WHEREAS, a majority of the property owners to be assessed have petitioned the City Council, under the provisions of Chapter 28 of the City of Grand Junction Code of Ordinances, as amended, and People's Ordinance No. 33, that an Alley Improvement District be created for the construction of improvements as follows:


Location of Improvements:


•  East/West Alley from 5th to 6th, between Teller Avenue and Belford Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 10th to 11th, between Main Street and Rood Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 11th to 12th, between Main Street and Rood Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 23rd to 24th, between Grand Avenue and Ouray Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 17th to 18th, between Hall Avenue and Orchard Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 22nd to Linda Lane, between Orchard Avenue and Walnut Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 21st to 22nd, between Walnut Avenue and Bookcliff Avenue


Type of Improvements - To include base course material under a mat of Concrete Pavement and construction or reconstruction of concrete approaches as deemed necessary by the City Engineer; and


WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to take the necessary preliminary proceedings for the creation of a Local Improvement District.




1.  That the District of lands to be assessed is described as follows:


The South 50 feet of Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, Lots 6 through 27 inclusive, and the North 75 feet of Lots 28 through 32, inclusive, Block 16, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 32, inclusive, Block 109, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 32, inclusive, Block 110, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 16, inclusive, Block 3, Mesa Gardens Subdivision; and also,

Lots 1 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Elmwood Plaza Refiling and the East 35.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 1, North Sunnyvale Acres; and also,

Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, Block 3, Subdivision Del Rey Replat; and also,

Lots 3 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Linda Lane Subdivision, Amended; and also,

Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 1, Block 1 Linda Lane Subdivision, Amended, thence North 170 feet; thence east 60 feet; thence South 60.5 feet; thence West 45 feet; thence South 109.5 feet; thence West 15 feet to the point of Beginning; and also, The west 60 feet of Lot 1 and Lots 2 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Subdivision Del Rey Replat; and also, Lots 20 through 29, inclusive, Sungold Park Annex.

All in the City of Grand Junction, and Mesa County, Colorado.


2.  That the assessment levied against the respective properties will be as follows per each linear foot directly abutting the alley right-of-way:

Properties located within any zone other than residential and properties which are used and occupied for any purpose other than residential shall be assessed $31.50 per abutting foot; provided, however, that existing multi-family uses within a non-residential zone shall be assessed at the multi-family rate of $15.00 per abutting foot; further provided, that any single-family uses within a non-residential zone shall be assessed at the single family rate of $8.00 per abutting foot.


Properties located in a residential multi-family zone shall be assessed at the residential multi-family rate of $15.00 per abutting foot; provided, however, that any single family uses within a multi-family zone shall be assessed at the single family rate of $8.00 per abutting foot.


Properties located in a single family residential zone shall be assessed at $8.00 per abutting foot; provided, however, that existing multi-family uses within a residential zone shall be assessed at the multi-family rate of $15.00 per abutting foot.


Properties having alley frontage on more than one side shall be assessed the applicable assessment rate for the frontage on the longest side only.


If the use of any property changes, or if a property is rezoned any time prior to the assessment hearing, the assessment shall reflect that change.


The total amount of assessable footage for properties receiving the single-family residential rate is estimated to be 5,365.83 feet and the total amount of assessable footage for properties receiving the multi-family residential rate is estimated to be 931.53 feet; and the total amount of assessable footage receiving the non-residential rate is 150 feet.


3.  That the assessments to be levied against the properties in said District to pay the cost of such improvements shall be due and payable, without demand, within thirty (30) days after the ordinance assessing such costs becomes final, and, if paid during this period, the amount added for costs of collection and other incidentals shall be deducted; provided, however, that failure by any owner(s) to pay the whole assessment within said thirty (30) day period shall be conclusively considered as an election on the part of said owner(s) to pay the assessment, together with an additional six percent (6%) one-time charge for cost of collection and other incidentals, as required by the Mesa County Treasurer’s office, which shall be added to the principal payable in ten (10) annual installments, the first of which shall be payable at the time the next installment of general taxes, by the laws of the State of Colorado, is payable, and each annual installment shall be paid on or before the same date each year thereafter, along with simple interest which has accrued at the rate of 8 percent per annum on the unpaid principal, payable annually.






4.  That the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to prepare full details, plans and specifications for such paving; and a map of the district depicting the real property to be assessed from which the amount of assessment to be levied against each individual property may be readily ascertained, all as required by Ordinance No. 178, as amended, City of Grand Junction, Colorado.


5.  That Notice of Intention to Create said Alley Improvement District No. ST-06, and of a hearing thereon, shall be given by advertisement in one issue of The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City, which Notice shall be in substantially the form set forth in the attached "NOTICE".







PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the request of a majority of the affected property owners, to the owners of real estate in the district hereinafter described and to all persons generally interested that the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, intends to create Alley Improvement District No. ST-06, in said City for the purpose of reconstructing and paving certain alleys to serve the property hereinafter described which lands are to be assessed with the cost of the improvements, to wit:


The S 50 feet of Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, Lots 6 through 27 inclusive, and the North 75 feet of Lots 28 through 32, inclusive, Block 16, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 32, inclusive, Block 109, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 32, inclusive, Block 110, City of Grand Junction; and also,

Lots 1 through 16, inclusive, Block 3, Mesa Gardens Subdivision; and also,

Lots 1 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Elmwood Plaza Refiling and the East 35.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 1, North Sunnyvale Acres; and also,

Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, Block 3, Subdivision Del Rey Replat; and also,

Lots 3 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Linda Lane Subdivision, Amended; and also,

Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 1, Block 1 Linda Lane Subdivision, Amended, thence North 170 feet; thence East 60 feet; thence South 60.5 feet; thence West 45 feet; thence South 109.5 feet; thence West 15 feet to the point of Beginning; and also, The west 60 feet of Lot 1 and Lots 2 through 9, inclusive, Block 1, Subdivision Del Rey Replat; and also, Lots 20 through 29, inclusive, Sungold Park Annex.

All in the City of Grand Junction, and Mesa County, Colorado.


Location of Improvements:


•  East/West Alley from 5th to 6th, between Teller Avenue and Belford Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 10th to 11th, between Main Street and Rood Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 11th to 12th, between Main Street and Rood Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 23rd to 24th, between Grand Avenue and Ouray Avenue

•  East/West Alley from 17th to 18th, between Hall Avenue and Orchard Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 22nd to Linda Lane, between Orchard Avenue and Walnut Avenue

•  North/South Alley from 21st to 22nd, between Walnut Avenue and Bookcliff Avenue


Type of Improvements: To include base course material under a mat of Concrete Pavement and construction or reconstruction of concrete approaches as deemed necessary by the City Engineer.


2.  That the assessment levied against the respective properties will be as follows per each linear foot directly abutting the alley right-of-way:


Properties located within any zone other than residential and properties which are used and occupied for any purpose other than residential shall be assessed $31.50 per abutting foot; provided, however, that existing multi-family uses within a non-residential zone shall be assessed at the multi-family rate of $15.00 per abutting foot;


Properties located in a residential multi-family zone shall be assessed at the residential multi-family rate of $15.00 per abutting foot.


Properties located in a single-family residential zone shall be assessed at $8.00 per abutting foot.

Properties having alley frontage on more than one side shall be assessed the applicable assessment rate for the frontage on the longest side only.


If the use of any property changes, or if a property is rezoned any time prior to the assessment hearing, the assessment shall reflect that change.


The total amount of assessable footage for properties receiving the single-family residential rate is estimated to be 5,365.83 feet and the total amount of assessable footage for properties receiving the multi-family residential rate is estimated to be 931.53 feet; and the total amount of assessable footage receiving the non-residential rate is 150 feet.


To the total assessable cost of $61,624.59 to be borne by the property owners, there shall be, as required by the Mesa County Treasurer’s Office, added six (6) percent for costs of collection and incidentals. The said assessment shall be due and payable, without demand, within thirty (30) days after the ordinance assessing such cost shall have become final, and if paid during such period, the amount added for costs of collection and incidentals shall be deducted; provided however, that failure by any owner(s) to pay the whole assessment within said thirty (30) day period shall be conclusively considered as an election on the part of said owner(s) to pay the assessment, together with an additional six percent (6%) one-time charge for cost of collection and other incidentals, as required by the Mesa County Treasurer’s Office, which shall be added to the principal payable in ten (10) annual installments which shall become due upon the same date upon which general taxes, or the first installment thereof, are by the laws of the State of Colorado, made payable. Simple interest at the rate of eight (8) percent per annum shall be charged on unpaid installments.


On January 4, 2006, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall located at 250 North 5th Street in said City, the Council will consider testimony that may be made for or against the proposed improvements by the owners of any real estate to be assessed, or by any person interested.


A map of the district, from which the share of the total cost to be assessed upon each parcel of real estate in the district may be readily ascertained, and all proceedings of the Council, are on file and can be seen and examined by any person interested therein in the office of the City Clerk during business hours, at any time prior to said hearing.



Dated at Grand Junction, Colorado, this 16th day of November, 2005.





By: /s/ Stephanie Tuin    

City Clerk


PASSED and ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 2005.



/s/ Bruce Hill        

President of the Council



/s/ Stephanie Tuin    

City Clerk