Resolution No. 133-02


Resolution Guiding the City’s Representative

to the Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee




A.  The City is in the process of entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Fruita, the Town of Palisade and Mesa County to create the Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee (GVRTC), as a forum and vehicle for regional transportation planning.


B.  The structure under that agreement requires that a member of the City Council, or a designee, represent the City’s interests in the process and decisions of the GVRTC which are primarily policy and regional in scope.


C.  The decisions of, and directions taken by, the GVRTC will be based on policy decisions that are important to Grand Junction’s and the Grand Valley’s future, as described more fully in the IGA and below.


D.  The purpose of this Resolution is to give guidance to the current and future City members of, and delegees to, the GVRTC so that the representative to the GVRTC reflects the policies and perspectives of the City Council, rather than expecting such member/delegee to participate in the GVRTC without having the knowledgeable consent of the Council.




1.  The City Clerk shall provide a copy of this Resolution, as amended from time-to-time, to each Council member representative and alternate at the time of appointment or assignment to the GVRTC.


2.  The City’s representative to the GVRTC shall obtain the guidance and consent of the City Council before voting on, or representing the City with regard to, the following, which list is illustrative only, and not an exhaustive list of matters that involve policy and similar decisions best made by the City Council as a body. Material shown in brackets are the section numbers of the IGA creating the GVRTC.


Adoption and changes to:


a.   TPR plans; [1.A]

b.  Annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), including UPWP budgets; [6.K.4.l.]

c.  Transportation Improvement Program plans and priorities; (“TIP”) [3.C.2.]

d.  The 20 year long-range transportation plans, as required by federal and state law; [3.C.3.]


3.  The Council recognizes that staff assigned by the City Manager to participate in the TAC, and to provide staff support to the Council representative in general regarding the GVRTC, will assist the Council member in bringing the policy matters to the Council’s attention, including scheduling the matters described above, for discussion by the City Council as a body, thus reducing any administrative duties of the Council representative.



Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction this 18th day of December, 2002.




Mayor, Cindy Enos-Martinez



Attest: ________________________

City Clerk