imageResolution No. 108-99




WHEREAS,  when Scott Harrington became Community Development Director in August of 1997, the position had been vacant for nearly 18 months and there had been four Community Development Directors in the previous few years; and


WHEREAS,  within a week of Scott’s arrival, the chamber of commerce made the city’s development process their political priority, and Scott even wrote the Chamber survey for them so they could evaluate the process; and


WHEREAS,  Scott originally suggested the ULI evaluation to the chamber, fully participated in that evaluation, and has implemented all of the ULI recommenda-tions within his supervision, most of which are now complete; and


WHEREAS,  Since Scott arrived, he has implemented the Growth Plan that was adopted before he was hired, re-organized the department and filled seven vacant positions, nearly completed updating the zoning map for the entire city, and almost single-handedly re-written our development code; and


WHEREAS,  since Scott’s arrival, he has implemented the new Persigo Agreement , including 30 annexations without controversy, something unheard of in years past; and  


WHEREAS,  since Scott Harrington arrived, the Community Development Department has processed a record number of development applications since the 1970s;


THEREFORE, the Grand Junction City Council commends Scott Harrington for performing a good job under extremely difficult circumstances and salutes his record of accomplishments over the past two years.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 1st day of September, 1999.







/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey    

City Clerk            President of the Council