Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:


Section 1. Every person, persons, association or corporation desiring to obtain a license or permit to conduct or carry on any business, avocation or calling mentioned in this ordinance or in any ordinances of this city requiring a license, or for which a license shall be hereafter required, shall pay to the City Treasurer in cash, in advance, the amount specified as the license fee for such business. The Treasurer shall thereupon issue to such person, persons, association or corporation, duplicate receipts dated and numbered, which shall specify the amount so paid and the purpose for which the same was paid, and upon filing one such receipts with the City Clerk, it shall be his duty to issue to the person, persons, association or corporation therein named, a license for the purpose therein specified, except as otherwise herein provided.


Section 2. All annual license fees shall be paid in advance, provided, however, where the license fee is $15.00 or more per annum and is fixed at a certain sum per annum and no six months' fee is specified, licenses may be issued semi-annually upon the payment of one-half of such sum, but no license shall be granted at any time for a longer period than one year, and every license shall expire on or before the last day of December next following the issuance thereof, and in all cases the period or term of the license shall be expressed therein.


Section 3. All licenses shall be subject to the ordinances and regulations of the City Council which may be in force at the time of issuing thereof or during the period covered by such license and of the statutes of the State of Colorado so far as the same shall apply. Any license may be revoked at the discretion of the City Council when it shall appear that the lecensee has violated any of the ordinances of the City of Grand Junction or any of the laws of the State of Colorado, or has knowingly permitted any of the ordinances of the City of Grand Junction or any of the laws of the State of Colorado to be violated by any person or persons in his place of business for which a license has been granted.


Section 4. No license shall be assigned or transferred without the permission of the City Council, expressed by resolutions to that effect, nor shall any such license authorize any person to do business or act under it but the person, persons, association or corporation named therein.


Section 5. All license certificates shall be issued under the seal of the city, be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and shall be as nearly as possible in the following form:








Grand Junction, Colo., 19


IN CONSIDERATION of the payment to the City of Grand Junction of the sum of Dollars, license is hereby granted in conformity with the Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, to to carry on the business of in said City of Grand Junction, for the term of beginning 19, and ending 19 at No. Street.


Badge No.


This license may be suspended or revoked as provided by Ordinance.


Given under my hand and the Seal of the City, the day and year above written.





City Clerk.


/s/ Chas. E. Cherrington

City Mgr.


Treasurer's Receipt No.


 Section 6. The City Clerk shall keep a license register in which shall be entered the name of each and every person licensed pursuant to the ordinances of the city, the date of the license, the purpose for which it is granted, the amount paid therefor and the time the same will expire or continue in force.


 Section 7. Each day that any person, persons, association or corporation shall carry on, pursue or manage any business, avocation or calling in the City of Grand Junction for which a license is required, without first obtaining a license therefor, shall be deemed a separate offense, and such person, persons, association or corporation, shall on conviction be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $200.00, with costs, for each offense.


 Section 8. No person, persons, association or corporation in this city shall conduct, carry on or engage in any business, avocation or calling, in this ordinance named, without first obtaining a license therefor, and shall pay for such license as hereinafter specified, viz.


 1st--Street hawkers, ten dollars ($10.00) per day. (The word hawker as herein referred to is defined as a salesman who cries out his goods, and sells the same on a public street.)


 2d. Foot peddlers carrying pack articles, one dollar ($1.00) per day.


Peddlers with one or two horse wagon, fifty dollars ($50.00) per year, or two dollars ($2.00) per day.


 3d. For foot peddlers or stands in the main business section for the sale of novelties, canes or other merchandise during the week of the Mesa County Fair or other special occasions when large crowds congregate in the city, not including eatables or drinkables, and not including street hawkers, two dollars ($2.00) per day.


 4th. Shooting galleries, one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum, or sixty-five dollars ($65.00) for six months, or fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month, or five dollars ($5.00) per week, or two dollars ($2.00) per day.


 5th. Photographs, striking machines, lifting machines, exhibitions on the street, or other amusements not herein enumerated, on or adjacent to streets, in all cases where charges are made by parties holding such amusements or managing such machines, fifty dollars ($50.00) per year, ten dollars ($10.00) per month, five dollars ($5.00) per week, or one dollar ($1.00) per day.


 6th. Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel, or similar amusement devices, ten dollars ($10.00) per week, except during the week of the Mesa County Fair or other special occasions when large crowds congregate in the city, at which time the license shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per week, or ten dollars ($10.00) per day.


 7th. For halls, theatres, opera houses or other places of amusement for the exhibition of theatrical performances, musical concerts, shows or exhibitions by travelling performers, and for all other shows, exhibitions and performances (circuses and menageries excepted), licenses may be issued to any proprietor or manager of any such hall, theatre, opera house or other place of amusement, upon the payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the year, and if no such license is issued by the year, then any such show, theatrical play or performance as aforesaid, shall not be given or held except upon the payment of five dollars ($5.00) for a license for each day of such performance, provided that this section shall not apply to lyceum courses supported by public subscription, or for entertainments given for the benefit of charitable, religious or fraternal institutions.


 8th. Circuses, menageries, or circuses and menageries, or trained animal show under canvas, shall pay as follows:


   a. One ring, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day. Two rings, fifty dollars ($50.00) per day. Three rings or more, seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day.


   b. For each side show or traveling exhibition accompanying any of the above mentioned shows, for which an extra charge for admission is made thereto (whether under the same management or not) the sum of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each sideshow or exhibition.


 9th. For theatrical, vaudeville or other entertainments under canvas, five dollars ($5.00) per day. Street fairs, five dollars ($5.00) per day for each separate tent or booth.


 Section 9. For each express wagon, motor vehicle, transfer wagon, job wagon, omnibus, hack or other vehicle used and kept for hire for carrying articles of any description or for carrying passengers within this city, fifteen dollars ($15.00) per annum, provided that the owner or proprietor of each such licensed express wagon, transfer wagon, job wagon, omnibus, hack or vehicle shall have fixed to each side of said express wagon, transfer wagon, job wagon, omnibus, hack or vehicle, the number of the same in plain and conspicuous figures not less than one and one-half (1- 1/2) inches in length, which number shall be assigned to such vehicle by the City Clerk at the time of issuing license therefor. No express wagon, transfer wagon, job wagon, omnibus, hack or vehicle shall be deemed licensed under this ordinance unless the same shall have attached thereto the number as herein provided. Nothing in this ordinance shall be held to require the procuring of a license for livery stable keepers on vehicles used for strictly livery business, nor to include omnibuses or hacks used and run exclusively by hotel keepers conveying passengers, goods and baggage to and from hotels free of charge, nor merchants and retail dealers delivering their goods, wares, and merchandise free of charge with their own vehicles, provided said dealers have vehicles used exclusively for that purpose. This section shall not apply to vehicles used for transporting building materials within the city.


 Section 10. Dealers in cigarettes, fifty dollars ($50.00) per annum. A dealer in tobacco who sells or gives away cigarette papers shall be held and considered to be a dealer in cigarettes.


 Section 11. For each bowling alley or pin ball alley, twenty dollars ($20.00) per alley. This section shall not apply to fraternal and religious institutions operating such tables for their members only.


 Section 12. Auctioneers, who auction goods, chattels, wares and merchandise, thirty dollars ($30.00) per annum, or two dollars ($2.00) per day, provided that a license shall not be required for the sale of goods, chattels, wares and merchandise by sheriffs, coroners, marshals, executors, guardians, assignees of insolvent debtors or bankrupts, or any other person required by law to sell property at auction.


 Section 13. A person, association or corporation conducting an employment agency as defined by the statutes of Colorado shall pay twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year, provided an employment agency conducted by the State of Colorado shall not be required to be so licensed.


 Section 14. A license shall not be issued to a junk dealer until he shall have given a good and sufficient bond to the city of Grand Junction in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned upon such dealer observing the laws of the State of Colorado and the Ordinances and Charter of the City of Grand Junction.


 Section 15. Ordinance No. 8, passed and adopted September 26, 1891; No. 69, passed and adopted February 9, 1898; No. 76, passed and adopted May 16, 1898; Articles XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI of Ordinance No. 83, passed and adopted June 30, 1899; No. 104, passed and adopted June 18, 1901; No. 106, passed and adopted July 30, 1901; No. 122, passed and adopted December 8, 1903; No. 125, passed and adopted June 24, 1904; No. 130, passed and adopted June 14, 1905; No. 161, passed and adopted June 8, 1909, and No. 210, passed and adopted May 27, 1913, be and the same are hereby repealed.


Passed and adopted this 10th day of August, A. D. 1915.


/s/ Chas. E. Cherrington




/s/ Charles K. Holmburg

City Clerk.


I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance Concerning Licenses," was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, held on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1915, and that the same was published in full in The Daily News, a daily newspaper published and in general circulation in said city, at least ten days before its passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city, this 10th day of August, A. D. 1915.




/s/ Charles K. Holmburg

City Clerk.


First publication, July 16, 1915.


Final publication, August 13, 1915.