Ridges Architectural Control Committee






The Ridges Architectural Control Committee came under the City’s jurisdiction with the acquisition of the Ridges Metropolitan District. The Ridges ACC was established in their organizational documents.




Their purpose is to ensure that all construction in the Ridges Subdivision meets the requirements of the Ridges Protective Covenants for the type of building material, color, height and other structural and architectural requirements. They function much like a homeowners association. Although they are considered an authoritative board, they have no enforcement powers.




There are supposed to be three to five members and one alternate on this board and members must be Ridges Property Owners within the original filings 1 through 6 and replats of those filings (see map attached).


In the last several years we have been unable to solicit applicants to fill the vacant positions. There are four active members on the Committee. There has been discussion on converting this Committee to a homeowners association and removing it from the City’s oversight.




This board meets as needed.




Declaration of Covenants

Protective Covenants Filing 4

Comparison of Ridges covenants Filings 1 through 6

Excerpt from the Ridges Metro District organizational document establishing the Ridges ACC

(No by-laws)

