Resolution No. 43-03








   In conjunction with a request to develop Independence Ranch Filing 10 and 11, the applicant proposes to vacate the interests the City has in various easements in the development, as the easements are no longer required.


At its April 22, 2003 hearing the Planning Commission found that the request to vacate the easements conform to the Growth Plan and the review criteria as set forth in Section 2.11.C of the Code and recommended approval.




 City Council finds that the eight vacations described below meet the criteria set forth in Section 2.11.C of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code and in accordance therewith the following described easements are hereby vacated, effective upon recordation of the plats, which provide alternative locations for utilities and access:


A)  An easement described in Book 1973 Page 742 of the Mesa County records crossing Lot 4 of Independence Ranch Filing 8 Replat, as shown and described on the plat thereof recorded at Reception No. 2055438 of the Mesa County records, County of Mesa, State of Colorado; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at the southwest corner or fractional NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 15, T11S, R101W of the 6th P.M., thence S89°32’E a distance of 937.5 feet, thence North a distance of 2173.63 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence S76°47’22”E a distance of 207.27 feet; thence S38°57’41”E a distance of 375.65 feet; thence S39°14’52”E a distance of 373.14 feet; thence S33°17’16”W a distance of 429.06 feet; thence S09°23’16”W a distance of 183.34 feet; thence S83°33’08”E a distance of 340.12 feet; thence N75°20’14”E a distance of 298.80 feet; thence N75°29’05”E a distance of 281.42 feet; thence S16°26’16”E a distance of 344.99 feet; thence N71°30’07”E a distance of 392.60 feet; thence N30°20’08”E a distance of 118.45 feet; thence N47°55’48”E a distance of 29.73 feet; thence N76°27’17”E a distance of 82.23 feet; thence N19°08’40”E a distance of 84.85 feet to the Point of Terminus, containing 1.63 acres as described above.


B)  An easement described in Book 2384 Page 65 of the Mesa County records crossing Lot 4 of Independence Ranch Filing 8 Replat, as shown and described on the plat thereof recorded at Reception No. 2055438 of the Mesa County records, County of Mesa, State of Colorado; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


A 30’ wide easement for the installation, operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer line across a parcel of land situated in the North ½ of Section 15, T11S, R101W of the 6th P.M., County of Mesa, State of Colorado, lying 15 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the easterly right-of-way line of 20 ½ Road, whence a rebar and cap LS4307 for the Center-North 1/16 corner of said Section 15 bears S89°35’44”W, a distance of 30.00 feet, and considering the line between said Center-North 1/16 corner and the Mesa County survey marker for the Center ¼ corner of said Section 15 to bear S00°00’00”W; thence N89°35’44”E a distance of 6.53 feet; thence N78°29’14”E a distance of 159.41 feet; thence N07°00’29”W a distance of 97.59 feet; thence N01°59’49”E a distance of 362.45 feet; thence N77°09’32”E a distance of 482.31 feet; thence N54°29’02”E a distance of 111.22 feet; thence N40°45’09”E a distance of 245.55 feet; thence N73°01’43”E a distance of 93.45 feet to the point of Termination. The sidelines of said easement shall be shortened or extended to terminate at the easterly right-of-way line of 20 ½ Road.


C)  A 45-foot radius temporary turn-around easement at the easterly terminus of Spur Cross Road as shown and dedicated on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 6, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 1969569 of the Mesa County records; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at the easterly terminus of the northerly right-of-way of Spur Cross Road as shown on said plat Independence Ranch Filing 6; thence 118.38 feet along the arc of a 45-foot radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 150°43’57”, the chord which bears N55°23’10”E a distance of 87.08 feet; thence continuing along said arc 118.38 feet of a 45-foot radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 150°43’57”, the chord which bears S26°07’07”W a distance of 87.08 feet; thence N49°14’51”W a distance of 44 feet to the point of beginning.


D)  A 32-foot radius temporary turn-around easement at the northerly terminus of Long Rifle Road as shown and dedicated on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 5, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 1907917 of the Mesa County records; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at the northerly terminus of the westerly right-of-way of Long Rifle Road, N62°21’38”E a distance of 44.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence 85.05 feet along the arc of a 32-foot radius non-tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 152°17’04”, with a chord bearing S27°17’07”E a distance of 62.14 feet, to a point on a curve, from which the radius point bears S65°55’59”W; thence northwesterly a distance of 10.73 feet along the arc of said curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 202.00 feet and a central angle of 3°02’39”; thence N27°38’22”W a distance of 51.41 feet, to the point of beginning.


E)  A 20-foot wide sanitary sewer easement across Lot 11 Block 1 as shown and dedicated on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 5, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 1907917 of the Mesa County records; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a point on the northerly terminus of the westerly right-of-way of Long Rifle Road, N62°21’38”E a distance of 12.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence N27°38’26”W a distance of 39.98 feet; thence N62°21’53”E a distance of 337.82 feet; thence N70°37’51”E a distance of 19.58 feet; thence N29°27’52”E a distance of 10.50 feet; thence S00°18’41”W a distance of 25.91 feet; thence S62°21’53”W a distance of 333.88 feet; thence S27°38’26”E a distance of 19.98 feet; thence S62°21’38”W a distance of 20.00 feet, to the point of beginning.


F)  A temporary stormwater detention easement which is shown on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 5, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 1907917 of the Mesa County records; the said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a point on the easterly terminus of the northerly right-of-way line of Long Rifle Road as shown on said plat of Independence Ranch Filing 5; thence N62°21’38”E a distance of 7.03 feet; thence N27°38’22”W a distance of 60.83 feet; thence N00°19’22”E a distance of 120.65 feet; thence N89°40’38”W a distance of 15.00 feet; thence S00°19’22”W a distance of 126.32 feet; thence S62°21’38”W a distance of 46.09 feet; thence S27°38’22”E a distance of 62.85 feet; thence N62°21’38”E a distance of 54.97 feet to the point of beginning.


G)  A 44-foot wide temporary stormwater retention easement which is shown on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 6, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 1969569 of the Mesa County records; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a point on the easterly terminus of the southerly right-of-way line of Spur Cross Road as shown on said plat of Independence Ranch Filing 6; thence N40°45’09”E a distance of 296.71 feet; thence N48°54’12”W a distance of 44.00 feet; thence S40°45’09”W a distance of 296.97 feet to the westerly terminus of right-of-way of Spur Cross Road; thence S49°14’51”E a distance of 44.00 feet to the point of beginning.


H)  A temporary stormwater retention easement as shown and dedicated on the plat of Independence Ranch Filing 7, a subdivision of the City of Grand Junction recorded at Reception No. 2006386 of the Mesa County records; said easement being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a point on the easterly terminus of the southerly right-of-way line of Baseline Road as shown on said plat of Independence Ranch Filing 7; thence S89°26’10”E a distance of 47.94 feet; thence 57.77 feet along the arc of a 202.00-foot radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 16°23’07”, the chord of which bears N82°22’16”E a distance of 57.57 feet; thence N74°10’43”E a distance of 333.48 feet; thence S15°49’17”E a distance of 75.00 feet; thence S74°10’43”W a distance of 463.93 feet to the east line of Lot 3 Block 2 of Independence Ranch Filing 7; thence along said east line, N00°01’57”E a distance of 100.55 feet to the point of beginning.



PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 2003.







/s/: Stephanie Tuin      /s/: Jim Spehar

City Clerk          President of City Council



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Exhibit E


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Exhibit H
