

 On October 16, 1996, City Council adopted Resolution 101-96, authorizing the expansion of the Visitor & Convention Bureau’s (VCB) marketing programs to include lodging properties outside the Grand Junction City limits for a period of five (5) years.


 At each annual review of the program, the VCB Board of Directors recommended to the City Council that the program be continued. The VCB reported to the Council at its workshop meeting on October 1, 2001 that some lodging properties outside the city limits have participated every year the program has been in existence and that those participants were pleased with the response to the VCB’s marketing effort on their behalf. Based on the positive response from the participants, the Board recommended to the City Council that the program be continued.


 The Board and the Council have concluded that marketing lodging properties, and making marketing available to lodging properties not within the city limits, is in the best interest of the VCB and the City. Therefore, the City Council determines that the expanded marketing effort, including authorizing the VCB to contract for its services, shall be continued in accordance with and pursuant to the conditions stated herein.




 That the Director of the Visitor & Convention Bureau is authorized to contract with person(s) owning property outside the City’s limits to exchange the efforts of the VCB in return for three percent (3%) of gross revenues received from lodging sales.


Such contract(s) shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:


1. All lodging properties in Mesa County will be offered the opportunity to contract with the VCB for its services. The services offered or provided to any or all owners so contracting shall be determined by the VCB in its sole and absolute discretion and shall be generally equivalent to those provided other lodging properties.


2. The VCB shall be authorized to provide its services for a period not to exceed five (5) years. The Board shall evaluate the program annually in September of each year of its existence. The success of the program shall be evaluated based on at least the following factors:

 a.  groups booked as a result of VCB sales leads;

 b.  impact on occupancy of lodging businesses within and without the City;

 c.  consumer response, if any, to the addition of extra-city lodging properties in the visitor information included in the visitor guide.


3. A deposit of $500.00 will be required of each contracting owner.

4. Failure to comply with the terms of the contract may result in the VCB discontinuing or removing a property from the VCB’s marketing efforts for the next year, with future marketing being subject to application by the owner and approval by a majority of the VCB Board to renew or reinstate marketing.


5. The contract shall contain provisions allowing the City to audit the books and records of an owner to ensure compliance.


6. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Director may, without cause or reason being stated, decline to enter into any contract authorized by this resolution.


7. If the VCB Board or its Director determines, at any time during the five (5) years that the VCB is authorized to contract its services to lodging properties outside the city, based on the foregoing criteria or others developed by the Director or the Board, that the continuation of expanded marketing efforts is not in the best interest of the VCB, the City of Grand Junction and/or the lodging properties located within the then existing city limits, the Board and/or the Director shall request that the City Council reconsider and rescind the authorization in this resolution.


8. At the end of five (5) years, if not sooner terminated, the authorization provided for herein shall expire.


PASSED and ADOPTED, this 3rd day of October, 2001.





             /s/ Cindy Enos-Martinez

             President of the City Council



/s/ Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk