Facility Request - INTERNAL

1340 Gunnison Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-254-3866 Fax 970-242-1637

Today’s Date

City Department

Contact Name(s)


Mailing Address



Number we can reach you at during event

Date(s) of event


Name of event


Account number to journal entry the fees from

Facility desired


Time (including setup and clean up)

o Barn o Lincoln Park Loop

o Shelter:

o Other:

o Barn o Lincoln Park Loop

o Shelter:

o Other:

o Barn o Lincoln Park Loop

o Shelter:

o Other:


Number of people expected

Need access to water?

o Yes o No

Will there be amplified music?

o Yes o No

Will anything be staked in the ground?

o Yes o No

If yes, what and where?

Lincoln Park Loop Events only: Will you need access to drive on to the grass?

o Yes o No

If yes, what time will you need access to begin?

What time will you need access to end?

Event details (timeline-please be detailed and specific, activities planned, equipment being set up, etc):

Special requests:









City Only

City with other entities and/or public




Lincoln Park Loop



Park Shelters


Fees range $50-$75 per 4 hours

Other park facilities


Fees vary






Facility Policies and Guidelines

1.  CITY ONLY EVENTS: The Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel and/or supersede this reservation up to, and including, the date/time of the event. This type of event will be free if it is comprised of City staff conducting City related business. The primary use is for trainings and meetings

2.  CITY EVENTS WITH OTHER ENTITIES AND/OR PUBLIC: This paid rental cannot be superseded by another event. This type of event may encompass any type of activity approved for the Hospitality Suite. This would include open houses, retirement celebrations, or any event when the public would be invited.

3.  ON SITE MEETING: It is recommended that most special events conduct an on-site meeting with staff.

4.  SECURITY: Security may be required based on type of event or crowd control needs, and final number of officers is based on staff discretion. Required security services will be arranged for by the lessee as dictated by Parks and Recreation requirements.

5.  SOUND REGULATIONS: Noise levels shall be maintained at a level that does not interfere with other park users and surrounding neighborhoods, per City Ordinance. Any sound or vibration produced by amplification or otherwise, must not be so loud as to unreasonably disturb any resident(s), business(es), or other park user(s). Any loud, raucous or unreasonably disturbing, jarring, or annoying sound or vibration will not be allowed and is in violation of this use agreement. Any event performance, concert or activity held in a City park or facility which causes, creates or produces such sound or vibration may be discontinued by the Director or his designee and the occupants, participants, and/or spectators, and such event may be required to leave and otherwise surrender the premises. Noncompliance with the terms of this agreement shall subject the Lessee to forfeiture of its deposit and rental fees and/or immediate termination of this use agreement and herein described.

6.  SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR PERMIT: In order to have alcoholic beverages at an event open to the public a liquor license is required.  All applications for special event liquor licenses are handled through the Grand Junction City Clerk (970)244-1510. Go to www.gjcity.org, under Administration choose City Clerk, for more information. A copy of the permit is to be provided to Grand Junction Parks and Recreation.


General Information

1.  REGULATIONS: All City of Grand Junction Parks are smoke free facilities; no glass containers are allowed; and State law permits persons of legal age to consume beverages with a maximum of 3.2% alcohol by volume. Tents requiring stakes must be approved by Parks and Recreation staff.

2.  ELECTRICITY: Electrical outlets are available in several shelters and parks; however usage may not exceed 15 amps (Long Park 20 amps). If electricity is necessary for an event, customers should consider having a back-up generator. Exceeding amperage may result in loss of electrical service. Overloaded circuits may not be reset and reservation fees will not be refunded.

3.  FOOD: All public events that are interested in having food or beverage at their event must use a vendor off of the approved vendor list at http://bit.ly/GJFOOD. County parks require advance notice of food sales, and sales are only allowed as part of a scheduled event.

4.  CLEAN UP: Area must be cleaned at completion of rental with all trash being placed in trash receptacles.

5.  DAMAGE: Any damage to park facilities and/or property, or not abiding by the above conditions, is cause for cancelation or withdrawal of this permit, or the non-issuance of any future permits, plus restitution for any park damage.




MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE: There are to be no markings, writing, or painting on any cement, asphalt, or park structure. Possible alternatives are cones, signs, lathe, or people. If marking on grass is necessary, and pre-approved, water-based field marking paint must be used.  All signage needs to be removed at the end of your event.



Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________