Resolution No. 27-06






The City, as owner of the historic Avalon Theatre, has determined that it would benefit from the formation of a single advisory board. That board, which shall be known as the Avalon Advisory Committee, together with the cooperation of City staff, shall act to enhance and further the functional, aesthetic and cultural value of the Avalon Theatre. The committee shall have, as one of its principal missions the coordination of key stakeholders and Theatre user groups. The committee shall strive to direct the operations of the Theatre such that the Theatre will function in a financially responsible manner and continue to meet the needs of the users and the City.


To those ends the City Council has determined that a seven (7) member committee shall be appointed. The structure and composition of the committee shall be as follows:


•  One member recommended by the Downtown Development Authority and confirmed by City Council;

•  One member recommended by the Avalon Foundation Board, Inc. and confirmed by City Council;

•  One member recommended by the Cinema At The Avalon Board and confirmed by City Council;

•  Four at large members to be confirmed by City Council with one member representing one or more of the following desirable disciplines to the satisfaction of a majority of the City Council :


Marketing/Business Management/Tourism/Event Management – This member should exhibit marketing creativity, have a strong business operations sense, understand the concept and value of tourism to Grand Junction and most importantly, have an understanding of event promotions/management, possibly a representative of Sandstone Entertainment or the VCB staff or board.


Fund Raising/Capital Improvement Management/Grant Writing – This member shall have a thorough knowledge of fundraising strategy and execution. He/she will understand capital improvement project management and be familiar with capital improvement logistics. He/she will also understand the value of grant writing with the knowledge to tap this fund raising resource.


Arts Community/Historic Preservation/Cultural Influences – This member shall be involved with and be an advocate for the arts community, as well as be in tune with historic issues and values. He/she will have connections in cultural circles; keeping in touch with the opinions and values of such influences.


Citizen/Avalon Patron – This member shall represent the citizens of the City and preferably be a patron of the Avalon /represent a consumer of Avalon Theatre services.


The committee shall develop by laws, which shall provide for a Chair and a Vice-Chair to each serve a one year team beginning July 1, 2006 and ending on June 30, 2007. The Chair and Vice-Chair may serve more than one term subject to annual confirmation by a majority of the committee of the whole. Two members will serve a one year term, two members will serve two year terms and three members will serve three year terms.


The City Council will determine (by blind draw) which members will serve which terms.


One and two year members may serve three uninterrupted terms; three year members shall may serve two uninterrupted terms.


The committee by and through its Chair shall on or before March 30 of each year, submit an annual written report to the City Council documenting fund raising efforts and recommended capital improvement projects for the Avalon Theatre. Unless reauthorized by City Council, the committee will sunset and cease to exist on June 30, 2012.


The Director of Parks & Recreation or his/her designee will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee and shall be responsible for record keeping.


The Avalon Foundation, DDA and Cinema at the Avalon committee members shall provide any and all written material or information reasonably necessary or required by the committee to evaluate budget(s), fund raising activities, capital contribution, operating revenues and losses and anticipated usage. Those members shall regularly report to and from the body from which those members are appointed.



NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction that:


There is hereby created the Avalon Theatre Advisory Committee which shall be duly constituted as a board of the City until June 30, 2012. Members of the committee shall be separately designated by further action of the City Council.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 5th day of April 2006.



/s/ Bruce Hill      

Bruce Hill,

President of the City Council







/s/ Stephanie Tuin      

Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk