Downtown Development Authority






The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was created in 1976 after a vote. The creation ordinance specified a maximum of 5 mills of property tax within the boundary. There are over 700 properties in the DDA boundary (see boundary map attached).




By Statute, the purpose of DDA is to halt or prevent the deterioration of central business districts by assisting municipalities in the development and redevelopment of such areas.




The DDA board is one and the same and is a nine member board serving four year terms. Eight of the members must be a resident, business lessee or own real property within the boundaries of the DDA. The City Council appoints one City Councilmember that is exempt from these qualifications.


Other information:


In 1982, there was a special election which approved the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) on DDA properties which pledged funds for bonded indebtedness. That was extended by another vote in 2007 and additional bonded indebtedness was authorized up to $18,000,000. It was again extended in 2011 authorizing indebtedness up to $65,000,000.




Ordinance No. 1642, adopted 12/15/76 creating the DDA

Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Incorporation - 1982

City Resolution No. 41-82, adopted 6/16/82 setting the initial TIF election

City Resolution No. 12-07, adopted 1/17/07, setting the election for the TIF extension

DDA Resolution No. 04 referring the TIF extension question to the City Council

City Resolution No. 08-11, adopted 1/31/11, setting the ballot title for the TIF extension

DDA Resolution 01-11, referring the TIF questions to the City Council

