City of Grand Junction

Resolution No. 80-98






 The Redlands Mesa proposal consists of 526 residential units and 20,000 s.f. of office on 175.69 acres, 145.25 acres of open space and 160.89 acres for an 18 hole golf course and club house. The total acreage for the development is 494.08 acres. The property is currently zoned PR-4 (Planned Residential, 4 units per acre) in accordance with the rest of the Ridges development. This property was a part of the original Ridges development, but the original plan for the property has lapsed. The applicant is requesting approval of an Outline Development Plan and a design density in accordance with section 7-5 of the Zoning and Development Code.




 The City Council finds the Redlands Mesa requests meets the appropriate Code requirements and approves the ODP and design density as proposed with the following conditions:


1.  The ODP and design density establish maximum number of units. However, due to constraints on the property it is unlikely that those maximum numbers will be achieved. The design density does not constitute a commitment to approve subsequent submittals. The specific density shall be established at the time of approval of a Preliminary Plan.

2.  The rough grading of Mariposa Drive to Monument Road will be in place with the first phase of development for emergency access and for the use of construction traffic. The improvements will include an all-weather surface meeting all structural and horizontal and vertical alignment requirements set forth in the City’s engineering and fire protection standards.

3.  The completion of Mariposa Drive will be required when the average daily traffic (ADT) generated from the Redlands Mesa Project exceeds that generated by the golf course and 187 homes (2,353 ADT), or when the ADT on Ridges Boulevard exceeds 8,000, whichever occurs first. At the time of platting of the filing that triggers the requirement for the completion of Mariposa, the improvements must be in place or a Developments Improvements Agreement and Guarantee executed.

4.  The extension of Ridges Boulevard and Mariposa Drive will meet all City standards, but a 10’ wide, concrete, detached path on one side of the streets will be allowed rather than attached sidewalks on both sides. The street connection through parcel 5 will match the Rana Road street section through Cobblestone Ridges.

5.  Path connections between housing pods must be improved to City standards, unless at the preliminary design it can be shown that an improved trail is impractical.

6.  The unimproved single tract trail section will be provided along the rim above Monument Road, including through parcels 7 and 9 unless, at the preliminary plan stage, the applicant can show that location to be not feasible.

7.  A trail section must be provided as an east-west connection to the Dynamic property to the northwest. The trail alignment and improvement requirements will be determined at the Preliminary Plan stage.

8.  A looped water line will be required to serve the Redlands Mesa project. Prior to submitting for Preliminary Plan review the applicant must have any necessary easements in place or written agreements for the easements executed. In addition, necessary approvals and agreements to provide the looped water line must be in place with Ute Water and the City prior to submittal of the preliminary plan.

9.  The design of lots on parcels 9, 11, 13B, and 14 and 17 will be reviewed at the Preliminary Plan stage for ridgeline development issues

10.  Through the Preliminary Plan process areas of “no-disturbance” must be identified to preserve many of the significant natural features.

11.  Those areas designated as open space should be left as undisturbed. If disturbance is necessary, a plan for revegetation will be required. The open space areas shall not be used for the stockpiling of dirt and other materials.

12.  The cul-de-sac accessing the proposed parcel 2 will be allowed to exceed the 1000’ maximum City standard provided the applicant do one of the following: 1) provide secondary access, 2) widen the street section to a minimum width of 34’, or 3) provide residential fire sprinkler systems.

13.  Unless otherwise stated, the project must meet all City code requirements for all future submittals.


The Redlands Mesa property is described as follows:


LEGAL DESCRIPTION:  A parcel of land situated in portions of Section 17, 19 and 20, T1S, R1W of the U.M., Mesa County, Colorado, described in Book 1843 at Pages 692 thru 698, said parcel being more particularly described by survey as follows: Beginning at a point on the E line of the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 20, whence the E1/4 corner of Section 20, a standard 3 1/2" aluminum cap set by PLS 18480 on an aluminum pipe, bears N01°14'38"E 130.74'; thence S01°14'38"W 1162.17' to the S1/16 corner on the E boundary of Section 20, a Mesa County survey monument; thence along the E line of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 20, S01°16'22"W 1267.75' to a point whence the SE corner of Section 20, a BLM brass cap, bears S01°16'22"W 24.59'; thence S89°07'30"W 1224.69' to the E1/16 corner on the N boundary of Section 29, T1S, R1W, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N89°06'43"W 95.80' to the E1/16 corner on the S boundary of Section 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°46'17"W 1318.92' to the S1/4 corner of Section 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°36'43"W 1320.84' to the W1/16 corner on the S boundary of Sec 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°44'02"W 1320.20' to the SW corner of Section 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence along the W line of the SW1/4 of Sec 20, N00°11'02"E 897.11' to a metal disk marker stamped LS 5933 set in a stone; thence N89°49'40"W 500.09' to a rebar/cap LS 5933; thence N30°11'54"E 470.92' to the 1/4 corner common to Sections 19 and 20, a Mesa County survey monument; thence S89°46'44"W 1300.13' to the center E1/16 corner of Section 19, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N01°44'46"E 1291.50' to the NE1/16 corner of Section 19, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N89°53'22"E 613.13' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N65°17'32"E 535.96' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N41°55'06"E 592.54' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N58°16'03"E 495.53' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; N78°07'01"E 666.98' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N33°06'25"E 350.67'; thence S68°41'19"E 588.44' to the westerly line of a parcel described in a title commitment prepared by Meridian Land Title, Inc., as an exception to said Parcel 1; thence along westerly line S23°37'49"W 430.49'; thence along the southerly line of said exception, N89°41'49"E 72.15'; to the westerly boundary of The Ridges Filing #6; thence along the westerly and southerly boundary of The Ridges Filing #6 the following courses: S00°00'00"E 122.33'; S44°10'50"E 244.94'; S69°22'18"E 54.27'; S48°35'48"E 55.79'; N85°06'40"E 92.27'; N17°21'30"E 92.69'; S82°14'50"E 30.14' to the southerly line of that parcel described in said title commitment as an exception to said Parcel 1; thence along southerly line S25°33'11"E 117.30'; thence along southerly line S66°34'51"E 133.09' to the westerly line of a parcel described in Book 1843 at Page 698; thence along westerly line S10°16'01"E 95.31'; thence along westerly line S68°50'18"E 72.62' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; thence departing said westerly line, 104.65' along the arc of a 50.00' radius non-tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 119°55'32" with a chord bearing S25°03'53"E 86.57'; thence 283.58' along the arc of a 444.99' radius non-tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 36°30'48", with a chord bearing S56°03'20"W 278.81'; thence 130.87' along the arc of a 150.00' radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 49°59'24", with a chord bearing S49°19'02"W 126.76'; thence S24°19'20"W 97.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; thence N65°40'40"W 50.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; thence 31.41' along the arc of a 20.00' radius non-tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 90°00'00", with a chord bearing S69°19'20"W 28.28' to a #5 rebar; thence N65°40'40"W 49.00' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence S24°19'20"W 139.60' to a #5 rebar; thence N65°40'40"W 35.82' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; thence S00°00'00"E 95.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; thence S61°02'00"W 328.41' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770, the southerly and westerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #5; thence along the southerly and westerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #5 the following courses: S28°58'00"E 43.03'; 148.29' along the arc of a 260.00' radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 32°40'46", with a chord bearing S12°37'37"E 146.29'; 437.10' along the arc of a 290.00' radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 86°21'34" with a chord bearing S39°28'03"E 396.89'; S30°57'24"E 145.53' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S39°51'00"E 121.67'; S36°13'27"E 244.71' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S73°52'00"E 335.71'; N50°31'05"E 317.42'; N14°29'37"W 381.25' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960 on the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #4; thence along the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #4 the following courses: S81°52'12"E 71.57'; 482.20' along the arc of a 1040.00' radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 26°33'55", with a chord bearing N84°50'51"E 477.89'; N71°33'54"E 360.00'; 111.41' along the arc of a 540.00' radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 11°49'15", with a chord bearing N65°39'17"E 111.21' to the westerly boundary line of the Gardner Lake parcel; thence along the westerly and southerly boundary of the Gardner Lake parcel the following courses: S18°35'50"W 335.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; S34°39'50"E 150.00'; S84°28'10"E 272.64'; N55°13'20"E 220.00'; N38°34'30"E 120.00' to the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #3; thence along the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Filing #3 the following Courses: S90°00'00"E 143.35'; 103.76' along the arc of a 800.00' radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 07°25'54" with a chord bearing N86°17'03"E 103.69' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S07°25'54"E 110.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; N82°34'06"E 240.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S89°18'55"E 87.26' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S53°14'24"E 119.27' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S26°05'44"E 251.58'; N63°56'00"E 110.00'; S26°04'00"E 160.00' to POB. EXCEPT a parcel conveyed to the County of Mesa by instrument recorded at Book 964 Page 653.








/s/: Stephanie Nye        /s/: Janet L. Terry

City Clerk          President of City Council