WHEREAS, the rapid rate of development and growth within the City of Grand Junction

has caused significant demands on the City and its Community Development Department; and

WHEREAS, trends predict that the growth of the City will continue for the foreseeable future; and


WHEREAS, new development and the processing of development applications places significant demands on the City to provide services, facilities, infrastructure and other governmental support; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that development in the City should bear a portion of the costs and help to defray the impact that is associated with development; and

WHEREAS, the City has recently adopted a new Zoning and Development Code, which Code coupled with the Growth plan adopted in 1996, establishes a vision for the community. That vision anticipates that growth will occur in certain areas in certain ways and that it is reasonable and appropriate to require growth “pay its own way.” Part of paying its own way includes not allowing existing conditions to deteriorate as a result of growth; and

WHEREAS, the capacity of streets and other public facilities is at or exceeds the designed capacity

and development is projected to create even more burden on those facilities; and


WHEREAS, in order to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare and

accommodate the needs of development, the Council does hereby establish the fees and charges that are applicable to development; and

WHEREAS, the subdivision regulations include, where deemed reasonably necessary that development provide for streets, roads, opens space, park sites and other requirements for the dedication of land to the to the public or, in lieu thereof, payment of money as determined by the market value of such sites and land areas as provided by the Code; and


WHEREAS, the City has a legitimate governmental interest in assuring that development does not cause the public problem of inadequate, unsafe and inefficient public facilities and to that end has determined that there is a reasonable, demonstrable connection between the fees, charges and dedications and the public benefit and protection of the public health safety and welfare that is had by imposing the same on new growth and development; and

WHEREAS, the community, in which the growth and development is occurring, is benefited as a whole by the receipt and expenditure of such revenues and/or dedication of land;







A.  The City does impose and shall charge, collect and receive in accordance with the terms of this Resolution, development fees as provided and/or established by the Zoning and Development Code of the City of Grand Junction, all as established by the authority of the City Manager or his designee in accordance with the Charter and ordinances of the City and as otherwise allowed or authorized by law.


B.  The fees, dedications and other requirements stated and described herein are found to be in an amount bearing a reasonable relationship to the cost of providing services, protecting the public and their facilities from degradation and/or exacerbation of public problems due to growth.


C.  Specifically the Council finds and determines that school land fee in lieu of dedication, the parks and open space fee, the open space dedication and other fees and dedications that are not uniformly applied to all development (fees other than development processing fees that are applicable to residential applications only) are or will be used to mitigate/alleviate the public problem that is created by development.


D.  In support of the conclusions, findings and determinations of this resolution the Council adopts by this reference as if fully set forth the reports, analyses, investigations, studies and summaries of the City staff, consultants and other experts hired by the City, detailing the public problems that development creates, the inferences that show that development will create or exacerbate the identified public problems, the data that shows that the fees and/or dedications established herein mitigate or alleviate the identified public problems and that the fees and/or dedications are roughly proportional to that part of the problem created or exacerbated by development.


E.  If any section, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or provision establishing or creating any fee and/or dedication requirement or the fee and/or dedication requirement itself contained or provided for by this resolution shall be adjudged to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of any applicable law, such invalid or unenforceable fee, dedication or section, paragraph, subparagraph, clause, or provision establishing that fee and/or dedication shall not affect the validity of this resolution as a whole, and all other sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses and provisions establishing, creating or providing for fees and/or dedications shall be given full force and effect.


F.  Parks Impact Fee

$225.00 per dwelling unit


G.  Open Space Fee or Dedication

10% of the gross acreage or 10% of the gross value of the property


H.  School Impact Fee

Set in accordance with the following formula:

Cost per acre of Suitable School Lands within the School District X Student Generation Fee Factor of .023 = Fee Per Dwelling Unit


I.  Drainage Fee

Drainage Fee ($)    =  10,000 (C100d – C100h)A7


Where C100  =  100 year Rational Method composite runoff coefficient per the City Stormwater Management Manual, with subscripts “d” and “h” pertaining to the proposed development and current existing or historic conditions, respectively; and


A  =  Area to be developed in acres.


J.  Transportation Capacity Payment shall be determined by the following schedule:


Use        Trips    Trip Length    % New  Payment




Detached Single Family    10      6    100  $500/Unit

Multi-family (<4-Plex)     8      6    100  $400/Unit

Multi-family (>4-Plex)     6      6    100  $300/Unit

RV Park       5.4      6    100  $269/Space


COMMERCIAL (per 1000 square feet of floor area, or portion thereof, unless noted otherwise);


Convenience Store    330      2    45  $2475

Retail         70      2    30  $ 700

Hotel/Motel       10      4   100  $ 334/Room

Restaurant      165      2    45  $1238

Drive-through restaurant    500      2    45  $3712


OTHER (per 1000 square feet of floor area, or portion thereof);


Office        12      4    100  $400

Hospital      16      4    100  $533

Church         7      4    100  $155


If the use is less than 1000 square feet, the 1000 square feet payment shall be paid. For uses above 1000, the payment shall be pro rated: for example, a use of 1500 would pay 1.5 times the 1000 square foot payment.


Industrial uses are not listed because of the large variability in the traffic impacts which may result from a particular industrial use. The Director of Public Works (hereinafter “Director”) shall require that the developer of such a use submit such information as the Director may require in order that the Director may ascertain the capacity impacts of the proposed use.


The following formula shall apply for uses other than the above categories: The Director shall determine if a use is properly classified in one of the listed categories. The Director shall, based on available traffic engineering data, or based on data and studies supplied by an applicant if required by the Director, assign a different value for a particular development:


µ x (vehicle trips/day/10) x (trip length/6) x (% new trips)

Where µ = the TCP calculated for a single family residence. The present µ is as set forth and is calculated as shown on Appendix 3.


If a building permit or other development approval is requested for a mixed use, the Director shall determine the payment, using the applicable schedule portioning the space committed to uses specified on the subsection (iii) schedule. The Director shall determine questions concerning mixed use and proper apportionment.


In the case of a change of use, redevelopment, or expansion or modification of an existing use which requires the issuance of a building permit, the Director shall calculate the TCP based upon the additional trip(s) generated. No refunds nor credit shall be given for changes to uses or to lands or structures which reduce trips generated.


K.  Development Application Fees


Development Applications

Change of Use Review        $50

Rezone            $330

Conditional Use Permit        $350+Acreage Fees+Final Inspection Fee

C.U.P. (animals & fences)        $50

Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less)      $400 + Acreage Fees

Planned Development and/or

Major Subdivision – Preliminary      $630 + Acreage Fees

Planned Development and/or

Major Subdivision – Final Plan      $740 + Acreage Fees

Easement Vacation          $360

ROW Vacation          $450

Floodplain Permit          $125 (over 2 hr. review time - $25 / hour)

Variance            $180

Boundary Line Adjustment/Replat      $160

Historic Site/Structure/District Designation    $60

Minor Change          $50

Rezone & Outline Development Plan      $400

Rezone/Preliminary Plan        $710 + Acreage Fees

Rezone/Final Plan          $820 + Acreage Fees

Outline Development Plan        $310

Site Plan Review  $100 + Acreage Fees + $40 Inspection Fee (associated Public Work Fees may apply, see below)

Acreage Fees:

 Less than one acre – no additional fee

 One acre and greater - $15/acre (Round to whole number)


Development Application fees are due at the time the application is submitted. The fees are designed to cover the cost of processing the application.


In the event that an applicant is requesting review of two or more applications listed, the higher of the fees is the applicable fee. The Public Works review fees are in addition to the required Planning review fees for all Site Plan Reviews.


Public Works Fees – Fees required for review of engineering reports and drawings. The following may apply for ALL Site Plan Review Applications:

Grading and Drainage Plan      $35

Drainage Reports/Agreements    $40

Utilities Composite        $25

Traffic Impact Study        $40

Best Management Practices      $35

Off-Site Improvements Plans      $40

Inspection Fees        As determined by the Public Works Director


Recording Fees – The applicant is responsible for any recording fees required to file a subdivision plat or other documents with the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder.


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of April, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction.






/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey      

City Clerk            President of the Council