Resolution No. 114-06



A Resolution Designating Voting District Boundaries

in the City of Grand Junction




 The City Charter provides that the City Council may, by resolution, change the boundaries of the voting districts established by the Charter. Changes to the boundaries require a two-thirds vote of the members of Council.


 The City Council last changed the voting district boundaries in 2000. That change was made in order to better balance the population and to keep communities of interest together.


 Since 2000, areas of the City have experienced tremendous population growth. Additionally, a number of annexations have occurred throughout the urban growth boundary, increasing the land area of the City. Both these situations have affected the population within the existing boundaries and caused the balance of population to be disproportionate across the districts.

 For these and other reasons, the City Council finds the need to adjust the district boundaries and that such boundaries will remain the same for subsequent elections, until those boundaries are changed by resolution of the City Council as provided by the Charter.


 The boundaries as hereby adopted provide for each voting district to grow as development occurs out to the urban growth boundary line. Furthermore, the boundaries keep City Council members who are currently seated within their designated districts.




DISTRICT A: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction contained within the city limits South and West of a line described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 70 and 20 Road; thence Southeasterly along Interstate 70 to the intersection of Interstate 70 and the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks; thence Southeasterly along the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks to the intersection of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks and Patterson Road (F Road); thence Northeasterly and Easterly along Patterson Road (F Road) to the intersection of Patterson Road (F Road) and 1st Street; thence Southerly along 1st Street to the intersection of 1st Street and Orchard Avenue; thence Easterly along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 7th; thence Southerly along 7th Street to the intersection of 7th Street and South Avenue; thence Westerly along South Avenue to the intersection of South Avenue and 5th Street; thence Southerly along 5th Street (Highway 50) to the intersection of 5th Street (Highway 50) and the Colorado River; thence Westerly to the intersection of the Gunnison River and 2nd Street; thence Southerly along the Gunnison River to the intersection of the Gunnison River and B 1/2 Road.


DISTRICT B: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction contained within the City limits North and West of a line described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 70 and 21 Road; thence Southeasterly along Interstate 70 to the intersection of Interstate 70 and the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks; thence Southeasterly along the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks to the intersection of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroad tracks and Patterson Road (F Road); thence Northeasterly and Easterly along Patterson Road (F Road) to the intersection of Patterson Road (F Road) and 1st Street; thence Southerly along 1st Street to the intersection of 1st Street and Orchard Avenue; thence Easterly along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 12th Street (27 Road); thence Northerly along 12th Street (27 Road) to the intersection of 12th Street (27 Road) and H Road; thence Easterly along H Road to the intersection of H Road and 27 1/4 Road; thence Northerly along 27 1/4 Road to the North City Limits line.


DISTRICT C: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction surrounded by a line described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of 12th Street and Orchard Avenue; thence Easterly along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 32 Road; thence Southerly along 32 Road to the intersection of 32 Road and D Road; thence Westerly along D Road to the intersection of D Road and 12th Street; thence Northerly along 12th Street to the intersection of 12th Street and Orchard Avenue (the Point of Beginning).


DISTRICT D: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction within a line described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of North City Limits line and 27 1/4 Road; thence Southerly along 27 1/4 Road to the intersection of 27 1/4 Road and H Road; thence Westerly along H Road to the intersection of H Road and 12th Street (27 Road); thence Southerly along 12th Street (27 Road) to the intersection of 12th Street (27 Road) and Orchard Avenue; thence Easterly along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 32 Road; thence Northerly along 32 Road and the Northerly projection thereof, to the North City Limits line; thence Westerly along the North City Limits line to the intersection of the North City Limits line and 27 1/4 Road and the Point of Beginning.


DISTRICT E: shall contain and include all that portion of the City of Grand Junction surrounded by a line described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of 7th Street and Orchard Avenue; thence Easterly along Orchard Avenue to the intersection of Orchard Avenue and 12th Street; thence Southerly along 12th Street to the intersection of 12th Street and D Road; thence Easterly along D Road to the intersection of D Road and 32 Road; thence Southerly along 32 Road (Highway 141) to the intersection of 32 Road (Highway 141) and Highway 50; thence Northwesterly along Highway 50 to the intersection of Highway 50 and 30 3/4 Road; thence Westerly to the Gunnison River; thence Northwesterly along the Gunnison River to the intersection of the Gunnison River and 2nd Street; thence Easterly to the intersection of 5th Street (Highway 50) and the Colorado River; thence Northerly along 5th Street (Highway 50) to the intersection of 5th (Highway 50) and South Avenue; thence Easterly along South Avenue to the intersection of South Avenue and 7th Street; thence Northerly along 7th Street to the intersection of 7th Street and Orchard Avenue (the point of beginning).


Annexations lying at, along or within the boundaries of any district or districts as extended shall be considered as being included within the particular district.



ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 2006.





ATTEST:                                    President of the Council


Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk