Bylaws of the


Article 1. Purpose. Board. Place of Business.

(a)  The purpose of the Board is to promote and enhance the community’s architectural, historical and cultural heritage through: recommendation on designation on the City’s local Register of Historic Sites, Structures and Districts; providing educational opportunities to increase the public appreciation of the local heritage; and generally advising City Council on matters related to preserving the historic character of the City.

(b)  The business and affairs of the Board shall be managed its members, comprised of no less than five (5), and no more than seven (7) persons appointed by the Grand Junction City Council and consistent with the rules and these bylaws adopted by said City Council for such Board.

(c)  The place of business of the Historic Preservation Board (“Board”) shall be in Grand Junction, Colorado with a mailing address of 250 N. 5th Street, Grand Junction CO 81501.


Article 2. Appointment of Members.

The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Grand Junction City Council for individual terms of four (4) years, for no more than two (2) terms.


Article 3. Officers.

(a)  At the first meeting of the board each calendar year, the members of the board shall select three officers: a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a secretary.

(b)  The chair shall preside at meetings of the Board, and shall be the titular head of the Board but otherwise shall be one of the members. The chair may sign for the Board and the secretary shall attest to such signature. The chair shall perform all duties incidental to such office and such other duties as may be prescribed by the members.

(c)  In the absence of the chair, or in the event of the inability or refusal of the chair to act, the vice-chair shall perform the duties of the chair, and when so acting, shall have all the authority and duties of the chair.

(d)  The secretary shall record the affairs of the Board, shall see to the correspondence of the Board, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the chair or the members.

Article 4. Terms. Conditions.

(a)  Members shall hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified, unless the member is no longer a city resident and city residency is a prerequisite. A director may be appointed for one or more terms. An appointment to fill a partial term shall only be for the remainder of the full term.

(b)  If the City Council has imposed city residency as a condition of being a member, the seat shall be immediately vacant upon the member no longer being a resident of the City.

(c)  A majority of the total members of the Board may recommend to the City Council that a member be removed upon such member’s failure to routinely attend the meetings of the Board or to participate in the work and mission of the Board.


Article 5. Conflicts. Compensation. Expenses.

No compensation shall be paid to any member of the Board for their services. The Board shall not enter into any contract with any member nor pay or authorize any remuneration to any member. The rules and requirements of the City Charter and state law that apply to members of the City Council regarding conflicts of interest, disclosure, gifts and appearances of impropriety shall likewise apply to each member of the Board.


In accordance with the rules and requirements of the City, a member may be reimbursed for his reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of his duties as a member, provided however that all such expenses shall be paid only by the finance director of the City.


Article 6. Meetings. Notice. Open Meetings.

(a)  Regular meetings shall be held at least once each month, as necessary, at the place of business of the Board.

(b)  Any member may call a special meeting and it shall then be the duty of the Secretary to cause notice of such meeting to be properly given. Special meetings may be held at any place within the City of Grand Junction.

(c)  Notice of any meeting of the Board, including the purpose thereof, shall be given to each member by mail, facsimile, e-mail, or in an equivalent manner at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting. Attendance by a member at any meeting of the Board shall be a waiver of notice by him/her of the time and place thereof. Any lawful business of the Board may be transacted at any meeting for which proper notice has been given.

(d)  Any meeting may be held by telephone or video conference call.

(e)  The members shall conduct all affairs of the Board as though the Board is a local government subject to the Open Meetings Act and the Open Records Acts, as amended.


Article 7. Quorum.

A majority of the authorized number of members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. However, if at any meeting a quorum is no longer present whether due to conflict of interest or otherwise, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting. The act of a majority of the members present at a meeting in which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board. Any member may vote on an issue at a meeting at which he or she is not present if that member provides a written proxy in writing prior to the meeting as to his or her position on a certain issue.


Article 8. Action of Members without a Meeting.

Any action that could have occurred at a meeting of the members can also be accomplished without a meeting if all of the members entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof sign a written consent specifying the action.


Article 9. Contracts. Expenditures.

The Board and its members ordinarily do not have authority to bind the City, unless the City Council has specifically provided otherwise in writing. Expenditures on behalf of the Board and its work shall be exclusively through the City’s Finance Department.


Article 11. Notices.

Any notice of claim, demand or other legal process served on or received by the Board or any of its members should be immediately delivered to the City Clerk or the City Attorney.


Article 12. Legal Advice. Finances.

The City Attorney shall serve as the legal advisor for the Board. The City’s Finance Director shall serve as the treasurer for the Board.


Article 13. Amendment of the Bylaws. The Board may, by the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, amend or alter the bylaws of the Board provided that no such alteration or amendment by the Board shall increase the powers of the Board or expose the City to any additional liabilities, responsibilities or expenses. The Secretary of the Board, or any member, shall send a copy of such proposed changes to the City Clerk prior to adoption by the Board.



APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Historic Preservation Board this 7th day of March 2006.


             ___/s/ Zebulon Miracle___________

             Zebulon Miracle, Chair






_/s/ Kristen K. Ashbeck ______________

Kristen Ashbeck Senior Planner

Staff to City Historic Preservation Board