Grand Junction Housing Authority






The Grand Junction Housing Authority (“GJHA”) was created in 1974.




To provide safe and sanitary homes for persons of low and moderate income.




The organizational resolution has been amended to allow for seven members and those members need not be City residents. Members serve five year terms and it is preferred they be knowledgeable in the area of real estate. A City Councilmember also serves on this board.


Until recently, a resident member on the Authority was required due to the funding being received. That is no longer a requirement but the City Council and the Authority agreed having a resident member on the board is valuable.




Resolution adopted 9/18/74 creating the Housing Authority

Resolution No. 62-98 adopted 9/16/98 removing the City resident requirement.

Resolution No. 109-99 adopted 9/15/99 increasing the number of board members

By-laws (2012)