
 The owner of property located NE of 26 ½ Road and Catalina Drive has requested a rezone and approval of a preliminary plan for 201 residential units, including 31 detached single family units and 170 attached units on approxi- mately 80.5 acres, known as Summer Hill.


 The property is designated as Residential Medium (4-7.9 units/acre) on the adopted Growth Plan’s Future Land Use Map. The applicant is requesting a Growth Plan amendment to Residential Medium-Low Density (2-3.9 units /acre) concurrent with the rezone to permit the proposed development density. Staff recommends that the Land Use Map also be amended for the existing Paradise Hills development which, while designated as Residential Medium, is actually developed at a density within the Residential Medium-Low Density category.


The City has executed the “Agreement between Mesa County and the City of Grand Junction providing for an interim joint Plan consistency review and Plan amendment process for the joint Urban Area Plan” which provides criteria to evaluate Growth Plan Amendment requests and the City Council having considered the Growth Plan Amendment criteria and finds that the request for the subject area is consistent with said criteria for the reasons contained in the staff report for the Summer Hill project,




 That the land described below is hereby reclassified from the “Residential Medium” land use category on the Future Land Use Map to “Residential Medium-Low”:


1) A tract of land situate in a portion of the NE1/4 and the SE1/4 of Sec 26, T1N, R1W of the UM and being more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at the SW cor of the NE1/4 of Sec 26, T1N, R1W, Ute Meridian, whence the NW cor of the SW1/4 NE1/4 bears N00°01'39"E, a distance of 1319.78 ft, for a basis of bearings, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; thence N89°51'09"E, a distance of 558.00 ft, along the S line of the NE1/4 to the POB; thence N41°29'06"E, a distance of 111.67 ft; thence N52°24'24"E, a distance of 153.69 ft; thence N58°40'32"E, a distance of 276.77 ft; thence N31°04'05"E, a distance of 642.34 ft, to a pt on the W line of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of said Sec 26; thence N00°06'39"E, a distance of 449.69 ft, along the W line of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of said Sec 26 to the NW cor of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of said Sec 26; thence N00°10'33"W, a distance of 1285.06 ft, along the W line of the NE1/4 NE1/4 of said Sec 26 to a pt on the Southerly and Westerly r-o-w line of the Highline Canal; thence along the Southerly and Westerly line of the Highline Canal the following ten (10) courses: (1) S59?27'15"E, a distance of 114.66 ft; (2) S66°02'50"E, a distance of 614.34 ft; (3) along the arc of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 16°50'05", with a radius of 1137.00 ft, an arc length of 334.07 ft, a chord bearing of S57°37'48"E, and a chord length of 332.87 ft; (4) S49°12'45"E, a distance of 346.92 ft; (5) along the arc of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 73°05'00", with a radius of 340.00 ft, an arc length of 433.68 ft, a chord bearing of S12°40'16"E, and a chord length of 404.88 ft; (6) S23°52'14"W, a distance of 273.53 ft; (7) along the arc of a curve to the left having a central angle of 80°12'02", with a radius of 407.50 ft, an arc length of 570.40 ft, a chord bearing of S16°13'46"E, and a chord length of 524.96 ft; (8) S56°19'47"E, a distance of 68.13 ft; (9) along the arc of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 27°45'51", with a radius of 575.00 ft, an arc length of 278.63 ft, a chord bearing of S42°26'52"E, and a chord length of 275.91 ft; (10) S28°33'56"E, a distance of 229.56 ft; thence along the Northerly and Westerly boundary of Paradise Hills , Fil #7, as recorded in Plat Bk 14, Pgs 141-142, the following nine (9) courses: (1) S59°05'56"W, a distance of 124.19 ft; (2) S83°30'20"W, a distance of 126.94 ft; (3) N89°24'04"W, a distance of 114.61 ft; (4) N74°08'46"W, a distance of 114.02 ft; (5) N89°24'04"W, a distance of 344.00 ft; (6) N00°35'56"E, a distance of 45.00 ft; (7) N89°24'04"W, a distance of 106.90 ft; (8) S59°51'55"W, a distance of 97.84 ft; (9) S00°35'56"W, a distance of 300.14 ft; thence along the Northerly boundary of Paradise Hills, Fil #5, as recorded in Plat Bk 11, Pg 330, the following seven (7) courses: (1) N89°25'36"W, a distance of 4.35 ft; (2) S89°10'01"W, a distance of 201.14 ft; (3) S88°40'26"W, a distance of 166.04 ft; (4) S31°50'05"W, a distance of 137.78 ft; (5) S63°42'31"W, a distance of 371.13 ft; (6) S55°20'14"W, a distance of 214.22 ft; (7) N88°34'18"W, a distance of 27.31 ft; thence along the boundary of Parcel 2, as described in Bk 2391, Pg 843, the following three (3) courses: (1) N17°49'11"W, a distance of 19.00 ft; (2) N87°35'19"W, a distance of 101.78 ft; (3) S07°39'05"E, a distance of 23.01 ft; thence along the Northerly boundary of Paradise Hills, Fil #5, as recorded in Plat Bk 11, Pg 330, the following four (4) courses: (1) S75°48'31"W, a distance of 120.61 ft; (2) N64°35'27"W, a distance of 99.25 ft; (3) N80?52'25"W, a distance of 51.58 ft; (4) S73?01'21"W, a distance of 109.61 ft; thence N00°01'18"E, a distance of 387.17 ft to a pt on the southerly r-o-w line of Paradise Hills Boulevard; thence following said southerly r-o-w line along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 07°40'22", with a radius of 323.25 ft, an arc length of 43.29 ft, a chord bearing of S52°58'54"E, and a chord length of 43.26 ft; thence following said r-o-w line, N42°37'40"E, a distance of 48.02 ft; thence following the northerly r-o-w line of Paradise Hills Boulevard, along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 12°37'15", with a radius of 371.25 ft, an arc length of 81.78 ft, a chord bearing of N55°13'35"W, and a chord length of 81.61 ft; thence N00?01'18"E, a distance of 21.33 ft to the POB.

Said parcel containing an area of 80.518 Acres, as described and


2) Filings #1-7 of Paradise Hills Subdivision including any unplatted and replatted parcels within said filings east of 26 ½ Road, north of H Road, and west of the Government Highline Canal.


PASSED on this 21st day of April, 1999 (ratified on May 5, 1999).








/s/ Stephanie Nye______________   /s/ Janet Terry______________

City Clerk           President of City Council