A Resolution Setting the 2006 School Land Dedication Fee




In the year 2000 the City Council adopted what is now section 6.4 of the Zoning and Development Code, at the request of Mesa County School District 51. Since then, the City has collected school impact fees pursuant to that section along with Mesa County and the City of Fruita. Those fees are used by District 51 exclusively to acquire future school sites and lands, pursuant to the City’s home rule powers and specifically as authorized by 30-28-133(4) C.R.S.


When it adopted the ordinance authorizing the collection of the school impact fee, the City Council provided that the dollar amount of the impact fee would be reviewed every five years, based on data obtained by and the recommendation of the Board of Education of School District 51.

A group was convened earlier this year to review and recommend school land fees. The consensus of the group is that the fee be set at $460.00 per lot.


School District 51 has studied the need or demand for school lands generated by proposed developments and/or anticipated population growth in the City and in the Urban Growth boundary where the City is expected to annex as development occurs. District 51 has reviewed its data about the average cost per acre of suitable school lands. The District has reviewed its data, its capital needs and other relevant information and has concluded that $460.00 per lot is fair and adequate to meet the District’s needs for 2006. Section 6.4.B, of the Zoning and Development Code, which is presently under review and is proposed to be amended, requires a public hearing if the dollar amount of the impact fee is recommended to change. By public consideration and adoption of this resolution that requirement should be deemed satisfied.




1.  The dollar amount of the school impact fee authorized by Zoning and Development Code section 6.4 shall be set a $460.00 per lot. The City Council incorporates by this reference the evidence and supporting documentation developed by the District.


2.  The $460.00 per lot school land impact fee, pursuant to the Zoning and Development Code section 6.4B shall become effective on January 1, 2006.



3.  The City Council adopts, confirms and ratifies the actions taken when it approved Ordinance 3240 and that the same shall to the extent necessary or required amend, continue and extend the ordinance first adopting the school land fee.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 2005.






/s/: Bruce Hill

President of the Council




/s/: Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk