Resolution No. 127-04


A Resolution Adopting Utility Rates for Water, Wastewater,

and Solid Waste Services effective January 1, 2005



The City of Grand Junction establishes rates for utility services on a periodic basis, and by this resolution, the City Council establishes, rates for water, wastewater and solid waste utility services and to implement decisions made in the long-term financial plans for the water, wastewater, and solid waste enterprise funds.

There will be no change in the minimum water rate of $7.00 per 3,000 gallons. The commodity rate for all usage above 3,000 gallons per month is being increased to reflect increased operating costs and to reflect a water conservation rate.

Wastewater rates are being increased to reflect the cost of on-going operating expenses, particularly energy, and for debt service for the combined storm and sanitary sewer elimination project. The increase in the plant investment fee per EQU reflects the need for the wastewater system to gradually increase the fee for new development to “buy into” the existing capacity of the wastewater system.

Solid Waste rates have not been adjusted since 2002. The 2005 rate adjustment will reflect increases in operating costs.

The City Council has the authority to establish rates by resolution.


Effective January 1, 2005, rates for utility services will change according to the following schedule. Appropriate schedules will be developed showing charges for all utility services rendered.


City Water



0-3000 gal. of use  $7.00 0 % change.

Next 7,000 gal. of use  $1.80 to $1.85 per 1,000 gal.  5 ¢ increase/1,000 gal.

Next 10,000 gal. of use  $1.95 to $2.00 per 1,000 gal.  5 ¢ increase/1,000 gal.

From 20,000 gal of use  $2.10 to $2.15 per 1,000 gal  5 ¢ increase/ 1,000 gal.



Base unit cost (3,000 gal)  $7.00  0% change

Additional per unit cost   $6.00         0% change

Multiple family residential and multiple unit commercial rates will be changing the same as residential for usage over 3,000 gallons per month.



2.5% per EQU increase for all customers. This equates to an increase of .33 cents per month for a single family home, from $13.23 to $13.56 per month for full service customers.


The Plant Investment fee will change from $1,250 to $1,500 per single family equivalent unit.

Irrigation Rates in the Ridges

No changes

Solid Waste:

Increase of 4%. Recycling will remain at $1.75 per month.



PASSED and ADOPTED this 1st day of December, 2004.



/s/: Gregg Palmer

         Gregg Palmer, Mayor Pro Tem





/s/: Stephanie Tuin

Stephanie Tuin, City Clerk