Resolution No. 02-02


Approving the Revised Grand Junction Strategic Cultural Plan



The City Council recognizes that arts and culture are important and uplifting aspects of our community. Arts and cultural efforts help the citizens retain and improve upon our already high quality of life. Reflecting the community’s vision and in recognition of the vital importance of the arts, the City Council created the Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture to encourage, promote, support, enhance, and coordinate arts activities and cultural opportunities throughout our City.


We continue to recognize that strategic cultural planning is both an important component of the community’s overall vision and helps to promote that vision. We acknowledge that coordinated planning is essential to be able to implement comprehensive cultural development of our city.


In December of 1991, the City Council, Arts Commission and a citizen steering committee developed and adopted the first iteration of the Strategic Cultural Plan for Grand Junction. The more recent efforts of the 2001 citizen advisory Cultural Plan Steering Committee, and the Commission on Arts and Culture have culminated in the updated and revised 2001 Grand Junction Strategic Cultural Plan.


While the Council desires to clearly and vigorously acknowledge and applaud these good works, interest and commitments, the Council wants to help continue to energize the excellent work of the Commission and the supporting citizens. To these ends, the Council believes it appropriate to recognize that funding that may be needed to implement the 2001 Plan should be driven by a broad base of community support, similar to the support for the 2001 Plan. While the Council recognizes that the City is an important resource in this regard, the Council believes we are all best served if the strategies and actions of the Plan are further developed, planned for and at least partially funded by sources other than the City, thus maintaining a clear connection to the citizen-based Plan. At least at this time, the City’s role should be limited to addressing funding as particular efforts, projects and detailed visions are brought forward.



1.  We approve the Grand Junction Strategic Cultural Plan, as developed by the Cultural Plan Steering Committee in 2001 and adopted by the Commission on Arts and Culture on October 28, 2001 (The 2001 Grand Junction Strategic Cultural Plan or 2001 Plan).


2.  The 2001 Plan shall be deemed to be the City’s Cultural Plan.


3.  For the reasons indicated in the Recitals, this adoption does not constitute any decision or review of funding for all or a part of the 2001 Plan. Any such decisions will be made following future discussions and decisions, perhaps on an ad hoc basis.


4.  We do intend that the 2001 Plan shall, until amended by the Council, be an integral part of the City’s future efforts and planning. The 2001 Plan should be consulted and serve as one basis for other initiatives generated by City boards and commissions.


5.  The City of Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture is designated as the entity with primary oversight of the 2001 Plan.


6.  The Commission on Arts and Culture shall periodically report to the Council regarding implementation of the 2001 Plan, suggested changes or revisions as needed to the 2001 Plan, and regarding other matters as may be appropriate.






/s/: Cindy Enos-Martinez






/s/: Stephanie Tuin