On November 1, 2005 Colorado voters will have the opportunity to advance the quality of life and economic health of all Coloradoans by supporting Referenda C and D, known together as the Colorado Economic Recovery Plan. That plan, if approved will include general and specific plans for restoring the financial viability of the State. If approved, Referenda C and D will help improve the quality of life of the citizens of Grand Junction.


During and since the recession following September 11, the State has severely cut spending. Those spending cuts cannot be restored to pre-recession levels without voter approval even though state revenues have recovered from the recession.


Important State programs are adversely affected whenever the State suffers a financial crisis. City revenues and programs, as well as those of other local governments, will be severely affected if statewide voters do not approve Referendum C.

The City stands to benefit from transportation improvements if Referenda C and D are approved. Projects include:

•  I-70 B widening and intersection improvements (1.5-mile segment)

•  Funding for Grand Valley Transit - provides federal transit fund match for bus maintenance facility

•  I-70 B widening and multiple intersection improvements (2.8 miles)

•  I-70, west end of DeBeque Canyon to Palisade widening for shoulders, reconstruction and curve smoothing (six-mile segment)

•  I-70 at State Highway 340 in Fruita ramp improvements and intersection signalization


In addition to local projects, Referendum C will provide statewide funding for transportation, education, health care and police and fire retirement plans. It may also reduce the impact of greatly increased caseloads in Mesa County District Court as funding for additional judges could be made available.


Referendum C permits the state to retain excess revenues for five years and eliminates the “ratchet” effect of TABOR following economic downturns, without revising TABOR or raising taxes.

Referendum D would accelerate construction and other expenditures for highways and bridges, K-12 and higher education facilities and police and fire retirement plans through the issuance of voter approved bonds.


Referenda C and D utilize the opportunity afforded voters by the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) for the State to retain excess revenue in order to provide needed services.


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Junction endorses Referenda C and D and urges the citizens of Grand Junction to vote for both measures.



Read and approved this 17th day of August, 2005.




         /s/ Bruce Hill        

             Bruce Hill

             Mayor and President of the Council




/s/ Stephanie Tuin      

Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk