WHEREAS, on the  day of 5th day of June, 2002, a petition was submitted to the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, for annexation to said City of the following property situate in Mesa County, Colorado, and described as follows:





A Serial Annexation Comprising Statler Annexation No. 1, Statler Annexation No. 2 and Statler Annexation No. 3





A certain parcel of land lying in Tract 39 of Section 35, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:


BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Tract 39, and considering the East line of said Tract 39 to bear S 00°06’50” W with all bearing contained herein being relative thereto; thence from said Point of S 00°06’50” W along the East line of said Tract 39, a distance of 80.22 feet to a point being the Northeast corner of Longview East Subdivision, as same is recorded in Plat Book 13, page 391 of the Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado; thence departing said East line, N 89°53’10z” W along a line 1.00 West of and parallel with the East line of said Tract 39, a distance of 79.22 feet; thence S 89°59’28” W along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract 39, a distance of 28.01 feet to a point being the beginning of a 61.58 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence 61.58 feet Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 44°43’42”, having a long chord bearing of S 23°16’02” W and a chord length of 46.86 feet; thence S 45°24’00” W along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of that certain 60.0 foot right of way for Buffalo Drive, as same is described in Book 974, Page 695 of the Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado, a distance of 407.72 feet; thence continuing along a line1.00 feet South of said North line, S 51°54’00” W a distance of 294.75 feet; thence departing said line, N 38°06’00” W a distance of 1.00 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive; thence N 51°54’00” E along said Northerly line of Buffalo Drive, a distance of 294.69 feet; thence continuing along said Northerly line of Buffalo Drive, N 45°24’00” E a distance of 407.67 feet to a point being the beginning of a 60.58 feet radius curve, concave Northwest; thence 48.28 feet Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 45°39’33”, having a long chord bearing of N 22°48’07” E with a chord length of 47.01 feet to a point on the North line of said Tract 39; thence N 89°59’28” E along said North line of Tract 39, a distance of 30.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.


CONTAINING 859.31 Square Feet or 0.020 Acres, more or less, as described.




A certain parcel of land lying in Tract 39 of Section 35, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:


COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Tract 39, and considering the East line of said Tract 39 to bear S 00°06’50” W with all bearing contained herein being relative thereto; thence from said Point of Commencement, S 00°06’50” W along the East line of said Tract 39, a distance of 1.00 feet; thence departing said East line, S 89°59’28” W along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract 39, a distance of 28.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and the beginning of a 62.58 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence from said Point of Beginning, Southwesterly 48.87 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 44°44’21”, having a long chord bearing of S 23°15’30” W and a chord length of 47.63 feet; thence S 45°24’00” W along a line 2.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of that certain 60.0 foot right of way for Buffalo Drive, as same is described in Book 974, Page 695 of the Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado, a distance of 407.78 feet; thence S 51°54’00” W along said parallel line, a distance of 295.80 feet; thence N 38°06’00 W a distance of 1.00 feet; thence S 51°54’00” W along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly right of way for said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 593.62 feet to a point being the beginning of a 121.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence Southwesterly 55.69 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 26°22’19”, having a long chord bearing of S 66°25’26” W with a chord length of 55.20 feet; thence S 79°36’36” W along a line 1.00 South of and parallel with the North line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 429.19 feet; thence N 10°23’24” W a distance of 1.00 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive; thence N 79°36’36” E along said Northerly line, a distance of 429.19 feet to a point being the beginning of a 120.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence Northeasterly 55.23 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 26°22’19”, having a long chord bearing of N 66°22’19” E with a chord length of 54.75 feet; thence N 52°54’57” E along the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 593.61 feet; thence N 51°54’00” E along the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 398.54 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line, S 38°06’00” E a distance of 1.00 feet; thence N 51°54’00” E along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 294.75 feet; thence N 45°24’00” E along said parallel line, a distance of 407.72 feet to a point being the beginning of a 61.58 foot radius curve, concave Northwest; thence Northeasterly 48.07 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 44°43’42”, having a long chord bearing of N 23°16'02” E and a chord length of 46.86 feet; thence N 89°59’28” E along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract 39, a distance of 1.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.


CONTAINING 2,290.00 Square Feet or 0.051 Acres, more or less, as described.




A certain parcel of land lying in Tract 39 of Section 35, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:


COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Tract 39, and considering the East line of said Tract 39 to bear S 00°06’50” W with all bearing contained herein being relative thereto; thence from said Point of Commencement, S 49°21’51” W a distance of 1164.11 feet to a point 1.00 feet South of, as measured at right angle thereto, the Northerly line of that certain 60.0 foot right of way for Buffalo Drive, as same is described in Book 974, Page 695, Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado, and being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, from said Point of Beginning, S 37°05’03” E a distance of 1.00 feet; thence S 52°54’57”W along a line 2.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 593.63 feet to a point being the beginning of a 122.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence Southwesterly 56.15 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 26°22’19”, having a long chord bearing of S 66°25’26” W with a chord length of 55.66 feet; thence S 79°36’36” W along a line 2.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 430.19 feet; thence N 10°23’24” W a distance of 1.00 feet to a point being the beginning of a 309.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave South; thence Westerly 108.28 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 20°04’41”, having a long chord bearing of S 69°23’08” W with a chord length of 107.73 feet; thence S59°20’47” W a distance of 314.10 feet to a point on the West line of that certain 50.0 foot parcel of land for road and utility purposes, as described in Book 1038, Page 377, Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado; thence S 00°31’13” E along said West line and being parallel with the West line of said Tract 39, a distance of 304.74 feet; thence N 89°53’12” W a distance of 525.04 feet, more or less, to a point on the West line of said Tract 39, said point lying 909.13 feet North of, as measured along the West line of said Tract 39, the Southwest corner of said Tract 39; thence N 00°31’13” W along the West line of said Tract 39, also being the East line of the Colorado National Monument, a distance of 479.68 feet; thence S 89°53’13” E a distance of 515.00 feet to a point on the West line of that certain parcel of land described in Book 1189, Page 839, Public Records of Mesa County, Colorado; thence S 00°31’12” E along the West line of said parcel, a distance of 179.72 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive; thence N 59°20’47” E along the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of 325.13 feet to a point being the beginning of a 310.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave South; thence Westerly 109.64 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 20°15’49”, having a long chord bearing of N 69°28’41” E with a chord length of 109.07 feet; thence S 10°23’24” E a distance of 1.00 feet; thence N 79°36’36” E along a line 1.00 feet South of and parallel with the Northerly line of said Buffalo Drive, a distance of429.19 feet to a point being the beginning of a 121.00 foot radius non-tangent curve, concave Northwest; thence Northeasterly 55.69 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 26°22’19”, having a long chord bearing of N 66°25’26” E with chord length of 55.20 feet; thence N 52°54’57” E a distance of 593.62 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.


CONTAINING 251,563.0 Square Feet or 5.775 Acres, more or less, as described.



 WHEREAS, a hearing on the petition was duly held after proper notice on the 17th day of July, 2002; and


 WHEREAS, the Council has found and determined and does hereby find and determine that said petition is in substantial compliance with statutory requirements therefor; that one-sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the City; that a community of interest exists between the territory and the City; that the territory proposed to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future; that the said territory is integrated or is capable of being integrated with said City; that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the consent of the landowner; that no land held in identical ownership comprising more than twenty acres which, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, has an assessed valuation in excess of two hundred thousand dollars is included without the landowner's consent; and that no election is required under the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965.




 The said territory is eligible for annexation to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and should be so annexed by Ordinance.



 ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 2002.





Attest:               /s/: Cindy Enos-Martinez                  President of the Council



/s/: Stephanie Tuin_

City Clerk