The District 51 Board of Education recently approved a ballot question for the November 1, 2011 election. That question, which will be known as ballot issue 3B will ask voters to increase the property tax mill levy for the School District by seven mils.


With current property assessments seven mills will generate approximately 12.5 million dollars. An increase of seven mills will result in an impact of $4.62 per 100 thousand dollars of a home’s market value.


If 3B is approved the mill levy increase will be in effect for only six years.


During those six years District 51 will purchase additional technology for student use. Those purchases will improve instructional quality and allow more students to have access to and learn with and through technology.


Furthermore, District 51 will add teachers and add more classroom days to the school year. With the mill levy increase the District will also be better prepared to deal with what are nearly inevitable reductions in State funding.


The mission of the City of Grand Junction is to be the most livable City west of the Rockies by 2025. The City Council fully embraces that mission and supports ballot issue 3B because the quality of our schools and in turn the education that is provided to our students is one of the most important factors in achieving and sustaining a positive quality of life.


It is undeniable that education provides opportunity; opportunity to live and work at trades, careers and professions that may otherwise be unattainable without a strong educational foundation. When a community has strong schools it likely has a well educated work force. A well educated work force in turn contributes to a more stable and economically prosperous community.


For these reasons, among many others, the City Council concludes that investment in our schools is an investment in our future. That investment is best accomplished at this time by passage of ballot issue 3B.




The Grand Junction City Council declares its' support for ballot issue 3B and urges all qualified voters to cast their vote in support of 3B in the November election.



Adopted this 5th day of October, 2011.


               /s/: Tom Kenyon

President of the Council



/s/: Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk