of administering Article III of the Code and for the orderly provision of emergency medical services.


By Resolution 105-94 the Council set the ambulance service permit fee. The permit fee was last revised in July of 1996. The fee is based on a formula, adopted by Resolution 46-92, which analyzes the relationship between the number of calls for service and a factor which is a product of the number of calls for service which result in transportation of the patient to a hospital and the average rate of reimbursement for that service. Payment of the fee is necessary to pay costs incurred in dispatching ambulance services, administering the ambulance service permitting program and the administrative costs of coordinating Fire Department and ambulance service EMS. All users of dispatch services pay for the cost of dispatch service, ambulance service providers pay the cost as part of a permit fee. The Grand Junction ambulance service permit fee is structured to meet Medicare/Medicaid anti-kickback regulations yet provide an accurate assessment of associated system costs.


Calls for sevice have increased substantially, however the reimbursement/no transport factor has decreased, leaving a modest increase in revenue over 1996/1997 rates.




That Resolution 70-96 is hereby amended to provide a Collections/cancellations factor of 0.3438, User Agency Per Call Charge of $14.99, and Administrative Cost of $591.06 /month. The prior figures/factors shall be and become part of the established calculation of the permit fee for the remainder of 1998 beginning on the 3rd day of September 1998.


 PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 1998.




             /s/ Janet L. Terry      

             President of the Council

/s/ Stephanie Nye      

City Clerk