Hospitality Suite Request - INTERNAL

1340 Gunnison Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-254-3866 Fax 970-242-1637

Today’s Date

City Department

Contact Name(s)


Mailing Address



Number we can reach you at during event

Account number to Journal Entry the fees from


Type of event

0 City only 0 City event with other entities or open to the public

Date of Event

Name or type of event (meeting, presentation, etc.)

Start Time (This is the time that staff will greet you and open the room)

End Time (What time will you be cleaned up and gone?)

Number of people expected

(Max occupancy determined by room set up)

Need access to A/V Equipment? (see Fees on reverse)

0 Yes 0 No (If yes, list equipment needed under Event details)

Which room set up would you like? (max. occupancy)

0 Banquet (96) 0 Classroom (54) 0 Cocktail (120) 0 Conference (48) 0 Theater (110) 0 U Style (30)

Do you want to have alcohol served? (see Fees on reverse)

0 Yes 0 No

If yes, what type?

0 Cash Bar 0 Host Bar 0 Combo

What time do you want the bar to start and end serving?


(Security will be scheduled from the time the bar opens until the conclusion of your event)

Would you like coffee service?

0 Yes 0 No

Will there be food at your event? (Required for alcohol events)

0 Yes 0 No

If yes, will the food be sold or given away?

0 Sold 0 Given away

Will the food be prepared by a business? If yes, please see #6 on reverse side.

0 Yes 0 No

Name of the business:

Will there be non-food/beverage sales?

0 Yes 0 No

Event details (timeline-please be detailed and specific, activities planned, equipment being set up, etc):

Special requests:











City Only

City with other entities and/or public




A/V Equipment (Screen, projector, cordless microphone, laptop computer)



Bar Set Up





$25/hour (per officer)

Coffee Service

$25 per event

$25 per event

Catering Warmer

Free but must be requested





Policies and Guidelines (A complete list is available upon request)

1.  CITY ONLY EVENTS: The Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel and/or supersede this reservation up to, and including, the date/time of the event. This type of event will be free if it is comprised of City staff conducting City related business. The primary use is for trainings and meetings.

2.  CITY EVENTS WITH OTHER ENTITIES AND/OR PUBLIC: This paid rental cannot be superseded by another event. This type of event may encompass any type of activity approved for the Hospitality Suite. This would include open houses, retirement celebrations, or any event when the public would be invited.

3.  ALCOHOL: Alcohol may not be brought into the Lincoln Park Sports Complex. All serving and sales of alcohol will be arranged and conducted by the City of Grand Junction. All events in which alcohol is being served shall host an appropriate level of food service (sandwiches or light snacks must be made available), complying with Colorado State Liquor Laws and Regulations. The City of Grand Junction reserves the right to refuse alcohol service to any patron at any time for any reason.

4.  CANCELLATION AND BOOKING POLICY: Reservations may be made once all School District, Colorado Mesa University, Rockies and JUCO schedules are in. Booking time must include any set-up and tear down time the lessee would want. This would include any time that caterers, florists, cake delivery or other party suppliers would need access. Time available for reservation is between 5:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. Payment in full and a completed Hospitality Suite Request are required at the time of reservation. Cancellations requested less that 30 days prior to the event will lose 50% of the rental fee. Cancellations requested less than 10 days prior to the event will not receive a refund.

5.  DECORATING, SIGNAGE AND ROOM SET UP: Lessee will choose a room set up option at least 14 days prior to the event. Any changes the day of the event will be the responsibility of the lessee. There are 12 round tables, 20 rectangle tables, 18 cocktail tables, and 100 chairs, a hardwire microphone, and staging kitchen are available for use. Included in the rental are tables and chairs. Not included are: Linens, utensils, glasses for food service, serving containers and access to any other part of the facility.

6.  FOOD: All caterers must be on the approved Concessionaire List. This list can be found at

7.  JANITORIAL SERVICES AND CLEANING: Leave the space as you found it. Put all trash in a trash can. In the Staging Kitchen wipe down all counters, clean out the refrigerator, and wipe down sink. Reminder, if there are any damages or excessive cleaning required, you will be billed for repairs, replacement costs, and labor.

8.  PARKING: The parking lot on the South side of the Lincoln Park Sports Complex is available for events held in the Hospitality Room.

9.  PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES AND MATERIALS: Painting, balloons, penetrating the walls, pre-storing any food or floral, animals, open flames (including candles), glitter or confetti, floor graphics, motorized vehicles, propane, blocking any exits. You can use painter’s tape. No ladders or step stools will be provided.

10.  SECURITY: Required security services will be arranged for by the City of Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Department for all events serving alcohol. A minimum of one officer is required for all events involving alcohol. Security will be scheduled from the time the bar opens until the conclusion or your event. Any person whose conduct is objectionable, disorderly or disruptive to the facility’s use or is in violation of any law shall be refused entrance or shall be immediately ejected from the premises. Lessee assumes full responsibility for the acts and conduct of its guests.

11.  SMOKING: Lincoln Park and the Lincoln Park Sports Complex are non-smoking.

12.  SOUND REGULATIONS: Noise levels may be controlled by the City of Grand Junction staff with final discretion for guest comfort and city noise requirements.

13.  STAGING KITCHEN: Equipment available is an ice machine, refrigerator, sink and counter space. All gray water must be disposed of in the janitor closet drain.


General Information

 To reach a staff member during your event call 1st: (970)697-7895, 2nd: (970) 260-6879

 The south gate (between the football field and baseball field) will be unlocked at the start time of your rental

 Only an IPod will connect to the sound system

 Free Wi-Fi is available, you will need to get the Wi-Fi password prior to your event

 There are 2,100 square feet of usable space

 Approximately 50 people can stand at the windows and watch a game at one time



Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________